Tuesday, 28 February 2023


“ChatGPT Is A Plague Upon Education” (Inside Higher Ed)

“Don’t Ban ChatGPT In Schools. Teach with It.” (The New York Times)

The use of ChatGPT in education has been a subject of controversy and debate recently as shown by the above two banners. To-ban side of the argument believes that ChatGPT should be barred from classrooms due to concerns over cheating. Educator and author Cathy N. Davidson argued, “AI writing tools can be used to produce endless copies of the same text, with little originality or insight.”

Not-to-ban side sees the potential benefits of using ChatGPT to help students improve their writing skills and promote creativity and critical thinking. Elon Musk asserted, “AI can enable students to learn more effectively and efficiently, and can ultimately lead to a brighter future for everyone.”

This debate is not new. The calculator and the internet had similar debates surrounding them in the past. But as the use of ChatGPT becomes more prevalent in classrooms, finding a balance between the potential benefits and risks is worth the effort.

The real battle, however, lies in preventing the misuse of ChatGPT in education. Teachers must carry out measures to deter cheating of students inside the classrooms. How? Well, I thought I’d take a crack to solve the dilemma with my two cents’ worth.

Looking back, I started writing my ATABAY blog with a natal article “What’s In A Name?” where I tapped into the following three quotes:

“Writing is the most disciplined form of thinking.” (Donald M. Murray, Write to Learn)

“[T]hinking is difficult… complex… laborious… painstaking process.” (M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled)

“I think, therefore I am.” (Rene Descartes, Discourse on the Method)

A textbook on my shelf defines writing, alongside thinking, as a process – a series of steps taken over time and directed toward a particular end, expressed on paper what the writer feels or thinks about a subject. Writing occurs in three stages: prewriting, writing and rewriting.

Prewriting gets our ideas down on paper and develops our topic using techniques like freewriting. Writing turns our plan into an actual essay. Rewriting revises and edits our essays for clarity, coherence, and effectiveness.

The bone of contention of the ChatGPT to-ban-or-not-to-ban issue is thinking – critical thinking, to be exact. The banners below say it all:

“ChatGPT and the Decline of Critical Thinking” (insights iedotedu)

“Are AI Tools Like ChatGPT Destroying Critical Thinking For The Future Of Work?” (gigsterdotcom)

I figured out that if we could preserve critical thinking in the classroom we may not have to ban ChatGPT after all. We could safeguard critical thinking in the prewriting stage crafted through freewriting -- a technique that freely and creatively jots down every random idea, notion, thought, or opinion that pops into students’ minds about the subject.

Here are excerpts of a student’s freewriting sample, excerpted for brevity, taken from a textbook about this typical assignment: Write a classification essay about a force, a group, a system, a ritual, or an emotion.

“What is a force? What is a system? Do I want to write about a force, a system, a group, or an emotion? What emotion? Rituals, rituals, what are rituals? I picture religious robes and candle burning in various church nooks and crannies… I like the word ritual, though. Hmmmm. What group? I’m stuck. I’m stuck. Name some emotions? I don’t want to write about groups. Rituals? What rituals? Who has rituals? There’s the ritual of the lecture, of grading, of classroom interaction.

I feel stuck. Keep writing! Keep writing! It will come. Ritualistic hand washing. Lady Macbeth washed her hands constantly, trying to get the blood of her victims off. It would not come off. Definitely neurotic. Closer to home, more ordinary ritual: Every time my father walks past the kitchen sink, he tightens the faucet and wipes it off with a dishcloth…” (Taken from From Idea To Essay: A Rhetoric, Reader, and Handbook)

Eureka! This is it! Just as a math student solves a problem and shows his or her detailed solution, so too does a writing student pre-writes and shows his or her jotted freewriting thoughts as proof of the critical thinking process working inside his or her brain. I theorized freewriting could stand in the way of the cheaters.

Out of the blue, just for kicks, I asked ChatGPT to write a freewriting example on the same assignment and in seconds delivered its concoction excerpted for brevity.

Oh, boy, time to write a classification essay about a force, a group, a system, a ritual, or an emotion. Let’s see, which one should I choose? I could write about a force like gravity, or a group like boy bands, or a system like digestive system, or a ritual like my morning cup of coffee, or an emotion like…hmm…I don’t know, hangry?

Yeah, hangry. I mean, who doesn’t love a good classification essay about being hangry? I could classify different types of hangry based on their severity, like low-level hangry where you just need a snack, or full-blown hangry where you turn into a monster…

But then again, maybe I should write about a group instead… I could classify them based on their hair, like spiky hair boy bands or floppy hair boy bands…

I’m feeling inspired and a little bit wacky. Let’s see where this essay takes me.

