Monday, 7 March 2022



On the world stage, just as Putin has been turned into a pariah and Russia is being canceled by invading Ukraine, so too, Marcos Jr. and the Philippines could turn into a laughing stock by electing the dictator’s son as its next president.

The Time Magazine banner could be worse than when PRRD was elected president: “Why Did the Philippines Just Elect a Guy Who Jokes About Rape as Its President?” I’ll hazard a guess for Time’s likely headline: “Why Did the Philippines Just Elect a Guy whose Dictator Father plundered it as Its President?” To ward off such PH infamy, Marcos Jr. -- the son of the dictator who plundered the nation with $5-10 Billion ill-gotten wealth -- deserves shaming and condemnation during this campaign period to put a stop to his ambition in becoming the next PH president.


Wittingly or unwittingly, Marcos Jr.’s shaming and condemnation are what being carried through by the essence of the CBCP’s statement in reply to Marcos Jr.’s criticism of the Catholic Church’s “meddling in the politics.”

“The Catholic church is only speaking the un-invented truth backed by records.”

On Truth, I found this striking anonymous quote on the internet -- “Only three types of people tell the truth: Kids, the drunk, and the angry." The Catholic Church is neither a kid nor a drunk. Being the oldest institution in the western world that can trace its history back almost two millennia with more than a billion faithful spread across all five continents around the world, The Catholic Church, for sure, knows its mission like the palm of its hand – particularly about the hotly contentious subject on separation of church and state. The Manila Times columnist Antonio Contreras hit the nail on its head:

“[T]he separation provision is to be construed as a prohibition against the state to intrude into the exercise of religion and not the other way around… This, however, does not prevent the individual churches or religious organizations to have their own internal prohibition in accordance with their doctrines and teachings.”


As regards such internal prohibition, the former CBCP president, the late Oscar V. Cruz, D.D., issued a straightforward clarification by replying to the question: Is there any case when the Bishops can authoritatively order the lay faithful to vote for one particular and concrete option?

“Yes, there is, and the case would certainly be extraordinary. This happens when a political option is clearly the only one demanded by the Gospel. An example is when a presidential candidate is clearly bent to destroy the Church and its mission of salvation and has all the resources to win while hiding his MALEVOLENT INTENTIONS behind political promises. In this case, the Church may authoritatively demand the faithful, even under pain of sin, to vote against this particular candidate.” (Underscoring mine)

What justified malevolent intentions have the Church perceived behind Marcos Jr.’s political promises? The key to the answer is embedded in the column of The Manila Times Tita Valderama “When Will Marcos Jr. Stop Living a Lie?” as excerpted below:

“Marcos Jr. may have gotten away with the many lies about himself in the past elections that he won. This time that he is seeking the country’s No. 1 post, he must go through the proverbial eye of a needle. Voters should no longer allow him to live a lie.”


What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church say about lying?

“’A lie consists in speaking a falsehood with the intention of deceiving.’ The Lord denounces lying as the work of the devil: ‘you are of your father the devil… there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies…’ Lying is the most direct offense against the truth… By its very nature, lying is to be condemned.”

Today, the Catholic Church is angry. It must be angry. We, the people, must be angry.

Just consider this.

All over the world, anyone with internet access would simply Google “kleptocracy” and would be able to read in a matter of 0.78 seconds at the top of the list of more than 3 million results the following Wikipedia content in only one click:

“Kleptocracy is a government whose corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) use political power to appropriate the wealth of the people and land they govern, typically by embezzling or misappropriating government funds at the expense of the wider population… One feature of political-based socioeconomic thievery is that THERE IS OFTEN NO PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT EXPLAINING OR APOLOGIZING FOR MISAPPROPRIATIONS, NOR ANY LEGAL CHARGES OR PUNISHMENT LEVIED AGAINST THE OFFENDERS… In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates. Also, kleptocrats often export much of their profits to foreign nations in anticipation of losing power.” (Underscoring mine)


The German anti-corruption NGO Transparency International released in 2004 a list of kleptocrats in order of amount allegedly stolen:

1. Former Indonesian President Suharto ($15 billion - $35 billion)


3. Former Zairian President Mobutu Sese Seko ($5 billion)

4. Former Nigeria Head of State Sani Abacha ($2 billion - $5 billion)

5. Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic ($1 billion)

6. Former Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier ($300 million - $800 million)

7. Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori ($600 million)

8. Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko ($114million - $200 million)

9. Former Nicaraguan President Amoldo Aleman ($100 million)


Interestingly, joining the BBM-Sara UniTeam, Estrada has endorsed Marcos Jr.’s presidency: birds of a feather flock together.

The Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) first chair Jovito Salonga estimated figure of $5 billion - $10 billion has become the popular figure cited by Guinness World Records as the “largest-ever theft from a government” in 1989 – a record the Marcoses are still holding in 2021. According to Wikipedia, among the sources of the Marcos wealth: alleged diverted foreign economic aid, US government military aid (including huge discretionary funds at Marcos disposal as a “reward” for sending some Filipino troops to Vietnam) and kickbacks from public works contracts over a two-decades-long rule.


I recall one battery commercial brand’s bunny -- clad in sandals, shades, magenta fur, and equipped with bass drum – rolling through ads with its evolving tagline, “Keep going and going and going …” Kickbacks could have enough power to keep going, to last, well, maybe forever and ever, as the following excerpts from the Senate press release have indicated on the corruption in the DPWH public works contracts:

“It has become an open secret that commissions or kickbacks have become the rule rather than the exception in the implementation of public works projects involving not only some corrupt officials of the department but some legislators as well.

“Fact is, contractors openly talk behind the backs of these officials, changing the definition of “mabait” and “maginoo” in the process: officials from the executive and legislative branches who ask for “only” 10 percent are “mabait, maginoong kausap”; and those who demand 20 to 30 percent are “matakaw,” while those who demand advance payments and renege on their word as “balasubas” and “mandurugas.”

That’s the Filipino way of life.


And here’s the irony. Marcos Jr.’s camp has promoted and credited to Marcos Jr. himself a long list of his father’s accomplished public works projects, yet Marcos Jr. wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole the huge kickback from each project and the gargantuan total of all the kickbacks at the bottom line. Moreover, Marcos Jr. and his family had undeniably benefited from the ill-gotten wealth, yet he has claimed no role in such ill-gotten wealth.

Ruben Carranza, a former PCGG commissioner, asserted that during the trial (Supreme Court case ultimately declaring the Marcos $678 million Swiss banks’ deposits as ill-gotten wealth forfeited in favor of the PH), it was Marcos Jr. who was made to answer questions on the contents of the secret Swiss bank accounts (Marcos Sr. aka “William Saunders” and Mrs. Marcos aka “Jane Ryan”?) – disputing the contention that Marcos Jr. should not be made to answer for his father’s crime.

On the campaign against kleptocracy, Professor Jason Sharman wrote in “The Despot’s Guide to Wealth Management: On the International Campaign against Grand Corruption”: "[D]emonstrating to victim populations [the Filipino people] that, sometimes at least, there is justice, and corrupt and tyrannical leaders can be held to account... [when] efforts to hold [kleptocrats] accountable at home  have failed... I would argue that important symbolic verdicts [like by the Catholic Church] of CONDEMNATION and SHAMING [underscoring mine] might be achieved more effectively and far more cheaply.”

To chill out a bit, let me wrap up this heavy article with a lampoon.

Party host: O, pasok kayo. Wag nang mahiya. Tatay nyo kaaalis lang, walang hiya.


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