Monday, 26 December 2022



This closing week of the year 2022 is a meaningful period for reflection on our nation’s plight. The likeness of our present societal climate with the times of the first Christmas is striking.


First Christmas Then.

“Mary and Joseph, New Testament scholars say, living in an oppressive society… were heavily taxed by local and faraway rulers…the peasants at the time Jesus was born lived in an atmosphere of upheaval and social discontent.” (Tale of Jesus’ Birth Provides Look at Social Climate of the Times, Los Angeles Times, Dec. 24, 1994)

Richard Horsley, author of “Liberation of Christmas,” a book about the social and political climate at the time of Jesus’ birth, suggests a tense and often confrontational relationship that existed between the farmers, fishermen, and townspeople of Galilee and Herod, Roman officials, and the urban aristocracy, who held all the wealth and power.

About 10% of the population was born into nobility and lived lavishly. The remaining 90% worked the fields around Nazareth, growing grapes, olives, and grain, Horsley said.

“Some may have been better off than others – and we’re talking about approximately 90% of the Mediterranean population – but most peasants lived a precarious existence,” biblical scholar John Dominic Crossan said in an interview in Christian Century magazine. L.A. Times in the same article chronicled that while the rich prospered, the peasants suffered.

PH Christmas Today.

“Rich-Poor Divide in PH Among Worst in Region” (Inquirer)

The Philippines remains a world laggard in closing the gap between the rich and poor, the Inquirer reported, as a consequence of meager funding for social services, dismal tax collection rates, and low respect for labor rights during the pandemic, according to a study by Oxfam International and Development Finance News (DFN).

The World Bank in its latest study released on November 24, 2022, on PH poverty highlighted: “In 2021, poverty rose to 18.1 percent despite large government assistance. The economy has begun to rebound but signs are emerging that the recovery will be uneven. Prolonged loss of income has taken a heavy toll on the poorest households.”

As of 2022, over 5.6 million Filipino families, Rappler reported, are living in poverty according to findings of the Listahanan 3 survey released by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).


First Christmas Then

Excerpts of original research, “Poverty in the First-Century Galilee,” by Sakari Hakkinen of the Department of New Testament Studies, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa, cited:

“In the ancient world poverty was a visible and common phenomenon. According to estimations 9 out of 10 persons lived close to the subsistence level or below it. There was no middle class. The state did not show much concern for the poor…

“Inequality was typical for all the societies in the Ancient world. M.I. Finley [academic & classical scholar] writes:

‘The obvious difficulty with the city-state as a community, with its stress on mutual sharing of both burdens and benefits, was the hard fact that its members were unequal. The most troublesome inequality was not between town and country, not between classes, but simply between rich and poor.’

PH Christmas Today

“Philippines Wealth Gap Widens” – World Bank

In a report titled “Overcoming Poverty and Inequality in the Philippines: Past, Present, and Prospects for the Future,” the World Bank said:

“Inequality remains high: the top 1% of earners together capture 17% of national income, with only 14% being shared by the bottom 50%. With an income Gini coefficient [which measures income inequality within a nation] of 42.3% in 2018, the Philippines had one of the highest rates of income inequality in East Asia.”

An elite few continue to hold a bulk of national wealth, World Bank reported.

Studies also found that the Philippines is “struggling with deeply rooted inequality, shaped by the sociopolitical environment.


First Christmas Then

Here’s an episode taken from the play “When Mary Tells Joseph.”

Mary: Joseph, my betrothed, my darling, I must tell you what more the angel said.

Joseph: [Smiling and very happy.] Continue. I believe you! I am excited!

Mary: Joseph, the angel did not mention you. [Joseph is startled.]

Joseph: What? I don’t understand.

Mary: [She speaks slowly.] I asked how I could have a son since I am a virgin. The angel answered that the Holy Spirit will come upon me.

Joseph: What?? [Dropping his hands.] What does that mean? ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon’ you?

Mary: [Patiently and trying to understand herself.] Well, it’s hard to explain, but it happened. Let me continue telling you what the angel told me. The angel said, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.’

Joseph: [Puzzled, drawing away.] What? ‘The Most High will overshadow you’? ‘So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.’ What do those statements mean?

Mary: I’ll tell you. But let me continue what the angel said. Then the angel immediately told me that my relative Elizabeth was going to have a child in her old age and was in her sixth month. It was as if Elizabeth’s pregnancy was to be a sign that everything the angel said was true.

Joseph: Well, Elizabeth is pregnant.

Mary: [Taking a deep breath, walking over to him.] Joseph, this is what I must tell you. I am pregnant.

Joseph: [Astounded] What? [Many emotions cross his face. Disbelief. Amazement. Anger, especially anger. He backs away from Mary. He storms around the stage. He rubs his hand through his hair. He returns to Mary.] Pregnant? You? Who has done this? Who has defiled my betrothed?