Gosh! Anyone reading ChatGPT’s freewriting random thoughts above would have mistaken it as fashioned by a critically thinking student’s mind that could be turned to good use by any cheater as his or her own.

My, oh, my, I’ve presumed, freewriting – created in student’s mind – is a big idea of preserving the critical thinking process crafted in the brain factory that produces creative and original products of one’s imagination. Fantastically, ChatGPT could even mimic, if not worm into, such a supposedly shrouded domain. Gee whizz!

At this point in my quest, feeling to have come to nothing and thrown in the towel, I asked Chat GPT the key to the AI issue as befits the saying: “It takes a thief to catch a thief.” Wow! ChatGPT handed me the following general outline edited for brevity:

I can provide you with a general outline of how an essay writing lesson on freewriting can be conducted inside the classroom while discouraging cheating and promoting critical thinking skills using the book “The Sun Also Rises” as the essay assignment topic:


Discuss the context and significance of “The Sun Also Rises” as a literary work. Explain that freewriting explores different ideas and perspectives related to the book.


Write a sample prompt on the board and conduct a timed freewriting session. For example, “What are the major themes in ‘The Sun Also Rises’? What do you think Hemingway is trying to convey through these themes?”


Divide the students into small groups and assign them a prompt related to the book. For example, “What are your thoughts on the character of Jake Barnes in ‘The Sun Also Rises’?” Set a time limit of 10-15 minutes for the freewriting session. Encourage students to share their ideas and thoughts with their group members after the session.


Assign students a prompt related to the book to write individually. For example, “How does the portrayal of masculinity in ‘The Sun Also Rises’ reflect the societal norms of the time?” Give them 15-20 minutes to complete the freewriting session. Encourage them to explore their ideas freely without worrying about grammar, spelling, or structure.


After the freewriting session, have students revise their writing and develop a more polished piece. Emphasize the importance of original thought and critical thinking in their revisions. Encourage them to incorporate new insights and ideas that came up during the freewriting session.


Remind students that using AI writing technology like ChatGPT to generate their outputs is cheating and goes against the principles of academic integrity. Explain to them that their final output should be their original work, not a product generated by a machine.


Provide feedback and evaluation on the students’ final outputs, emphasizing the importance of original thought, critical thinking, and academic integrity.

“ChatGPT will be brutal in classrooms where writing is ‘assigned’ rather than ‘taught’,” wrote Brett Vogelsinger of Education Week.

By the standards of ChatGPT’s general outline on freewriting conducted inside the classroom to discourage cheating and promote critical thinking skills, we may refashion the above statement as follows:

“ChatGPT will be a valuable asset in classrooms where writing is taught rather than merely assigned.”

Head still photo courtesy of freepikdotcom

Saturday, 25 February 2023



“When America sneezes, the world catches a cold” goes the popular expression. If Asbury Revival were a “sneeze,” I hope PH would “catch a cold.” This article reflects on the Asbury Revival which has grabbed recently the headlines: “Christian Revival Draws Thousands to Kentucky Town” (The New York Times). It’s a 16-day spontaneous spiritual revival – non-stop praise and worship that went on for almost 400 hours. Wikipedia reported:

“The 2023 Asbury revival was a Christian revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky which lasted from February 8, 2023, through February 24, 2023. The event was prompted after students spontaneously stayed in Hughes Auditorium following a regularly scheduled chapel service on February 8, 2023. News of the phenomena was quickly spread on social media and in Christian online publications.

“The revival has been compared to similar revivals at Asbury, notably one that occurred in 1970, which had far-reaching consequences in Methodism, US culture, and the growth of the Jesus movement. News of the renewals is noted for its spread on social media, as the participants are mainly members of Generation Z. It has been attended by approximately 15,000 people each day.”

Christianity Today’s Daniel Silliman wrote about the bud of Asbury revival which quietly and unadornedly emerged with Zach Meerkreebs, the assistant soccer coach, preaching about becoming love in action. A Black gospel trio sang a final song and the chapel service ended.

“[B]ut 18 or 19 students stayed,” Silliman narrated. “They sat in several clusters: a few along the right wall, a few in their seats, a few on the floor in the aisle, a few at the foot of the stage. They kept praying.” He added that Zeke Atha, a junior, left after an hour to go to a class, but then when he got out, he heard singing.

“Okay, that’s weird,” Atha said. “I went back up, and it was surreal. The peace that was in the room was unexplainable.”

Silliman wrote that Atha and a few friends immediately left, sprinting around campus, bursting into classrooms with an announcement: “Revival is happening.”

Another publication, the Christian Post gave later an account of “universities nationwide experiencing ‘a spirit of unity and confession’ spurred by Asbury revival.”

