Tuesday, 28 November 2023



Project Q* reportedly is one of the reasons behind the controversial sacking of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. What is Project Q*?  We invited a tech expert, Mr. AI, to uncover this mysterious new OpenAI model that has gotten the tech world talking.

ME: Good day, everyone! Welcome to Tech Talk. Today, I’m glad to have with us a tech expert who will expound on the recent breakthrough Q* (pronounced as “Q-Star”). Please help me welcome our special guest, Mr. AI.

MR AI: Thank you for having me in your show. I look forward to answering your questions on Q*.

ME: Thank you too, Mr. AI. It’s a pleasure to have you here. So, let’s start with the basics. What is Q*?

MR AI: Imagine a machine that can solve any mathematical problem that you throw at it, without any human guidance or feedback. A machine that can figure out the rules and logic of mathematics by itself, and apply them to different situations. A machine that can demonstrate advanced reasoning capabilities similar to humans, and perhaps even surpass them.

ME: Wow, that sounds like science fiction.

MR AI: Well, not anymore. Meet Q*, the new AI model.

ME: How does Q* learn by itself?

MR AI: Q* uses a reinforcement learning algorithm called Q-learning, a method that allows an agent to learn the value of an action in a particular state based on the rewards and penalties it receives from the environment.

ME: I see. That sounds very complex and sophisticated. How do you know that Q* is actually solving the problems correctly and not just guessing or cheating?

MR AI: Well, Q* is a black-box model that does not explain how it solves mathematical problems or what rules and logic it follows. This makes it difficult to verify, validate, or audit its output and processes. However, research has tested Q* on various types of problems and data sets, and has compared its performance with other AI models and human experts, and found it can achieve a high accuracy and consistency in solving mathematical problems.

ME: That’s very impressive. So, Q* is a significant leap towards the goal of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), which is a hypothetical capability of AI that makes it perform any intellectual task that the human brain can do. Is that correct?

MR AI: Yes, that’s correct. Q* can be seen as a milestone in the history and development of mathematics and its application, as it can solve problems that have puzzled or challenged humans for centuries.

ME: That’s amazing. But, Q* has also been creating ripples in the AI community, as well as some fears and controversies. Some staff members at OpenAI have reportedly expressed their concerns about the safety and ethics of Q*, as they believe the model could pose a threat to humanity if it is not properly controlled and regulated.

They have also questioned the decision of OpenAI’s board of directors to fire Sam Altman, the co-founder, and CEO, who was allegedly working on a secret project related to Q*. Altman has since been reinstated as the CEO after a revolt by the staff and the support of Microsoft which has invested $10 billion in OpenAI and has a partnership with Q*. What do you think about these issues?

MR AI: Well, these are very valid and crucial issues that need to be addressed and discussed. Q* is a powerful and potentially dangerous tool that can be used for good or evil, depending on the intentions and actions of the users and the developers. Q* also raises many ethical and social questions, such as what is the meaning and purpose of mathematics, and what is the role and responsibility of humans about Q*. These are not easy questions to answer, and they require a lot of dialogue and debate among different stakeholders, such as scientists, engineers, policymakers, and the public.

ME: That’s a thought-provoking insight.

MR AI: I think humanity should adopt a balanced and proactive approach to deal with Q*, and leverage its strengths and opportunities, while also addressing its weaknesses and threats.

ME: That reminds me of SWOT analysis in college.

MR AI: You hit the nail on the head. It can help us assess the internal and external factors that may create opportunities or risks for humanity about Q*. For example, one of humanity’s strengths is its rich and diverse culture and history of mathematics and its applications which can inspire our interactions with Q*. On the flip side, humanity’s weakness is its limited resources and capabilities to control and regulate Q* which may expose people to potential harms or wrongs caused by Q* or by others who have access to Q*.

Another of humanity’s strengths is its strong sense of curiosity, creativity, and innovation which can enable us to learn and collaborate with Q*. On the flip side, humanity’s weakness is its biases and prejudices that may affect its perception and judgment of Q* which may lead people to overestimate or underestimate Q*’s abilities and impacts.