Mary: No man has defiled me. No one has raped me. I am still a virgin.

Joseph: [Loudly. Beginning to show anger.] But how can you be pregnant?

PH Christmas Today

Let’s set aside the context of the above play and get past Joseph and Mary’s story. Instead, let’s spotlight the anger on one side and the dejection on the other side. Then, let’s recall this one question we could have raised over the dinner table or wherever in the recent past: “How could you ever vote for this candidate to be our next President?” As a consequence of such a soul-stirring question: How many bonds of brotherhood, sisterhood, parenthood, neighborhood, friendships, and other relationships have turned stale, if not left broken, to this day?

“’Polarized Society’ May Await Filipinos After May 9 National Elections – W & R” (Inquirer)

“The campaign reflects the polarization of society that might be carried over to the next administration. This is what political life and social life would look like post-election, which could be a potential political instability that could impact the business sector.” (Dr. Robin Michael Garcia, Founder, and CEO of W & R)


“There were shepherds camping in the countryside, keeping watch over their flocks by night. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to them, with the Glory of the Lord shining around them.

“As they were terrified, the angel said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid; I am here to give you good news, great joy for all people. Today a Savior has been born to you in David’s town; he is the Messiah and the Lord. Let this be a sign to you; you will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger.

“Just then the angel was surrounded by many more angels, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest; peace on earth for God is blessing humankind.’” (Luke 2:8-14)

May God bless the Philippines in the New Year 2023!

Head still photo courtesy of Admiral General M. @ pixabaydotcom

Thursday, 22 December 2022



[Inspired by the Christmas song “Christmas Alphabet,” I composed this article with ChatGPT’s help as my content source.]


In December 1950 during the Korean War, a group of soldiers from the United States Army were fighting in the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea. The fighting was intense, and the conditions were harsh with freezing temperatures and deep snow. Despite the challenges, a group of soldiers decided to do something to show compassion and kindness to those around them.

They organized a Christmas party for the children in a nearby orphanage that had been caught in the crossfire of the fighting. The soldiers gathered donations of food, clothing, and other supplies, and they spent the day before Christmas preparing and decorating the orphanage for the party. The act of compassion and the desire to help others brought the spirit of Christmas to life amid the war, and it brought hope and joy to the children and to the soldiers who organized the party.


“Whispering Hope” is a popular hymn that was written in 1868 by Alice Hawthorne and composed by her husband, Septimus Winner. The lyrics of the song express a message of hope and comfort, with the title itself referring to the idea of hope being a quiet, gentle presence that whispers encouragement and reassurance.

The small town of Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada, in the late 1980s, was facing a major economic downturn, and many families were struggling to make ends meet. One local woman, Mary O’Neil, was deeply moved by the suffering of her neighbors and decided to take action. She organized a Christmas food drive and collected donations of food, clothing, and toys to distribute to families in need. On Christmas Eve, Mary and a team of volunteers delivered the donations to the homes of those who had been struggling.

The act of kindness brought joy and hope to many in the community, and Mary’s compassion inspired others to join her in helping those in need. This small act of compassion made a big difference in the lives of those who received the donations, and it helped to bring the spirit of Christmas to life in Weyburn.


One Christmas story that is widely revered and beloved is “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. He wrote his classic in the mid-1800s at a time when the holiday season was not widely celebrated and the plight of the poor and disadvantaged was often overlooked. He was deeply moved by the social and economic injustices of the time and he was determined to use his talents as a writer to bring attention to these issues and inspire change.

In “A Christmas Carol,” Dickens tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old man who is visited by three ghosts of Christmas Eve. The ghosts show Scrooge the error of his ways and inspire him to become a better person, spreading joy and generosity to those around him. “A Christmas Carol” is a timeless tale that has touched the hearts of countless readers and audiences for over 150 years. It continues to be a beloved holiday classic, reminding us of the redemptive power of compassion and the importance of spreading joy and hope during the holiday season.


In the small town of Medford, Massachusetts in 1857, James Lord Pierpont wrote the now-famous Christmas carol “Jingle Bells.” The song quickly gained popularity and became a holiday staple, but its origins were somewhat bittersweet. Pierpont wrote the song while he was feeling homesick for New England during the holiday season while he was living in Savannah, Georgia. He missed the snow and the festive atmosphere of the North, and so he poured his heart into composing a cheerful tune that would transport him back home, at least in spirit.

Despite the distance between them, Pierpont’s love for his family and for the traditions of the holiday season shone through in the enduring classic that is “Jingle Bells.” The song has now been translated into numerous languages and is enjoyed by people all over the world, but it will always hold a special place in the hearts of those who know its poignant history and the longing for home that inspired its creation.