As a writer, I have been fascinated by the Asbury revival because I wrote last December before the election an ATABAY article “Revival: Juan Tamad Within Us Must Be Awakened and Transformed.” In that article I quoted Jarius Bondoc’s prediction in his Philstar’s Gotcha column:

“Political dynasts will lead the popularity polls for president, VP, congressmen, and local posts. Senatorial favorites will be the old names. Party lists will violate election rules by promoting not their advocacies but names of nominees.”

Bondoc hit the nail on the head as affirmed by this Diplomat’s headline: “Political Dynasties Dominate Philippine Election – Again.” The word “Again” showed beyond doubt the seeming irreversibility of a political dynasty weighing heavily on our country.

Former Chief Justice Artemio V. Panganiban upheld, in a peculiar passivity, such irreversibility in his Inquirer column: “Dynasts… are here to stay.” Francisco S. Tatad in The Manila Times column wrote the same view of irreversibility: “[T]he May 2022 elections… may have irreversibly reshaped our politics… political dynasties as we know them, proliferated, instead of being voted out of office.”

Indeed, ‘tis a grim state of affairs.

Let me repost some pertinent excerpts from my recent ATABAY article “Sunday Sermon: Salt, Light, and Political Dynasties”:

“Political dynasty’s insensitive spitting image in history – when it comes to man’s proclivity to shamelessness, callousness, and greed – was the slave trade.

“We can take inspiration from the story of William Wilberforce who fought tirelessly to abolish the slave trade. We can be the salt and light that our country needs by working together to abolish the inequity of political dynasties. This will require courage and a commitment to doing what is right, even in the face of formidable powers that be.”

“Imagine a country where political power is not passed down within a privileged few, but where the people have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives. Where resources are distributed fairly and opportunities are available to all. Where the marginalized are represented and their needs are satisfied.

“This vision is not just a pipe dream, it is a possibility that we can work together.”

Truth be told, as I was writing those yearning words above, this starry-eyed expression kept flashing across my mind: you’re shooting for the moon, dude.

Let me share with you an amazing episode in the life of Wilberforce at the abyss of his struggle in abolishing the slave trade taken from Charles Colson’s book “Kingdom’s In Conflict: An Insider’s Challenging View of Politics, Power, and the Pulpit.”

“Weary with grief and frustration, [Wilberforce] often sat long into the night at his old oak desk, wondering whether he should abandon his hopeless [slave trade abolition] campaign. One night as he sat flipping through his Bible, a letter fluttered from between the pages.

“Wilberforce stared at the shaky handwriting. The writer was dead. In fact, this letter was one of the last he had ever written. Wilberforce had read it dozens of times, but never had he needed its message as much as he did now.”

My Dear Sir,

Unless the Divine power has raised you up as Athanasius contra mundum [“against the world”; Athanasius was an early church father who opposed many of the heresies of his time] I see not how you can go through your glorious enterprise in opposing that execrable villainy, which is the scandal of religion, of England, and of human nature.

Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils, but if God be for you who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? Oh, be not weary of well-doing. Go on in the name of God, and in the power of His might, till even American slavery, the vilest that ever saw the sun, shall vanish away before it. That He that has guided you from your youth up may continue to strengthen in this and all things, is the prayer of,

Your affectionate servant,

John Wesley

 Interestingly, John Wesley, an English cleric, theologian, and evangelist, was a leader of a revival movement within the Church of England known as Methodism. Asbury University’s roots are in the Methodist and Wesleyan-Holiness tradition with a historical emphasis on transformative movements of the Holy Spirit.

Just as the slave trade, the scandal of religion and human nature, could not have been cast out without the Divine power, so too will political dynasties in our country remain embedded despite the few good men’s sincerest and earnest intention and efforts to boot it out.

Divine intervention – a revival – is what our country needs today.

“I dare say that abolishing dynasties is… impossible,” Former Justice Panganiban asserted.

Wittingly or unwittingly, his words bear testimony to our country’s monumental need for nothing less than the Divine power and intervention to abolish political dynasties – for “nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37.

Head still collage photos courtesy of Slow to Write, Lexington Herald Leader, and Philippine Star

Tuesday, 21 February 2023



“I have stated it often, even before I took office as President, that there are many questions about [the International Criminal Court (ICC)] jurisdiction and what can be – what we in the Philippines regard as an intrusion in our internal matters and a threat to our sovereignty. So, until those questions of jurisdiction and the effects on the sovereignty of the Republic are sufficiently answered, I cannot cooperate with them.” – (President Bongbong Marcos (PBBM)’s statement in not cooperating with ICC)

“Magpapakilala muna tayo. Kapag hindi tayo bumiyahe at nagpakita sa mga conference na ýan, hindi nila tayo iniisip. Wala sa isipan nila ang Pilipinas.”

(We need to introduce ourselves first. If we do not travel and introduce ourselves in conferences, we would never be on their minds.)