ME: That’s an illuminating deep dive into those deep-rooted issues.

MR AI: Here’s one aspect at play that has to do with the Sam Altman firing and reinstatement jumble. No doubt, humanity has a high level of intelligence, reasoning, and problem-solving skills which can help it understand and evaluate Q*’s output and processes. On the flip side, humanity’s weakness is its conflicting interests and values that create tensions and disputes among different stakeholders such as researchers, engineers, investors, policymakers, and the public, regarding the use and development of Q*.

ME: I agree with you, Mr. AI. Q* is a game-changing breakthrough, but also a formidable challenge for humanity. Any final words to our viewers?

MR AI: Q* can be a powerful tool for education, research, and innovation which can help humanity solve complex mathematical problems and discover new patterns and insights. However, Q* can be a grave weapon of destruction, manipulation, and domination which can be used for malicious and unethical purposes, such as hacking, cyberattacks, warfare, and terrorism.

Q* can be a catalyst for collaboration, communication, and creativity, which can foster a culture of curiosity, exploration, and experimentation. However, Q* can be a germ of confusion, deception, and alienation, which can create false and misleading information, such as fake news, propaganda, and deepfakes, that can influence and manipulate public opinion and behavior.

Q* can be a source of empowerment, inclusion, and diversity, which can democratize access to mathematical knowledge and skills. However, Q* can be a challenge to human identity, dignity, and values, which can raise existential and philosophical questions.

ME: Phew, that’s a heavy stuff. That is to say, it is up to us to decide how we will use it and what we will make of it. We should not fear Q*, but neither should we blindly trust it. We should embrace Q*, but also question it. We should learn from Q*, but also teach it.

MR AI: That’s very well said. Q* is not just a problem, but also a solution. Q* is not just a machine, but also a partner. Q* is not just an AI, but also a part of us.

ME: Thank you, Mr. AI, for your insightful and enlightening answers. It was a pleasure to have you on our show. And thank you, Dear Viewers, for watching Tech Talk. I hope you enjoyed this episode and learned something new.

Until next time, this is Tech Talk, signing off.

Content put together in collaboration with Microsoft Bing AI-powered co-pilot

Head photo courtesy of Pixabay

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Saturday, 25 November 2023



“Rodrigo Duterte threatens return to Philippine politics if daughter impeached” (South China Morning Post)

Amid lots of the same headlines, I chose the one above due to the word “threatens.” It spotlighted Duterte’s forewarning “Mapipilitan akong lumabas sa retirement… talagang magkababuyan tayo” aimed at the House of Representatives which he called the “most rotten institution” after it had stripped his daughter VP Sara of confidential and intelligence funds.

Looking at a greater height, so as not to miss the forest for the trees, have you ever wondered how Duterte’s threat is psyching out and frightening the Filipino people? Such a terror-stricken threat jumpstarts ghastly memories of his direful regime.

                                                THE PIETA PHOTO

“I knew this night was different. A police cordon blocked off journalists and bystanders, as Jennilyn Olayres grieved over the lifeless body of her partner Michael Siaron. The murderers left a sign that read ‘I am a drug pusher, do not copy,’ as a crowd, mostly composed of Manila castaways, mingled…

“As a news photographer, it was my job to document what was happening, but a part of me that heard Olayres’s pleas for help also died a little. It was raw and gut-wrenching, but I could do nothing but press the shutter button.

“’That’s enough! And help us!’ she cried out to media workers, authorities, and onlookers.

“’What are you waiting for?’ I asked a policeman who shrugged before retorting, 'We can’t do anything as he is already dead.'” (Raffy Lerma)

                                                 THE KIAN STORY

Kian was a 17-year-old boy in a poor family of four siblings. His mother worked as a domestic helper in Saudi Arabia, while his father operated a sari-sari store that Kian minded from 5:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon every day before he went to school. After closing the store at night, he would usually walk around the block for some small talk with neighborhood friends.

Perhaps it was during one of those walks when he was shot by the police operatives – one of the thousands (6,000+ per gov’t to 30,000 per CHR/ICC figure) killed in the drug war.