During World War 1, a series of informal ceasefires took place along the Western Front during the holiday season known as the Christmas Truce of 1914. On Christmas Eve, soldiers on both sides of the conflict began to hear carolers singing from the other side of the trenches. As the night went on, the soldiers began to emerge from their trenches and exchange greetings and small gifts. In some cases, they even played soccer together.

The Christmas Truce was a brief but powerful moment of unity and peace amid the chaos and violence of war. It showed that even amid the conflict, people of different nations and backgrounds can come together in solidarity and show compassion towards one another. The Christmas Truce remains a powerful symbol of the holiday season’s message of unity and goodwill to all men.


In December 1970, a group of soldiers from the United States Army were fighting in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. The fighting was intense, and the conditions were harsh, with hot, humid weather and the constant threat of enemy attack. Despite the challenges, a group of soldiers decided to take a break from the fighting and celebrate the holiday season in a special way. They organized a Christmas Eve service, complete with hymns, prayers, and a message of hope.

The service brought a sense of spiritual togetherness to the soldiers, and it helped to lift their spirits amid the war. The spirit of Christmas, with its message of hope, transcended the difficulties of war, and it brought a sense of spiritual community to those who celebrated it.


In the late 2000s, a family of slum dwellers was struggling to survive in the crowded and chaotic city of Mumbai, India. The parents were poor and struggling to find work, and their children were hungry and cold. Despite their circumstances, the family was determined to celebrate the holiday season and find joy and merriment amid their struggles.

On Christmas Eve, the family gathered together in their tiny one-room hut, and they sang Christmas carols and played games. They shared a small meal of rice and vegetables, and they exchanged gifts that they had made with their own hands. The celebration of Christmas brought joy and cheer to the family, and it helped to lift their spirits amid poverty and hardship. The pure essence of Christmas merriment transcended the difficulties of their circumstances, and it brought hope and cheer to the family.


During World War II in December of 1944, Allied troops were fighting in the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium. The fighting was intense, and the conditions were harsh, with freezing temperatures and deep snow. Despite the challenges, a group of soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division decided to do something to bring a sense of hope and joy to those around them. They gathered donations of food, clothing, and other supplies from their rations, and they organized a Christmas party for the children in a nearby village that had been devastated by the fighting.

The act of selfless giving and the desire to help others exemplified the essence of altruism, and it brought the spirit of Christmas to life amid the war. The Christmas party was a small but meaningful gesture, and it brought hope and joy to the children and to the soldiers who organized it.


Finally, here’s a heartwarming Christmas story, “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry, about a young couple, Jim and Della, who are struggling financially but are deeply in love. Despite their limited means, they each want to give the other a special gift for Christmas. Della sells her beautiful long hair to buy a chain for Jim’s watch, and Jim sells his watch to buy combs for Della’s hair.

When they exchange gifts on Christmas morning, they both realize that their sacrifices have left them unable to use the gifts they received. However, they are still deeply touched by the thought and love behind the gifts, and they are grateful for what they have. The story is a poignant reminder of the true spirit of Christmas and the importance of love and appreciation.


Head still photo courtesy of pixabaydotcom

Monday, 19 December 2022



[This Christmas trilogy I produced in collaboration with ChatGPT, a new cutting-edge AI chatbot. I put up the creative elements of the stories – characters, plot, setting, theme, point of view and style through instructions. ChatGPT took care of the basic elements of writing – paragraphs, transitions, appropriate language and tone, grammar, spelling, and punctuations – and generated the whole piece.]


Once upon a time in the little town of Bethlehem, three neighbors – an innkeeper, an atheist, and a father – got together at the innkeeper’s birthday celebration. Serendipitously, as they chatted, they came to know, on the spur of the moment, that they all had an amazing experience on the same night many years ago.

They all heard the cry of a baby from a manger nearby, and each of their lives had been changed awesomely. As they shared their stories, they realized that they were not alone in going through such an amazing experience. This Christmas trilogy tells the tale of how the impact of hearing the cry of baby Jesus transformed the trio’s lives.

[Instruction 1. Could you compose a personal story of an innkeeper who narrates to his friends about an unforgettable event that happened many years ago when he turned away a couple with pregnant wife, then later that night he was awakened and irritated by the cry of a baby coming from a manger nearby? That cry of the baby he had heard which he learned later from others was the birth of the Savior that changed his life.]


One evening, a couple knocked on my door, seeking a room for the night. The woman was heavily pregnant and they seemed desperate for a place to stay. But I had no room available and I turned them away.

I went back to bed, but I couldn’t sleep. The cry of a baby kept waking me up. It was coming from a manger nearby, where we kept the animals. I was annoyed. I thought it was one of the animals making noise and disturbing my sleep. But as the cries grew louder and more persistent, I realized it was a human baby.