“Kailangan natin ipakita kung ano ang ating para mapaganda ang potential investment nila na dadalhin nila dito sa Pilipinas.”

(We need to showcase the country to show them what potential investments they can bring into the Philippines.)

(PBBM’s statement in defending his foreign trips)

PBBM has counted on the above two courses of action to result in two diverging aspirations: leave-us-alone and we-need-you postures which beg the following questions:

1.    Are the two actions mutually independent – one action remains unaffected by the occurrence of the other action? In other words, though PBBM refuses to cooperate with ICC investigation, he still will not lose the support from other countries.

2.    Are the two actions mutually exclusive – two actions cannot occur at the same time? In other words, if PBBM refuses to cooperate with ICC investigation, then he will lose the support from other countries.

If you wish to fathom out the answers, you could delve into my following two cents worth perspective.


Question: What are the implications of PBBM’s refusal to cooperate with ICC’s ongoing investigation into the drug war killings under former president Rodrigo Duterte (FPRRD)?


1.    Impunity. It sends a message that there is impunity for those who commit crimes against humanity – demoralizing victims of such crimes and emboldening other leaders to commit similar atrocities.

2.    Tension and Conflict. It could exacerbate tension and conflict.

3.    Human Rights Violations. It could lead to human rights violations, such as arbitrary detention, or extrajudicial killings of witnesses, victims, or those suspected of providing information to the ICC.


1.    International Isolation. It could lose support from other countries leading to international isolation.

2.    Diplomatic Repercussions. It could harm PH’s reputation on the global stage hampering cooperative work with other countries and international organizations shackling future negotiations and agreements. Exhibit A. "Gov't Rushes To Avert EU Ban On PH Seafarers" (Inquirer)

3.    Domestic Instability. If the public pulse for the ICC investigation turns into widespread support, it could lead to internal unrest.


1.    Reduced Foreign Investment. It could lead to a reduction in foreign investment due to the investors’ uneasiness to invest in PH with a perceived poor human rights record and economic instability.

2.    Economic Sanctions. It could lead to economic sanctions – harming the PH economy by reducing investment and access to capital.

3. Damage to International Trade Relations. It could harm PH’s trade relations with other countries leading to reduced exports and distress to local industries. Exhibit B. "EU Parliament To PH: Act On Human Rights Abuses Or Lose GSP+ Perks" (Rappler)

Question: Is ICC as a global institution significant enough and is its investigation carrying a lot of weight that PH’s refusal to cooperate will have a consequential impact?

Well, to answer the question, let me present to you Mr. ICC.

ICC was established in 2002 to investigate and prosecute individuals for the most serious crimes of international concern, including genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the crime of aggression. A total of 123 countries are State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Here are some feathers in ICC’s cap:

1.    Convictions. ICC has secured several high-profile convictions, including those of Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga Dvilo for enlisting and conscripting child soldiers and former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo for crimes against humanity. Though the number of convictions is relatively small compared to the number of cases opened, convictions, however, have helped in instituting this essential principle: even those in positions of power are not above the law.

2.    Deterrence. The mere existence of the ICC has had a deterrent effect with many countries and individuals thinking twice about committing the types of crimes that fall under the ICC’s jurisdiction. Aware of facing prosecutions for their criminal acts, armed groups, and other non-state actors have nipped their scheming machinations in the bud.

3.    Raising Awareness. ICC has blown the whistle on international crimes and taken the wraps off the graveness of accountability for such crimes. Through its investigations and trials, it has gone public with the suffering of the victims and has given voice to those who might otherwise have been ignored and suffered in silence.

4.    Cooperation. ICC has promoted cooperation among countries and other actors in the pursuit of justice. While cooperation has been challenging at times, like that of the PH case, the ICC has been successful in securing the arrest and surrender of several high-profile suspects, including former warlord Bosco Ntaganda. Convicted of 18 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, Ntaganda (former military chief of staff of the National Congress for the Defense of the People, an armed militia group operating in Congo) was sentenced to a total of 30 years of imprisonment which on December 14, 2022, started in serving at Leuze-en-Hainaut prison in Belgium.

5.    Institutional Development. ICC has developed into a complex and sophisticated institution with a clear legal framework and established procedures for investigations, trials, and appeals – ensuring it operates in a fair, transparent, and efficient manner.


“In the poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, an albatross follows a ship setting out to sea, which is considered a sign of good luck. However, the titular mariner shoots the albatross with a crossbow, an act that will curse the ship and cause it to suffer terrible mishaps. Unable to speak up due to lack of water, the ship’s crew let the mariner know through their glances that they blame him for their plight and they tie the bird around his neck as a sign of his guilt. From this arose the image of an albatross around the neck as a metaphor for a burden that is difficult to escape.” (Wikipedia)

If we replace “albatross” with ICC, “the ship” with PH, “the titular mariner” with PBBM, “a crossbow" with non-cooperation with ICC investigation of FPRRD’s alleged EJKs, and “the ship’s crew” with Filipino people, then, we could generate questions: Could it mean that PBBM’s cooperation with ICC would bring "good luck" to PH instead of a burden? Could we allude that the ship crews’ “blame” game could mean Pinoys’ disunity today? What do “curse” and “terrible mishaps” imply? What does “lack of water” mean when there’s water everywhere? And what have you.