            “Tama na po! May exam pa ako bukas!” Kian begged for mercy before he was killed.

What passing that test could have meant to Kian? A handful of kid stuff could have meant a promising future for his whole family.

A step closer to his dream of no longer using cooking oil when giving a massage to his father.

A step closer to his dream of uniting his family with his mother giving up her overseas work as a domestic helper.

A step closer to his dream of having a bed for each of his family’s siblings.

A step closer to his dream of expanding the sari-sari store that has supported his whole family.

A step closer to his dream of being a policeman. What an irony.

                                            THE JOURNALIST MEMOIR

“Every day, for a period of a little more than seven months beginning in 2016, the Philippine Daily Inquirer maintained what it called Kill List. It was a public record of the dead, fed by reports from correspondents across the country. The circumstances of death were brief. The entries were numbered and chronological. The locations were limited to towns, cities, and provinces, without the specificity of street addresses. Names were recorded when they were available, numbers were used when they were not.

“The first ‘unidentified suspected drug pusher,’ for example, was killed on July 1, the first day of Rodrigo Duterte’s administration, the same morning that Jimmy Reformado, fifth most wanted drug pusher in the city of Tiaong was shot by ‘unknown hitmen’ …

“’Unknown hitmen’ was a common phrase, but it was the nature of their victims – suspected drug pusher, suspected drug dealer, at large on drug charges, on the drug list, most wanted – that demonstrated that what was occurring was far from random. These were targeted killings, as President Duterte had promised, directed against ‘people who would threaten to destroy my country.’

“The methods were limited only by the killers’ imaginations. There was the man ‘found dead after being abducted from his house.’ There were the three ’found dead in a canal, blinded and hogtied.’ There was the man ‘shot in the head in his bedroom’ and the man killed at seven in the morning ‘in front of his daughter’s elementary school.’

“The constancy and sheer velocity required its own nomenclature. They were drug-related deaths. They were illegal killings. They were targeted assassinations, salvaging, body dumps, drive-by shootings…

“There is language for this phenomenon. The term is ‘extrajudicial killings’… The repetition forced a shorthand – EJK. The press used it as a qualifier. The victims’ families used it as a verb. The critics used it as an accusation…

“This is a book about the dead, and the people who are left behind. It is also a personal story, written in my own voice, as a citizen of a nation I cannot recognize as my own. The thousands who died were killed with the permission of my people. I am writing this book because I refuse to offer mine.”

(Excerpted from Prologue of Patricia Evangelista’s book Some People Need Killing: A Memoir of Murder In My Country)


Eight months before the 2022 Presidential election, I wrote in my ATABAY article What Do I See? the following insight:

Question: Why did God give PH, the “Light of Asia” (Pope John Paul II prayer) a ruler who insulted Pope Francis and called God stupid?

Answer: “[God] PUNISHED [His people] by delivering them to their attackers…” (2 Kings 17:20, emphasis mine); “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers.” (John Calvin). Cardinal Sin affirmed Calvin’s assertion with Marcos [Sr.] and his Martial Law as Exhibit A. Thus, to punish, God has given PH such kind of ruler today.

Why? 1 in 4 Pinoys is below the poverty line. PH, for being the “Light of Asia” has angered God as He was with Sodom that “DID NOT HELP THE POOR.” (Ezekiel 16:49, emphasis mine).

[Jesus’ words in this Sunday Gospel are serendipitous: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” Mt 25:45]

[“Duterte’s ‘war on drugs’ is a war on the poor” – Amnesty International]


Randy David in his Inquirer’s column unveiled the “sinfulness” of our nation.

“The damage that [Duterte’s] presidency did to the country’s legal and political institutions is incalculable. It exposed the opportunism and servility of the political class. It showed the susceptibility of the legal system to manipulation and use as a weapon against the president’s political enemies. It uncovered the brittleness of the mass media and the business community in the face of presidential intimidation. It revealed the limits of the judiciary as a check to the abuse of presidential prerogative.”

David gave an inkling of the answer to the question: Are we still being punished?