I got out of bed and followed the sound to the manger. And there, lying in the straw, was a newborn baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes and surrounded by a group of shepherds. They told me that a Savior was born, the Messiah and the Lord.

At first, I couldn’t believe it. I had turned away a couple with a pregnant wife just hours earlier, and now a Savior had been born in my stable.

After that extraordinary night, I committed to never turning away anyone in need again. I also made it a point to treat everyone with kindness and respect, no matter who they were or where they came from. I saw that birth as my second chance.

Over the years, I have welcomed countless travelers into my inn. My life has been forever changed by that cry of a baby in the manger, and I am grateful for such a second chance given to me.

[Instruction 2. Could you compose a personal story of an atheist who narrates to his friends about an unforgettable event that happened many years ago in which one night he dreamed he was thinking of ending his life because of his incurable cancer amid his lonely life of being alone when all of a sudden he heard a cry of a baby from a manger nearby? In his dream, he took a peek at what’s going on inside the manger and saw the newly-born baby. When he woke up the next day, his attitudes in life changed. He later heard that morning from other folks that a baby was born that night in the manger and said to be the Savior. He thought God gave him the last chance to restore his belief in the Creator.]


            It was a dark and lonely night. I had been struggling with cancer for years, and I had reached my lowest point. I was lying in my bed, thinking about how tired I was of fighting when I suddenly fell into a deep sleep.

In my dream, I found myself standing outside in a cold, dark field. It was quiet, except for the sound of a baby crying in the distance. I followed the sound until I came upon a small manger, where I saw a newborn baby lying inside.

As I stood there, staring at the tiny, fragile life before me, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. It was as if the baby was telling me that everything was going to be alright and that there was still hope.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt renewed and refreshed. I no longer felt the despair and hopelessness that had consumed me the night before.

As I went about my day, I couldn’t help but wonder if the dream had been more than just a dream. I had heard that there was a baby born in the manger where I saw the newborn in my dream. Could it be that God had sent me a message in my sleep?

I don’t know for sure, but what I do know is that the experience changed my life. It gave me a new perspective on my struggles and helped me to see that there is always hope, no matter how dark things may seem.

Since that fateful night, I have come to believe that God gives us many chances to restore our faith in Him. He is always there, watching over us and guiding us on our journey. And even though I may still face challenges and struggles in my life, I know that I am never alone and that with faith and perseverance, I can overcome anything.

[Instruction 3. Could you compose a personal story of a poor father of four small kids who narrates to his friends about an unforgettable event that happened many years ago he was coming home one night to his family waiting for him and his usual routine of bringing home something for dinner? Unfortunately, that night, he had nothing to bring home because no one had hired him that day as a hired laborer. While walking home, he’s angry with himself and worried about his empty stomach and of his wife and children.

As he came closer to home, he’s feeling desperate and didn’t know what to do when, all of a sudden, he heard a cry of a baby from a manger nearby. He met some shepherds who told him about the newly-born baby. He kneeled in the middle of the road and prayed to God. He got home where he found his wife cooking a little from out of their last reserves. The following morning, an innkeeper knocked at the door looking for him to help renovate the stable where the baby was born. The father was glad for the new job offered by the innkeeper and thanked God.]

FATHER’S STORY (ChatGPT Generated)

I was walking home with a heavy heart on that one cold night. I had been out all day, looking for work as a hired laborer, but no one had hired me. I had nothing to bring home for my family, and I knew my wife and four small children would be waiting for me, hungry and disappointed.

As I dragged myself on my way home, feeling angry and frustrated with myself, I heard the faint cry of a baby in the distance. I followed the sound until I came upon a small manger, where I saw a group of shepherds huddled around a newborn baby.

One of the shepherds, a kind-looking man noticed my distress and asked if I was okay. I told him about my family and my worries, and he listened patiently. Then he told me that the baby in the manger was the Messiah and Lord.

I was stunned. I had never been a religious man, but something about the shepherd’s words touched me deeply. I fell to my knees in the middle of the road and prayed to God, thanking Him for this miracle and asking for His help in my time of need.

When I got home, my wife managed to scrape together a little bit of food for our family’s dinner. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and love for her and our children.

The next morning, an innkeeper came knocking at our door, looking for me. He had heard about my hard work and dedication, and he offered me a job helping him renovate the stable where the baby had been born. I was overjoyed at the opportunity to provide for my family. You, my neighbor and friend, is that innkeeper, and I thank God for your generosity and kindness.

Looking back on that unforgettable night, I am filled with gratitude for the many blessings God has given me and my family. Though we may have struggled at times, we have always been able to rely on His love and guidance to see us through.


As the three neighbors came together reflecting on the mystery of hearing the cry of baby Jesus from the manger that fateful night, in many ways, the cry of the poor, the last, the least, and the lost in our society today, is just as powerful and transformative.