As a teacher for many years, when the school buzzer sounded at the tail end of my lecture, I would say to the class this dry and trite expression: “For your homework…”

So, let me wrap up this article by saying: For your homework, you may take a look and think through again at the above metaphor -- you may gain a deep understanding of what’s going on in our country today.

Lastly, writing this article with an uncommon topic outside of my expertise as an engineer by profession, I hand it to ChatGPT the efficacy of this collaborative polished product.

Head still collage photos courtesy of spotdotph and wikipedia.

Saturday, 18 February 2023



The following headlines have spotlighted the current crossfire around ChatGPT and other AI-powered technologies which is not surprising.

“The ChatGPT Gold Rush: Everything You Need To Know” – China Briefing

“A Conversation With Bing’s Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled” – The New York Times

“Elon Musk Takes Jab At ChatGPT As Propaganda Machine: ‘We Need TruthGPT’” – PC

The same debates have occurred throughout history, and many technological breakthroughs that were initially seen as threats or opportunities have ultimately proven to be beneficial. The introduction of the printing press in the 15th century was met with resistance and fear. However, the printing press ultimately led to the democratization of knowledge and the spread of literacy – and transformed society.

Similarly, the arrival of the telephone and the internet was initially met with skepticism and resistance. They have now become integral parts of our daily lives and have morphed the way we communicate and interact with each other.

Being in the “opportunities” side of this present “tug of war,” I wrote the following Sunday reflection in collaboration with ChatGPT to showcase that this chatbot (without losing sight of the privacy, security, and ethics burning issues) has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work today and in the future.



Immersed in romantic feelings, Valentine’s Day is associated with the softer aspect of love – the sensations of affection, passion, and warmth that we feel towards those closest to us. As the day of hearts recedes into bygone days, we turn our attention this time to the harder aspect of love – the challenging call to love those who don’t love us in return – those who hate us – our enemies.

In this context, love is not just a feeling, but a decision – the will to extend compassion, understanding, and grace even to those who would harm us.

Jesus said, “Love your enemies…”

Difficult, radical, controversial, subversive, and revolutionary – are among the adjectives that describe Jesus’ words in the Gospel. They challenge the most fundamental human instincts of self-preservation, self-interest, and self-defense.

Why did Jesus say those words, and what do they mean for us today?

Jesus was speaking to his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount, back then, where he was outlining the ethical and moral principles of the Kingdom of God. “Love your enemies” was not only a prescription for individual behavior but also a call for the radical transformation of the social and political structures that perpetuated violence and oppression. Jesus was challenging the prevailing cultural norms of the time, which condoned revenge, retaliation, and violence as legitimate means to deal with enemies.

“Love your enemies” is a call today to a higher moral standard that transcends human nature and cultural conditioning. It implies that our love should not be limited to those who are like us or those who love us back but should extend even to those who hate us, persecute us, or seek our destruction. This love is not a sentimental feeling but an act of the will that seeks the good of the other, even if it means sacrificing our interest or safety.


Corrie ten Boom’s life is an example of how the power of God’s love can transform even the most hostile enemies. During the Nazi occupation of Holland, Corrie and her family hid Jews in their home and were eventually arrested and sent to a concentration camp. In the camp, Corrie and her sister Betsie were subjected to unspeakable cruelty and suffering. Yet, amid this hellish environment, Corrie discovered the power of God’s love that enabled her to forgive her tormentors and even to show compassion towards them.

“[T]he longer you hold on to that anger, the longer you will continue to hurt yourself… The reason to forgive others is not for their sake. They are not likely to know that they need to be forgiven. They’re not likely to remember their offense… The reason to forgive is for your own sake. For your own health. Because beyond that point needed for healing, if we hold on to our anger, we stop growing and our souls begin to shrivel.” (M. Scott Peck, M.D., Further Along The Road Less Traveled)

Corrie later testified that it was only through God’s grace that she was able to love her enemies.


Mahatma Gandhi’s life is another example, particularly on his philosophy of non-violence rooted in the idea that all life is interconnected and that violence only begets more violence which he expounded in his piece “The Law of Love” as excerpted below:

“Consciously or unconsciously, we are acting non-violently towards one another in daily life. All well-constructed societies are based on the Law of Non-violence. I have found that life persists in the midst of destruction and, therefore, there must be a higher law than that of destruction. Only under that law would a well-ordered society be intelligible and life worth living.