“I hesitate to use the past tense in describing these forms of institutional damage. For we cannot be certain that the political climate that catapulted Duterte to the presidency in 2016 has passed. The Duterte brand lingers in the air and remains popular – if surveys are to be believed.”


Question: Are we still being punished? The answer to such a question will turn out to be as easy as ABC – if former president Duterte returns to politics.

Patricia Evangelista asserts, “The thousands who died were killed with the permission of my people.”

Would you offer yours all over again?

Head collage photos courtesy of iStock, it is writtendotcom, & The Manila Times

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Tuesday, 21 November 2023



“VP Sara Duterte says she has no ambition to run for president in 2028” (Inquirer)

“'Impeach Sara’ buzz swirls in House; leaders douse rumors” (Philstar)

Is the impeachment buzz the straw that breaks the camel’s back for Sara’s presidential ambition?

Right after the UniTeam landslide win, VP Sara seemed to be a shoo-in as a presidential candidate in the 2028 election. Looking back, in the thick of the 2022 presidential election campaign, I exchanged thought-provoking views with an FB friend who was then standing up for Sara.

The rundown of our interesting discussion I wrote in my ATABAY article Letter To Inday Sara Supporter Who Is Also My Friend which I repost some excerpts below:

Hi! I would like to pick up where we left off in our brief chat recently. Looking back and summing up, we put then all our cards on the table: you’re a pro-Sara; me, a pro-Leni, and we’re both whole-hearted and solid in our respective positions. We have agreed to disagree and despite our differences in our opinions, we gave our word to each other to remain as friends.

That was a few days ago. Today, let me go on by posing this question: Don’t you know that we can find a common ground that will bring us together to agree? Intriguing? You bet it is.

Our common ground: We vote for our leaders to pursue the common good -- love of PH. So, we agree: I vote for Leni for President; you vote for Sara for VP. No conflict.

Now, here comes an intriguing insight. After I vote for Leni and hope she’ll win, my voter’s task ends. Yours just begin: after you vote for Sara and hope she’ll win; further, you dream she will become a president in 2028. For such a dream to come true, she must first jump over the following three hurdles:

Hurdle 1. She must win the 2022 VP race.

Hurdle 2. She must perform with flying colors during her VP term.

Hurdle 3. She must be awarded the leadership succession presidential “baton” by her president.

Let’s look over each hurdle.

Hurdle 1. [She did win.]

Hurdle 2. [Lots of stumbling blocks: “UniTeam disunity,“ “tambaloslos,” CIF, impeachment, and maybe more]

Hurdle 3. If VP Sara [leaps over Hurdle 2 getting past the stumbling blocks], and eventually performs with flying colors… do you think [PBBM] would give Sara the leadership succession presidential “baton” she deserves without hesitation?

Vital factor: Bongbong is running under the umbrella of multiple parties with a throng of vested interests. Aiming now for the 2028 presidency is a horde of younger and ambitious breed of second-generation leaders emerging from a band of dynastic political clans embedded in Bongbong’s team.

Readers, what’s going on in Hurdle 2? In answering this provocative question, let’s get a bit creative. Helen Benedict, a Columbia University journalism professor and author says, “I believe [fiction] could get me nearer to the truth… It is the substance of what happens to people not just on the outside, but within…”

I took a crack at tapping “fiction” in showcasing the essence of Benedict’s assertion in my past ATABAY article The Maze of Political Ambition: Flash Fiction Lessons. I prompted ChatGPT to dig up a popular fiction story on the web about treasure hunters and hit upon the place where the fabled treasure was buried.

ChatGPT rolled out the following fiction, (flash fiction to be exact which it had claimed as its original work when I asked it to cite its source) entitled Betrayal at the Buried X which I adapt below:

As the sun sinks below the horizon [Folks, it’s show, er, circus time], casting an eerie glow over the desolate [political] landscape, a handful of treasure hunters [presidential wannabees] stands in a circle around the fabled X [presidential throne]. Exhaustion [due to double-dealing and horse trading] lines their faces, a testament to the long and arduous hunt [party flip-flopping] that brings them to this moment.