The real essence of such experience lies in the paradox that as we reach out to help others, we are also divinely empowered ourselves. Amid the noise and haste of this world, by answering the cry of the poor, we are transformed into a seemingly new different creation.

In celebrating this Christmas, may we all be inspired to listen to the cry of those in need and to open our hearts to the transformative power of love and compassion.

Merry Christmas!

Head still photo courtesy of pixabaydotcom

Thursday, 15 December 2022



[This hypothetical speech I composed in an hour or two, thanks to ChatGPT, a new cutting-edge AI chatbot. I supplied the facts in hand through instructions and ChatGPT provided detailed responses which fashioned the whole package – as simple as that.]


Could you write a speech to lawmakers who propose to put up a Sovereign Wealth Fund, by first, defining it, second, enumerating and explaining the measures to reduce the risk of failure that happened to 1MDB, third, enumerating the socio-political and economic conditions that can increase the likelihood of success, and fourth, comparing the requirements for success against the unfavorable realities?

GDP growth rate is weak, unemployment and inflation rates are high, deficit is always up, foreign exchange reserves is down, and corruption is in the cellar in corruption perceptions index in the region. Hence, advise the lawmakers to rack their brains and never lose track of the saying: "an ounce of prevention (of failure) is worth a pound of cure.”


Could you build in the speech that rather than force the issue and spend so much time, effort, and resources in undertaking a Sovereign Wealth Fund which is full of uncertainties, why not focus our attention instead on serving our people who now suffer from lack of proper education, have no adequate shelter along with limited access to electricity, water, and proper sanitation facilities, less access to healthcare, live through the rising cost of food and basic commodities?

The children suffer from malnourishment and many are turning to a life of drug-related crimes to make ends meet. The whole country is flooded with inflation, income inequality, and a lack of job opportunities.

[I added snippets of instructions: begin the speech with Charles Dickens’ famous line, then conclude with a proverbial saying, bad-news-good-news wrap, and Christmas wishes to all.]


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. This famous line from Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities” captures the duality of our current situation as we consider the potential risks and challenges of establishing a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF).

On the one hand, it is the best of times because it is Christmas time, a season of joy, peace, and goodwill. We have the opportunity to come together as a nation and celebrate the things that bring us joy and hope.

On the other hand, it is the worst of times because we are faced with difficult decisions and complex challenges. We must be mindful of the many factors that could impact its success or failure. I will address these challenges in more detail later in my message.

The 1MDB scandal has shown us the potential risks and challenges of SWF. As we consider the possibility of creating such a fund, we must learn from this experience and put measures in place to reduce the likelihood of failure. But are the socio-political and economic conditions in our country favorable for the success of an SWF, or should we instead focus on addressing the pressing needs of our people? Let us carefully consider the potential risks and challenges, and strive to make the best decision for the future of our country.

SWF is typically created to invest a portion of a country’s surplus revenues from natural resources or foreign exchange reserves in a diverse range of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or commodities. The main goal of an SWF is to provide a long-term source of income for a country and to support its economy in times of crisis or uncertainty.

However, the 1MDB scandal has shown us the potential risks of managing an SWF. Some of these measures could include greater transparency and accountability in the management of the fund, more rigorous risk management and investment strategies, and stronger oversight from independent regulatory bodies.

For an SWF to be successful, certain socio-political and economic conditions must be present. For example, the country should have a stable and transparent political environment, a sound legal framework, and a well-functioning financial system. Additionally, the fund should be managed by experienced and professional investment managers who have a deep understanding of the markets in which they are investing.

Unfortunately, our current economic situation is not particularly favorable for the success of an SWF. Our GDP growth rate is weak, our unemployment and inflation rates are high. Additionally, we have a large deficit and our foreign exchange reserves are going downhill. Furthermore, our country has been ranked near the bottom in the corruption perceptions index in the region.

Given these unfavorable realities, it may be more beneficial for us lawmakers to focus our attention on addressing the pressing needs of our people. Many of them are suffering from a lack of access to education, healthcare, and necessities such as shelter, electricity, and water. The rising cost of food and other essential goods is making it increasingly difficult for them to make ends meet, and we are seeing more and more children suffering from malnutrition. Additionally, the lack of job opportunities and income equality is driving some of our people to turn to a life of drug-related crime.

Rather than spending so much time, effort, and resources on establishing an SWF with all of its uncertainties, we should focus on serving the people who elected us and addressing their urgent needs.

The proverb says, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” This saying reminds us that it is often better to hold onto something that is certain, rather than take a risk on something that may or may not pan out. By being cautious and conservative in our decision-making, we can protect ourselves from potential losses and disappointments.