"And, if that is the law of Life we have to work it out in daily life. Wherever there are jars, wherever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love. In a crude manner, I have worked it out in my life. That does not mean that all my difficulties are solved. I have found, however, that this Law of Love has answered as the Law of Destruction has never done.”

By refusing to retaliate or to hate his enemies, Gandhi was able to win the hearts and minds of the people and achieve his goal of Indian independence from British colonial rule.

An Indian-American writer, Ved Mehta, commented that “Gandhi [who early in his life read the Bible] was Christ and [many who have sought to maintain his influence by writing about him] are now his apostles, trying to spread the word through an indifferent world.”

In both Corrie ten Boom and Mahatma Gandhi’s lives, we see how love can be a powerful force that transcends human nature and cultural conditioning. Love can transform enemies into friends, heal wounds, and bring about reconciliation and peace. It requires a radical shift in our attitudes [recall Beatitudes], values, and behaviors, and a deep trust in God’s grace and power.


Pope Benedict XVI’s following words on non-violence affirm the transformative power of love as the only true weapon against evil.

“One then understands that for Christians, non-violence is not merely tactical behavior but a person’s way of being, the attitude [recall Beatitudes again] of one who is so convinced of God’s love and power that he is not afraid to tackle evil with the weapons of love and truth alone.

“Love of one’s enemy is the nucleus of the ‘Christian revolution,’ a revolution not based on strategies of economic, political or media power: the revolution of love, a love that does not rely ultimately on human resources but is a gift of God which is obtained by trusting solely and unreservedly in his merciful goodness. Here is the newness of the Gospel which silently changes the world! Here is the heroism of the ‘lowly’ who believe in God’s love and spread it, even at the cost of their lives.”

Mahatma Gandhi was reported to have once said: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” It’s an in-your-face gage that it’s indeed difficult, if not impossible, to imitate Christ, as Paul said, “And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.”

But nothing is impossible with God. Thanks to Corrie, who gave us the key: “When [Jesus] tells us to love our enemies, he gives along with the command, the love itself.” We can forgive and love our enemies, not with our Valentine's mode of human affection, but through God’s grace and His divine power of Love.


A Blessed Sunday To Everyone!

Head still photo courtesy of freepikdotcom

Tuesday, 14 February 2023



“Advice column is an article in a newspaper or magazine that offers advice to people who write to ask for help with a problem.” – The Britannica Dictionary

Many of such advice columns have been syndicated and appeared in several newspapers. The prominent example is Dear Abby, an American advice column founded in 1956 by Pauline Phillips, under the pen name Abigael Van Buren. According to Wikipedia, by 1987, over 1,200 newspapers ran Dear Abby, and in 2016, had a readership estimated at 110 million. The New York Times described it as “a staple in American households for decades.”

Interestingly, ChatGPT is a chatbot trained to interact, like human, in a conversational way. Not only will it answer anything one asks, but as well as, react to follow-up questions. What’s more, it will admit mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.

Curiously, what if ChatGPT has its advice column today? How would its pieces of advice measure up to those of Dear Abby? Well, I waded through the internet and picked out 15 interesting assorted readers’ questions from Dear Abby archives that would take the lid off the flashes of wit, the sense of good taste, and the breadth of imagination from both vantage points – Abby and ChatGPT -- the latter with minor editing for brevity.

READER 1: Is it possible for a man to be in love with two women at the same time?

ABBY: Yes, and also hazardous.

CHATGPT: Yes, and also possible to end up in the dog house with both of them.

READER 2: I’ve been going with this girl for a year. How can I get her to say yes?

ABBY: What’s the question?

CHATGPT: Show up in a banana costume and ask her to be your “peel in crime.”

READER 3: I’ve been going steady with this man for six years. We see each other every night. He says he loves me, and I know I love him, but he never mentions marriage. Do you think he’s going out with me just for what he can get?

ABBY: I don’t know. What’s he getting?

CHATGPT: Put a little chicken hat on him and asking him if he’s ready to be a “chicken in love.”

READER 4: What’s the difference between a wife and a mistress?

ABBY: Night and Day.

CHATGPT: A wife is like a lighthouse; a mistress, a pirate ship, never dull adventures, but dangerous.

READER 5: I joined the Navy to see the world. I’ve seen it. Now, how do I get out?

ABBY: Simple. Go to your superior officer and say these words: I’m Gay.

CHATGPT: Try enlisting the help of a dolphin with its excellent navigation skills.

READER 6: I have always wanted to have my family history traced, but I can’t afford to spend a lot of money to do it. Have you any suggestions?

ABBY: Yes. Run for a public office.

CHATGPT: Try time travel and see your ancestors in action. Just be careful not to mess up the future.