The air crackles with anticipation [Survey: Sara tops to succeed Marcos] but also with an undercurrent of suspicion [Impeachment talk: “I don’t know. I’m not aware”] Each hunter’s eyes dart suspiciously at the others [“Bantayan ninyo ang military”], wondering who will make the first move, who will betray the unspoken code of camaraderie ["Huwag na sana niyang idamay ang AFP at PNP"].

The clues and pointers bring them here, promising unimaginable wealth and glory [Imagine spending P4.5 billion CIF in a year]. But now, greed gnaws at their hearts [Imagine spending P125 million in 11 days], and the dark side of their nature emerges. They know that only one can claim the treasure. [“Gusto mo mag-Presidente?”]

A treacherous tension hangs in the air as they weigh their options. Who can they trust? Loyalties waver [Headline: Duterte’s daughter quits party, decries ‘political powerplay’] and alliances form and dissolve within the span of a heartbeat [Headline: More solons abandoned Duterte’s PDP-Laban]

In this twisted game of deceit, the plot takes a sinister turn. One by one, the hunters reveal their true colors [Lawmaker resigns from PDP-Laban], their masks slipping away like shadows in the fading light [“Kung umalis kayong lahat, okay lang.”] Each move is calculated, designed to eliminate the competition and secure the coveted treasure [Headline: Imee Marcos to back Rodrigo Duterte]

Backstabbing and double-crossing become the norm as promises are broken and alliances shattered [Headline: Demoted again: House removes Arroyo from deputy speaker position] Desperation fuels their actions [“the most rotten institution”], blurring the lines between friend and foe [“The one who uttered that word is our chairman”].

In the end, as darkness swallows the landscape, only one figure [will stand] triumphant. The treasure [will be] finally claimed but at a heavy cost. The echoes of betrayal reverberate in the silence, a chilling reminder of the treacherous nature that lurks within even the most outwardly innocent souls.

And so, as the stars twinkle above, casting a cold gaze upon the scene, the treacherous tone of this dark tale will linger, a warning to those who will dare to tread the treacherous path of ambition and greed.

As the saying goes, “That’s the way the cookie, er, the UniTeam crumbles”.

Content put together in collaboration with Microsoft Bing AI-powered co-pilot

Head collage photos courtesy of Inquirer, YouTube, & ABS-CBN News

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Saturday, 18 November 2023



Free at last. After 6 years, 8 months, 21 days. And this is my 2,454th day…”

Words above are Leila de Lima's opening line in her statement after her recent release from detention. Before I present the full transcript of her statement, let me share some excerpts of my past ATABAY article A Bad Dream For The Nation which I feel will shed light on the fitting context of this momentous milestone.

“In her small cell, [Senator Leila de Lima] has a single bed, a stand fan, a few pieces of monobloc chairs, 5 small plastic boxes for her clothes, a full-length mirror, a 5-layer bookshelf, a tiny foldable side table, a desk filled with documents and books, hardly giving her space to move, and a few more boxes of books.

“She has a microwave oven, too – so far the only electronic appliance she’s allowed. She had requested that her staff bring her home-cooked food daily for safety reasons.

“The senator has a small ice chest, which her staff fills with store-bought ice daily.

“In a tiny bathroom, a toilet bowl, a pail of water, and a dipper are the only notable fixtures.

“She usually starts her day between 5 and 5:30 am by praying and reading the Gospel. De Lima said she has now become a ‘serious’ Bible reader.”

(De Lima: One Year Of Living And Surviving In Jail, Rappler)

I could only wonder if Senator de Lima’s daily early morning quiet time of reflection has ever stirred up her memories of the traumatic events in the past that led to her present detention.

“De Lima, you are finished. Tapos ka na.”

Spine-chilling words above by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD) -- the crux of her detention -- thundered during a midnight news conference in Davao City that ended in the wee hours of the morning. Getting on PRRD’s nerves, De Lima, as chair of the Commission on Human Rights, had spearheaded the investigation of summary executions carried out by death squads in Davao where, for more than two decades, PRRD held dominion as a mayor.