As we come to the end of my message, I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that I am assigning you all this SWF homework to take with you when you leave this august hall. The good news is that it is Christmas time, and this is a season of joy, peace, and goodwill. Let us remember the true spirit of Christmas and strive to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!

Head still photo courtesy of pixabaydotcom

Sunday, 11 December 2022



[This Christmas story I composed in an hour, thanks to ChatGPT. I visualized five scenes and framed an instruction depicting each scene. ChatGPT responded with the corresponding dialogue.]

PROLOGUE. Instruction: Write a brief introduction about the meaning of Christmas, family, forgiveness, and love.


ChatGPT Response:

Christmas is a time for family, forgiveness, and love. It is a time to come together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time to forgive those who have wronged us and to show love to those around us. Christmas is a time of joy, hope, and renewal.


SCENE 1. Instruction: Write an intense dialogue between Joe and pregnant Mae who eloped and argue about whether or not they go home to Mae’s parents. Joe is scared of Mae’s angry father while Mae insists on going home on Christmas Eve as the right time to ask her parents for forgiveness and blessing on their first child.


ChatGPT Dialogue:

JOE: Mae, I don’t think it’s a good idea to go back to your parents’ house. Your dad is going to be furious when he sees us.

MAE: Joe, we have to face the music sooner or later. And what better time to do it than on Christmas Eve? We can ask for their forgiveness and blessing for our child.

JOE: I know you’re hoping for a happy ending, but I just don’t think it’s going to happen. Your dad had never liked me, and now we’ve eloped and are having a baby. He’s going to lose his mind.

MAE: Joe, please. This is the child we’re talking about. We can’t just hide from my parents forever. And besides, it’s Christmas. Surely they’ll be in a forgiving mood.

JOE: I don’t know, Mae. I don’t want to put you or our baby in danger. Your dad has a temper, and I’m not sure he’ll be able to control himself when he sees us.

MAE: Joe, I understand your concern. But I believe in the power of family and forgiveness. We have to at least try to make things right with my parents. It’s the right thing to do.

JOE: Fine, Mae. If this is what you want, then we’ll go. But I’m not making any promises about how it will turn out.

MAE: Thank you, Joe. I know it won’t be easy, but I have faith that everything will work out in the end. Let’s go home and face my parents together.

SCENE 2. Instruction: Write a serious dialogue between Mae’s parents, Dad and Mom, talking with each other, worrying about pregnant Mae’s situation. Dad is still angry about what Mae did, eloping with her fiancée Joe, while Mom calms down Dad telling him it’s Christmas.


ChatGPT Dialogue:

DAD: I can’t believe our daughter has gotten herself into this mess. How could she be so irresponsible?

MOM: I know you’re upset, dear, but let’s not jump to conclusions. We don’t know the full story yet.

DAD: What’s there to know? Mae has gotten herself pregnant and eloped with that no-good Joe. And on top of that, they didn’t even have the decency to tell us.

MOM: I know you’re angry, but it’s Christmas time. Let’s try to be understanding and forgiving. Mae is our daughter, and she’s going through a difficult time.

DAD: I understand that, but she made her choices. She chose to run off and get married without our blessing, and now she’s going to have to face the consequence.

MOM: I understand your anger, dear, but let’s not be too hard on Mae. She’s still our daughter, and we love her. And think about the grandchild we’re going to have. It’s a blessing, not a punishment.

DAD: I suppose you’re right. It’s just hard for me to understand how she could do something like this without thinking about the consequences.

MOM: Let’s not dwell on the past. Let’s focus on the future and our growing family. We’ll get through this together, as a family. And maybe, just maybe, we can find it in our hearts to forgive Mae and Joe. It’s a season of forgiveness, after all.


SCENE 3. Instruction: Write a dramatic dialogue of the tense encounter between Dad with Mom and Mae with Joe. Dad is still angry while Mae is sorry and begging for forgiveness for the wrong they did, Mom is pleading with Dad to forgive the couple and bless their grandchild in her womb because it’s Christmas Eve, while Joe remains silent the whole time. But, Dad is inconsolable and drives Mae and Joe out of the house. Mom cries while telling Dad he’s mean.


ChatGPT Dialogue:

DAD: Mae, I can’t believe you would do something like this to us. Running off and getting married without our blessing? And now you’re pregnant? What were you thinking?

MAE: Dad, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just fell in love with Joe, and we couldn’t wait any longer to be together.

MOM: Please, dear, let’s not be too hard on them. It’s Christmas Eve, after all. Let’s forgive them and bless their child.

DAD: I can’t believe you’re taking their side, Mom. They’ve disrespected us and betrayed our trust. I won’t forgive them, and I won’t bless their child.

MAE: Please, Dad, I’m begging you. I know I made a mistake, but I love Joe and our baby. Please, let us make things right.