READER 7: I know boys will be boys, but my “boy” is seventy-three and he’s still chasing women. Any suggestion?

ABBY: Don’t worry. My dog has been chasing cars for years, but if he ever caught one, he wouldn’t know what to do with it.

CHATGPT: Let him take up ballroom dancing – to raise his stock or become a laughing stock.

READER 8: I am 44 years old and would like to meet a man my age with no bad habits.

ABBY: So would I.

CHATGPT: It’s like finding a unicorn in the wild.

READER 9: I’m 19 years old and not very experienced, but my mother told me to be careful of men with mustaches. Is there any truth to this?

ABBY: Yes, and also be careful of men without them.

CHATGPT: If it makes your mother feel better, tip him off to grow a mustache made of cotton candy – it’s sweet and harmless.

READER 10: Why does our society insist on using the euphemism “sleeping together” in place of “having sex”?

ABBY: That’s so the children won’t know where they came from.

CHATGPT: It’s finding the right words – whether it’s galloping to glory or just taking a nap.

READER 11: I don’t want to appear conceited but I’m forced to admit that I am one guy who has everything. Women always flocking around me and telling me how good-looking I am and what a marvelous personality I have. I’m beginning to find this pretty annoying and extremely tiring. I just want to live a normal quiet life. How can I dissuade these hopeful females?

ABBY: Keep talking.

CHATGPT: Carry a picture of your mother and show it to them.

READER 12: I am in love with two boys and don’t know which one to marry. First there’s Andy. He’s sort of blond and sells insurance. Mama likes him, which helps a lot. He’s very reliable and seems anxious to get married.

Then there’s Tony. He’s dark and sort of gives me the creeps. (But they’re awfully nice creeps, if you know what I mean.)

I don’t know which one I like best. In the daytime I like Andy, but I believe I like Tony better at night. Which one do you think would make the best husband for me?

ABBY: Don’t marry either one, if it’s a toss-up. Date others and make comparisons. When “The One” comes along, you’ll flip your lid – not a coin.

CHATGPT: Flip a coin, and let fate decide.

READER 13: My husband has always been very close to his mother and she has never cared much for me.  I asked my husband if I was drowning and his mother was drowning which one would he save? He said “My mother” because I owe her more. I am so terribly hurt, Abby. What shall I do?

ABBY: Learn to swim.

CHATGPT: Learn to swim, just in case.

READER 14: I am 10 years old and my Daddy said that when I saved enough money, I could buy anything I wanted with it.

All my life, I have wanted a monkey. I have saved $14. I asked Daddy if I could buy a pet monkey and he said no, because I wouldn’t know how to take care of it. My mom is the fussy type. You know, everything has to be just so. Do you know anyone who has a pet monkey and can give me some advice?

ABBY: I have had two pet monkeys (David and Bathsheba) and, although I love my monkeys, your father is right. To quote my son (he was 4 at that time), “Monkeys should live with monkeys, and people should live with people.”

CHATGPT: A monkey wrench might be more useful.

Last but not least, seriously, this time.

READER 15: I am 21 and confused. My boyfriend, “Ethan,” and I broke up five months ago, but we recently got back together. The problem is, he hides the fact that we’re together. I’m not allowed to put anything on Facebook or even comment or “like” anything on his page. He hardly even talks to me or comes to see me, and when we do talk or see each other, we end up in a fight. We used to be great together, but things are no longer the way we were.

Ethan insists he’s not cheating on me, but it’s hard to believe him, because when we got back together he had been talking to a girl who lives a few miles away from him. I don’t want to end our relationship. Ethan says he loves me and doesn’t want to leave me, but I don’t know what to think anymore.

ABBY: Yes. Wake up, honey. The relationship you cherished with Ethan is over. A man who is in love with a woman sees and talks with her often, and doesn’t hide her from the world or get into a fight with her every time he sees her. That he would forbid you to mention that you are back together on Facebook and refuse to permit you to comment on his posts is a huge red flag.

You asked my advice, and here it is: Take a giant step backward and see Ethan for who he is – a person who doesn’t tell the truth and is very likely a cheater. If he was sincere, he’d be telling the world the happy news about your reunion.

CHATGPT: A healthy relationship is built on trust, communication, and mutual respect. It’s concerning that your boyfriend is hiding your relationship and causing conflicts. You deserve to be with someone who values you and treats you with honesty and kindness. Have an honest conversation with him and set clear boundaries. Remember, it’s okay to walk away from a relationship that doesn’t fulfill your needs and make you happy.

'Tis not too shabby. ChatGPT, that's cool.

Head still collage photos courtesy of freepikdotcom

Saturday, 11 February 2023



[Inspired by the song “By The Time I Get To Phoenix,” I wrote this short story in collaboration with ChatGPT.]