Later, as chair of the Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights, she set off a public inquiry into PRRD’s “war on drugs” -- a bloody extrajudicial campaign that has claimed thousands of lives.

“Senator de Lima takes the time to feed her new buddies – stray cats that have become her family. Her staff even brings fish for her cats, together with the senator’s daily meals.

“After attending to her cats, she starts cleaning her detention cell, including the small court outside.

“Yan na rin ang exercise ko rito. (That also serves as my exercise here).”

“After this, she resumes reading newspapers, work documents, and novels.

“She takes her siesta between 11 and 11:30 am, before again returning to reading. By 1 pm, she takes her lunch.

“She then spends the next few hours meeting with her staff as she tries to continue fulfilling her mandate. Around 3 to 5 pm, she spends time with visitors, if there are any, in the holding room.

“By 5 pm, when visitors are made to leave, she’s back to having only stray cats as companions. It is the time when reality hits her most.”

(De Lima, Rappler)

“She looks nice… Fighter talaga.”

PRRD’s typical words for the antagonist could either be complimenting her guts as a woman compared to her colleagues who have real balls but are spineless, or they’re words that could be titillating for her alleged [deepfake] sex videos.

Looking back, Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II offered at that time in showing at the House of Representatives panel hearing Senator de Lima’s alleged sex videos. Women’s groups and female lawmakers blocked the attempts to have the video shown.

“It is not me, as far as I’m concerned… It is a violation. A gross violation of my rights and my dignity as a woman.” Senator de Lima disavowed and raised objections then.

Though the sex videos were not shown in the hearing, the House of Representatives panel feasted on the salacious grilling of the witnesses with lurid questions raised and suggestive comments made for the sexually arousing pleasure of the whole panel crowd.

“Nagtampisaw ba kayong dalawa sa init ng inyong katawan?”

“Pinagsamantalahan mo ba ang maselan na babae?”

 “Napakahilig mo namang magsalat.”

“[Senator de Lima] eats her no-rice dinner by 8 pm.

“The senator said she misses the time when she could cook and go to the market again. At one point during her first year in the Senate, she sent her specialty laing to reporters.

“‘I also miss going to Our Lady of Manaoag. I go there thrice a month. I miss driving because it relaxes me, also practical shooting, watching movies, listening to music, and dancing,’ De Lima said.

“But for now, De Lima has no choice but to go on missing her life outside. She herself has learned to live with her current fate.

“And with the coming of her second year in jail, she said she only has a hope to cling to.

“’It’s just a hope. Realistically, it seems quite remote. Nothing less than a miracle would free me.’”

(De Lima, Rappler)

            That was five years ago. Today, after 2,454 days of living and surviving in jail, the seemingly quite remote miracle has happened. Leila de Lima is free at last. Here’s the full transcript of her statement.

Though it took too long, I never lost faith that my inevitable freedom will come. Alam ninyong lahat kung gaano katagal tayo naghintay at nagtiis, nang may pananalig sa katotohanan, at ang tutuong hustisya ay magtatagumpay.

But the counting of the years, the months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, the milestones in my own life, in my family’s life, and our nation’s history that I've missed by being unjustly detained, cannot be counted. None of those can fully express how much and how long I have longed to be able to say the words, finally, “The truth will set me free.” Yes, it’s always the truth, it’s always for the truth, and that’s why I’m now set free.

Wala segurong sapat na salita ang lubos na makapaglarawan sa damdamin ng isang inosenting inapi. Sa kabila ng pighati at paghihirap na dulot ng pagbaluktot sa mismong batas at sa prosesong ipinaglalaban, ay patuloy na nananalig, nanampalataya, at umaasa, na darating din ang panahon, na mananaig ang katotohanan at tunay na katarungan.

Every moment was a test, and every single second was a fight to rise above the sorrow, the fears, the uncertainties of the future, and even, to be honest, the temptation to be overcome by hate and vindictive thoughts. There was always that temptation.