DAD: I won’t have you in my house any longer. You’ve made your choices, and now you’ll have to live with them. Get out of my sight, and don’t come back until you’ve learned to respect your parents and the sanctity of marriage.

MAE (tearfully): Dad, please. I’m sorry.

MOM (crying): How can you be so mean, dear? They’re our children, and they’re going through a difficult time. Have a heart.

DAD: I’ve had enough. Mae, Joe, get out of my house. And don’t come back until you’re ready to apologize and make things right.

MAE (sobbing): I’m sorry, Mom. I’m sorry, Dad.

JOE: Let’s go, Mae. There’s no point in trying to reason with him.

SCENE 4. Instruction: Write an angry monologue of Mom berating Dad for what he did, challenging his religiosity, for not forgiving her remorseful daughter. After Mom’s monologue, Dad realizes his meanness, says sorry to Mom, and tells her they’ll be after Mae and Joe.


ChatGPT Dialogue:

MOM: How could you do that? How could you turn your daughter and son-in-law away on Christmas Eve? They’re sorry. Can’t you see that? Mae was crying, begging for your forgiveness. And what about the baby? Our grandchild? Don’t you care about them at all? And what about forgiveness? You call yourself a religious man, but where is your forgiveness? Where is your compassion? Our grandchild is innocent in all of this. How can you be so heartless? I think you need to take a long, hard look at yourself and your priorities.

DAD: You’re right, Mom. I’ve been mean and heartless. I’m sorry. Let’s go after them and bring them back home.

MOM: That’s all I’m asking for, dear. Let’s go and be family again.


SCENE 5. Instruction: Write a poignant narrative of a scene depicting how Dad and Mom find Joe and Mae who just gave birth to a baby boy in an abandoned homeless tent, so small that they kneel to get close and touch their grandchild while Joe and Mae smiling and looking at the amazing scene unfolding before their eyes. Nearby children are singing “Silent Night.”


ChatGPT Narrative:

As Dad and Mom walked down the street, they could feel their hearts with guilt and regret. They had turned their daughter away on Christmas Eve, and now they didn’t know where she was or how she was doing.

But as they rounded the corner, they saw a small tent on the sidewalk, with a flickering candle inside. They approached the tent cautiously, not wanting to intrude, but they could hear the soft sounds of crying coming from within.

They knelt beside the tent and peered inside, and what they saw made their hearts swell with love and joy. There was Mae, holding their precious grandchild in her arms. The baby was small and fragile, but they could see the love and happiness in Mae’s eyes.

Joe was by her side, smiling with tears in his eyes. He nodded at Dad and Mom, permitting them to come closer.

Slowly and gently, Dad and Mom reached out and touched the baby’s tiny hand. They felt a surge of love and pride, and they knew that they had been wrong to turn Mae and Joe away.

They apologized to Mae and Joe, and they asked for their forgiveness. Mae and Joe smiled and forgave them, and they all embraced in a tearful hug.

As they knelt there, huddled together in the small tent, they could hear the sweet sound of children singing a Christmas carol.

“Silent night, holy night!

All is calm, all is bright.

Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.

Holy infant so tender and mild,

Sleep in heavenly peace,

Sleep in heavenly peace.”

Head still photo courtesy of freepikdotcom

Thursday, 8 December 2022



           ChatGPT and I chatted, one-on-one.

A new cutting-edge AI chatbot, ChatGPT, has been opened (presented last week) to the general public for testing through a free, easy-to-use web interface. Being among the first millions fired up in checking it out, I decided on signing up and trying it myself the other day taking the unique experience -- personally historic – a rare privilege for me, a human being living in a third-world country, talking one-on-one with a robot turning up in my lifetime.

I started getting to know about GPT or Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, specifically, its third generation machine learning model (GPT-3) two months ago when I decided in writing about it which eventually produced two ATABAY articles – Man vs. Machine and Michael’s Errand.

Getting to know ChatGPT through reading is far-off different from chatting with it this time -- up close and personal. That’s why, after catching a glimpse of The New York Times banner “The Brilliance and Weirdness of ChatGPT,” I had prepared a great deal of what to ask ChatGPT during our chat.


Three of my older siblings succumbed to cancer -- lung and pancreatic. My brother lost out to pancreatic cancer even though he lived his life to the fullest in the most medically advanced country on our planet -- USA. Steve Jobs and his millions proving inadequate in neutralizing his pancreatic cancer is a testament to cancer’s invincibility so far.

Last year, my son was in his oncology residency when, out of the blue, and to our surprise, changed course and entered the priesthood. Was it an epiphanic act of his transcending the divine for healing after coming to grips with frustrating losses of human earnest efforts in man’s protracted battle against cancer?

In the thick of such a deep-seated thought process, I drew up my first question.

How can we cure cancer?

