Tuesday, 31 January 2023



Having passed the US medical licensing exam and the bar exam, and getting a B grade in a working MBA paper, Chat GPT, now a 20-billion-dollar company, took only five days in introducing it to the world what Facebook had taken five years in reaching such a level of popularity.

Chat GPT is so world-shattering and ahead of its time that one former professor of evolutionary biology, Bret Samuel Weinstein, raised the alarm: “I don’t think we are remotely ready for what’s coming [about Chat GPT].” Most savants have figured out that Chat GPT’s emergence is a cut above the rest: the invention of the internet, the light bulb, and the telephone.


            Chat GPT appears to be a threat in the opinion of Jordan Peterson, the Canadian clinical psychologist, and author of the book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.

“Things are coming down the pipeline on the artificial intelligence front that is just going to make your hair stand on end within the next year because there is so much transformation going on in that domain. That’s been the case for the last six months, and it’s almost unimaginable. I figure a third of the universities will go broke in the next five years…

“[Chat GPT] is smarter than you. This is a big deal…

“This is what I asked it to do. I said write me an essay, that’s a 13th rule for beyond order, written in a style that combines the King James Bible with the Tao Tai Ching. That’s pretty difficult to pull off… [Chat GPT] wrote it in about 3 seconds, four pages long… grammatically perfect, and quite impressive philosophically.

“I also had it write an essay on the intersection between the Taoist version of ethical morality and the ethics that are outlined in the Sermon on the Mount, which [Chat GPT] nailed. Got that dead right. Brilliant.

“So, hang on to your hats, ladies, and gentlemen. What did my friend Jonathan Pajo say? Giants are going to walk the earth once more, and we’re going to live through that.”


By contrast, Sinan Aral, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor, Director of MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, and author of the book The Hype Machine sees a refreshing handwriting on the wall.

“I think [Chat GPT] is extremely disruptive, but potentially in a good way. We have to learn to teach differently, we have to learn to race with machines instead of against them to use the words of Andrew McAfee, MIT Principal Research Scientist.

“The New York City Public Schools were trying to ban the use of [Chat GPT]. I don’t think that’s the right approach. I think what we have to do is we have to change the way we educate. We have to reskill. And based on our education, focus on things that complement Artificial Intelligence rather than try to compete with it or ban it or slow it down. It’s a way to enhance and augment and scale creativity. But it has to be used in a way that’s complementary to human skills and that’s going to be the next challenge for labor as well."

Amid this revolutionary technology development that seems to be changing the face of everything that we’re doing on this planet, what should we do as average Joes, laypersons of the huddled masses on the street?

Sinan has a constructive and promising piece of advice.

“As a father of a nine-year-old, I do not want to scare him away from this type of technology… I want him to play with it. I want him to experiment with it. I want him to understand how to use it. I want him to think about how he might work with it.”

Well, I have a soft spot for Chat GPT and Sinan Aral’s upbeat overtures have all the hallmarks of my sentiments on this matter. Case in point: my daughter Dionne celebrated her birthday last week. And talking of hallmarks and birthdays, my go-to source of cool ideas on birthday cards, more often than not, perhaps like everyone else – the Hallmark cards. But that was then.


As Sinan tipped off: play and experiment with Chat GPT. So, I played and experimented with it last week. I asked it to write a poem for my daughter Dionne whose marked traits I typed in with my instruction. Likewise, I experimented by asking it to write in the style of William Shakespeare. And tadah… here’s the poem made in seconds:

Upon the morn of twenty-third year,

Dionne, born in Dragon’s cheer,

Hath come to age in grace and might,

With talents bright and passions right.


In art of digital, she doth excel,

Volleyball, her body doth compel,

Cats, plants, and food, her heart doth please,

A well-rounded soul, with nary a tease.


A student of accountancy, her mind is sharp,

But her heart is pure, a comforting harp,

A listener kind, a counselor true,

 For her friends in need, she will see them through.


Though passionate, she doth strive,

To balance her passion and stay alive,

With love and light, she doth shine,

A true gem in the sands of time.


Happy Birthday, Dionne, on this thy day

May all thy dreams and wishes sway,

May fortune smile and love abide,

In all the paths on which thou glide.


Hmm. Let me think about that for a bit. Dionne is a member of Generation Z. I had doubts then about her getting a thrill out of Shakespeare.  So, I asked Chat GPT to write the poem instead in the style of today’s rap, and in seconds carved out this jaw-dropping poem.

Listen up, it’s Dionne’s birthday

Born in the year of the Dragon, she’s flyin’ high, no delay

Digital art, her canvas, she paints with skill

Volleyball, she plays, never standing still


Cats, plants, and food, her heart’s desire

A management student, her future’s on fire

Passionate, driven, and always true

A listening ear and a helping hand, for her friends, she’ll come through


Struggles, she may have, but she never backs down

With her heart of gold, she wears her crown

Happy Birthday, Dionne, it’s your day

Live it up, make it count, in every single way


So, let’s raise a glass, and make some noise

For Dionne, the birthday girl, let’s give her some joys

Keep shining, keep climbing, never stop

Cause you’re the real deal, the top of the crop.

Putting to good use Adobe Photoshop for its image editing, graphic design and digital art, and putting it together with Chat GPT’s poem, I came up with a self-made birthday card for Dionne and posted it on FB on her birthday. Not bad at all.


Let me conclude this article with a story I dredged up from my memory which I’m sure has been passed over the years in many variations. A smart kid decided in taking on the wise old man in the village with a question he’s cocksure the old man would be unable to answer correctly. Holding a little bird cupped in his hands behind his back, he asked the old man, ”Is the bird in my hands, alive or dead?” If the old man said the bird was alive, the boy would crush the bird with his hands. If the old man said it was dead, the boy would open his hands and let the bird fly.

The wise old man said, “The answer is in your hands.”

Is Chat GPT, a threat or an opportunity? The answer is in our hands.

Head still collage photos courtesy of pixabaydotcom, pexeldotcom, & freepikdotcom

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