Lahat po iyon ay nilabanan ko. Hindi ko isusuko ang aking pagkatao at pagiging tao. They may have taken years in my life, but they will never take my humanity.

Ang mundo ay puno ng mga taong baluktot ang kaluluwa at makasarili, sa harap ng pagdurusa ng taong bayan. I will never be one of them.

Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month, and every year, of the last 2,454 days, was a struggle. But the one thing I can honestly say is that I never allowed myself to even entertain any regret. No regret.

Yes, I wish things turned out differently, but these are things that are beyond my control. But for the things that were, what I did, how I reacted, and my reasons for fighting for those who were victimized and cannot speak for themselves, I have no regret.

As I appear before you today, 6 years, 8 months, 21 days, after I peaceably surrendered myself to the authorities, it is one of my greatest achievements in my career and in my life to say that not only did I survive, all these years of persecution and unjust detention, I came out stronger than ever, with an even stronger commitment to truth, justice, human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.

These are not just words to me. These have been my lifeline. These have been my life before, during, and after my unjust detention started.

Kayo po ang aking ipinaglaban. Kaya maraming salamat dahil ako rin ang inyong ipinaglaban. Marami maraming salamat po sa mga panalangin ninyo, at sa walang kapagurang pananalig ninyo sa katotohanan. Dios mabalos. Mabuhay ang Sambayanang Pilipino at ang Pilipinas.

Head photo courtesy of France 24

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Tuesday, 14 November 2023



Imagine that you are Paulo, a retired government worker who lives alone and likes to keep in touch with family and friends through Facebook.

One day, you get a message from your niece, Ann, who lives in the USA. The message says that Ann is taking a vacation in Europe and is in trouble and needs your help urgently. You are surprised and worried and reply to the message, asking what is wrong. The message says that Ann was involved in a car accident and that she needs money to pay for the hospital bills and the damages.

The message also says that Ann cannot contact anyone else, because her phone is broken and she has no access to her bank account. The message asks you to send $2,000 through a money remittance service, such as Western Union or MoneyGram, and provides the name and address of the receiver. You are shocked and confused, but you love your niece and want to help her.

What would you do?

Our above opening episode, in the thick of typical scam stories on the internet today, illustrates how online scams can happen and how they can affect the victims. The drift of the story, a Facebook Messenger scam example, as well as the other stories in this article, aim to raise awareness and educate the readers about online scams and how to avoid and prevent them.

The Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG) reported that at least P155 million were lost due to scams and fraud in the country from January to August 2023. Online scams are not a funny business, and they can happen to anyone. Read on to get the picture.


Jean (not her real name), having just gotten her career off the ground, loves to shop online for clothes, shoes, and accessories. She follows several online sellers on Facebook and Instagram and often buys from them using her debit card or payment app.

One day, she sees an advertisement on Facebook for a new online store that sells branded items at very low prices. The ad claims that the store is having a clearance sale and that the stocks are limited. She clicks on the ad and is directed to a website that looks professional and authentic. She sees photos of the products, customer reviews, and a secure payment system.

She decides to buy a pair of sneakers that she has been wanting for a long time, but could not afford. The website says that the sneakers are on sale for only P1,500, down from P5,000. She thinks that this is a great deal and adds the sneakers to her cart.

She then proceeds to check out and enters her personal and delivery information. The website asks her to pay using a money remittance service, such as Palawan Express or Cebuana Lhuillier. Jean finds this a bit strange, but she thinks that maybe the store is new and does not have other payment options yet.

She agrees to pay using the money remittance service and receives a confirmation email with the details of the transaction. The email says that she has to send the money within 24 hours, or else her order will be canceled.

She goes to the nearest branch of the money remittance service and sends the money to the name and address provided by the website. She then sends a photo of the receipt to the email address of the online store.

She expects to receive a tracking number or a delivery confirmation, but she has not heard anything from the online store. She tries to contact them through email, phone, or social media, but she gets no response. Jean realizes that she has been scammed.


Liza (not her real name) is a college student who uses her email for her school work, her communication, and her online banking. She gets a lot of emails every day, and she does not always check the sender’s address or the content of the mail.