ChatGPT answered:

There is no one answer to this question, as cancer is a very complex and diverse group of diseases. Different types of cancer require different treatments, and even the same type of cancer can be treated in different ways depending on the individual patient. In general, cancer is treated with a combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, but other treatments such as immunotherapy and targeted therapy are also being developed and used to treat certain types of cancer. It is important for a person with cancer to work closely with their doctor to determine the best treatment plan for their specific case.

My reaction:

I Google the same question, got 709 million results in 0.52 seconds, and topped by the following:

“Cancer treatment – Mayo Clinic”

“Is there a Cure for Cancer? – WebMD

“Will we ever cure cancer?” / Research and Innovation

“Can Cancer Be Cured?” – American Cancer Society

“The Truth behind Three Natural Cancer ‘Cures’”

While Google provides us with a mountain of resources we can dig into and look for the answer to our question, ChatGPT answers it directly.


A book in the 80s When Bad Things Happen To Good People I read a long time ago sowed in my mind the seeds of wrestling with the complex subject of human pain and suffering. This is a standard rebuttal of the critics of Christianity to the arguments of God’s existence – the bad things that happen (especially to good people) negate God’s care -- raising serious doubts about His existence.

Pew Research Center surveyed about how people, amid the pandemic and its over 5 million deaths, make sense of human pain and suffering along with the bad things happening around them. The most common explanation: it happens by blaming random chance. Out of curiosity, to fathom out the mind of ChatGPT as regards the complex subject I asked the following question:

Why do bad things happen to good people?

ChatGPT answered:

There is no simple answer to this question, as every situation and individual is unique. Some people may perceive certain events as “bad” based on their personal beliefs and values.

One possible explanation is that life is unpredictable and often involves challenges and hardships. These experiences can help us grow and learn, and ultimately make us stronger and wiser.

Another possible explanation is that the concept of “good” and “bad” is subjective and can vary from person to person. What one person may perceive as “bad”; another may see as a learning opportunity or a chance for growth.

Ultimately, it is impossible to know why certain events happen to certain people. It is up to each individual to make the most of their circumstance and find meaning and purpose in their lives.

My reaction:

ChatGPT’s use of the word “unpredictable” fits the Pew survey result’s term “random chance” like a glove. At a glance, what caught my eye is ChatGPT’s use of paragraphs.  As one writer stressed: “Possibly the most serious – and most common – weakness of all essays by novice writers is the lack of effectively developed body paragraphs.”

ChatGPT has come out on top of such weakness by using paragraphs that build on unity and coherence.


“Whenever I see girls and boys selling lanterns on the street

I remember the child in the manger as he sleeps”

Every time we hear those first lines of the song “Christmas In Our Hearts” by Jose Marie Chan, we know Christmas is just around the corner. In this third question, I decided to have a taste of ChatGPT’s creative imagination matching it up with the human mind by asking the following question:

Could you describe a typical December 25 “Christmas Day” if Jesus Christ had not come?

ChatGPT answered:

Without the birth of Jesus Christ, December 25th would likely be a typical day in the winter season. It would not hold the same religious significance or celebrations that it does for many people today.

In the absence of the Christmas holiday, people may choose to spend the day with their families and friends, enjoying winter activities and traditions. There may be a focus on gift-giving and celebrating the end of the year, but this would likely vary depending on cultural and personal beliefs.

Without the influence of Christianity, the day may not be marked by the same religious rituals and traditions, such as attending church services or singing Christmas carols.

In the spirit of the same question, let’s place side by side an old card entitled “If Christ Had Not Come” taken from L.B. Cowman’s book “Streams in the Desert.” It narrated a minister falling asleep and dreaming on Christmas morning of a world in which Jesus had not come. I excerpt the creative piece of writing below with minor editing for brevity.

“In his dream, he saw himself walking through his house, but as he looked, he saw… no Christmas tree… He then walked onto the street outside, but there was no church…And when he came back and sat down in his library, he realized that every book about our Savior had disappeared…He opened his Bible…There was no gospel and no promise of hope and salvation…

“Two days later, he stood beside [a] coffin… there was no message of comfort, no words of a glorious resurrection, and no thought of a mansion awaiting in heaven. There was only “dust to dust, and ashes to ashes,” and one long, eternal farewell. Finally, he realized that Christ had not come, and burst into tears, weeping bitterly in his sorrowful dream.”

The above creative piece of writing was pieced together in the complex network of the human mind. The third question is a “gotcha” test. In the realm of creativity, it’s no contest. We could see the difference.

Is ChatGPT, the big-brain AI writing tool, coming for our jobs? Nah. Not yet. But, here’s the caveat: what I tested was said to be the ChatGPT-3.5. The real McCoy ChatGPT-4 will break through next year.

Let’s get ready.

Head still photos courtesy of pixabaydotcom


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