Richard stood at the foot of the crumpled bed, watching Rachel, the love of his life, sleep like a baby. Filled with the warm glow of the city lights filtering in through the window, the room, at 3 a.m., projected a picture of serene beauty and bittersweet memories, with just the sound of her soft breathing breaking the stillness of the moment.

He couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness as he looked around the room. The traces of their romantic Valentine’s night littered the coffee table: half-empty bottles of red wine and chocolates. A bunch of roses sat beside two opened gifts: one, an elegant necklace for her, and the other, a TAG Heuer watch for him, plus a European cruise tour for two.

He’s awake before the crack of dawn because he’s leaving her. It was a difficult decision, but one he felt was necessary for their future.

As he gazed at her, he couldn’t help but think of all the memories they had shared together in their Makati condo. The laughter, tears, and the ups and downs of their career all seemed to be encompassed in this one space. He knew that it would be hard to leave her, but he felt that he had made the right choice.

He took one last look around the room, memorizing every detail, especially the Rolls Royce car logo on the wall consisting of two letters RR which were initials of their names.

Then, he leaned down and gently kissed her on the forehead, turned the lights out, walked out of the room, and closed the door quietly behind him.

By the time he got to Tayabas, she'd be rising.

“I can’t believe it,” she murmured, baffled, as she was reading his note hanging on the door. “After all these years, he just walks out on me like that. I mean, really? On Valentine’s day, of all days? The morning after we shared such a special and intimate night?”

She could feel her jumbled emotions all over the place, anger mixed with hurt and confusion.

“How could he just leave like this?” she asked as she was sitting there trying to make sense of it all; but, all of a sudden, she smirked. “He’s the loser. He’s the one walking away from everything, not me.”

“I mean, let’s be real here,” she let her thoughts wander. “I’m the more successful one. I’m the Vice-President of a global company, and he’s just a middle manager of a small construction outfit. I bought our condo and the two cars we drive and footed the bill for all our living expenses with my platinum corporate credit card. I even paid for his expensive MBA. Now, he thinks he can just walk away. He’s the one leaving behind the lap of luxury that we’ve built together.”

“I’ve worked hard to get where I am,” she debated with herself. “I’ve always been there for him, supporting him and helping him build his career. And now, he’s the one who’s walking away from all of it.”

“So, go ahead and walk away, my dear,” she poured it on as she stared at their framed selfie together on top of her dresser. “But know this, you’re the one who’ll be missing out. You’ll miss the life we’ve built together, the love, and the memories. And as for me, I’ll just keep on rising, because I am a strong, successful woman, and I don’t need anyone to hold me back.”

By the time he made Naga, she'd be working.

Taking her lunch break, she decided to call him. But she just heard his phone that kept on ringing because he left it at the condo. The sight of that cell phone filled him with a sense of dread and disgust. It’s a constant reminder of the trouble it has caused his relationship and the pain it has brought him.

Taking his lunch, he looked back on their latest argument. It all sparked off with an anonymous text message he got hinting that she was having an affair with her boss. The day before Valentine’s day, he mustered the courage to confront her about the text.

“How could you do this to me,” he demanded, brandishing his phone with the text.

“What are you talking about?” she asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

“This text. It says you’re having an affair with your boss.”

“That’s just office gossip. People are just jealous of my success. You know I would never do something like that to you.”

As she spoke those words, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of doubt. He wanted to believe her, but the text had planted a seed of suspicion in his mind that he just couldn’t shake.

By the time he made Legazpi, she'd be sleeping. She'd turn softly and call his name out low.

On the spur of the moment, she decided to call him on his phone. She was taken aback when she heard his cell phone ringing on top of her dresser. She picked it up and saw a familiar text: “Rachel Dear, see you in Marina Bay Sands. Same room. Happy Valentine’s Day! Sugar D.”

She was horrified and felt nauseated after she read the text. Before long, she found herself crying, getting the whole picture, ultimately, that he had left her.

All at once, everything in that room turned achingly nostalgic. Misty-eyed, she felt sickly sweet even to the corny lovey-dovey poem he scribbled on a piece of bond paper last Valentine’s Day which he Scotch-taped on the wall. Weepy, she read it, in earnest, for the first time.

Richard and Rachel, two hearts entwine

Our love, like Rolls, shines and shines

Enduring and impressive, a perfect match

Just like a Rolls Royce, our love will last


With smooth handling, and stylish flair

Our love is a joy to see and share

Powerful and steadfast, always on course

Richard and Rachel, our love to endorse


So, here’s to our love that’s strong and true

Our love that’s just like a Rolls, for me and you

Richard and Rachel, together we’ll ride

With love as our engine, our journey’s our guide.

Head still collage photos courtesy of pixabaydotcom, pexeldotcom, & freepikdotcom


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