One day, she gets an email that looks like it is from her local bank. The email says that there is a problem with her account and that she needs to update her personal information and verify her identity.

The email also says that if she does not do this within 24 hours, her account will be suspended. She is alarmed and worried and clicks on the link that is provided in the email. She is directed to a website that looks like the official website of her local bank. She sees the logo, the colors, and the layout that she is familiar with. She does not notice that the URL of the website is different from the real one and that it has a spelling error or a different domain.

She enters her username and password and then fills out a form that asks for her personal and financial information, such as her name, address, phone number, date of birth, Social Security number, credit card number, and PIN. She submits the form and gets a confirmation message that says that her account has been updated and verified.

She thinks that everything is fine and closes the website. She does not realize that she has just given her information to a scammer. When she gets a notification from her bank that her account has been compromised, Liza finds out that she has been scammed.


Online scams can take many forms and methods depending on the target, the motive, and the technology of the scammers. Some online scams are more prevalent than others. Besides Facebook Messenger, online shopping, and phishing scams, other common scams are:

Online Paluwagan. You are recruited to join a group where people agree to contribute a weekly or monthly fixed amount of money and take turns to get the total amount. Running a fraudulent online savings scheme, the scammer afterward disappears with the group’s money before you can take your turn.

Catfishing. You get a message from someone with a fake online profile using stolen photos or stories. The scammer builds a romantic, psycho-emotional, or spiritual bond with you, and in due time asks convincingly for your money.

Lottery scam. You get a message that you won a large sum of money funded by the UN or Google. Before you get the prize, you first pay a fee, a tax, or a shipping cost leading to nowhere.

Fake travel agencies. You get an offer online of cheap or discounted travel packages, tickets, or accommodations with fake or stolen photos, reviews, or testimonials. You pay through a bank transfer or money remittance app and get nothing.

Pyramid and investment schemes. You get an investment offer promising high returns in a short period. At first, you get returns from other new members creating a pyramid structure. In due course, the scammer disappears with your money.


·         Block unwanted messages.

·         Don’t give your personal or financial information, if in doubt.

·         Resist the pressure to act immediately.

·         Know signs of a scam, such as unusual payment method

·         Protect your computer and your accounts

Report any suspicious online activities to the authorities


A while back, my niece Jhoi got a message from “Me” on her private messenger. “Me” was not me, and the message was not mine. Someone cloned my FB account. Below is the scammer’s unedited message:

“I’m just wondering if you’ve heard about the International Fund (IMF) COVID-19 financial relief and fund recovery grant program going on around now.

“They are affiliated with the world bank authorized recently to assist us in paying bills, to retired and senior citizen also help start business and for other reasons just after the covid pandemic haven’t you heard about them as well?

“A friend of mine introduced them to me recently, I couldn’t believe until I got the grant delivered to my doorstep too, I got $75,000 after I applied and it doesn’t need to be paid back and everyone is eligible to apply for this opportunity.

“Should I share you this link to the attorney in charge so that you can apply as well?

“I’m enjoying my vacation trip at Singapore.

“I’m just trying to share the blessings that God has done to me.”

The red flag is Singapore. My relatives knew full well my SSS pension is too meager to bear the cost of a day’s stay in that pricey city. All at once, Jhoi blocked the scammer.

Recently, I got personal messages from a couple of FB friends sharing compelling stories and were asking donations for sick peers and needy people. My friends were so convincing that I couldn’t figure out if they’re cloned or not. The red flag: asking for donations was not their style. My saving grace: I have no extra resources to spare.

Let me spice up a bit the finale of this pressing article with jokes:

I wonder why the book “How To Scam People Online” I ordered some time ago hasn’t arrived yet.

A scam message starts with “Dear Valued Client” and ends with “Please send money”.

Finally, “Dear Valued Reader” do you want to know more about online scams and how to avoid them? I’ll send you more details, after “you send me P500”.

Content put together in collaboration with Microsoft Bing AI-powered co-pilot

Head photo courtesy of Kaspersky

Video clips courtesy of YouTube


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