Tuesday, 7 February 2023



[Here’s a two-cent worth attempt in fiction writing in collaboration with Chat GPT.]

“Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experience we have never shared.” (J.K. Rowling)

In the celestial realm of Heaven, human love was not something experienced by angels and demons. So, one day, the Man Upstairs announced a rare surprise break on Valentine’s Day and excitement popped out all over their faces. The catch? The angels and demons must spend the day roaming the earth, eavesdropping on human couples as they celebrated their love for one another.

As fate would have it, Michael the archangel, and Asmodeus, the demon of lust, were paired up for the day. Together, they descended to earth, their eyes filled with wonder as they prepared to embark on a journey of discovery. Little did they know, their views on love and the human experience would be forever changed by the intimate conversations they were about to give ears.

The maiden couple snuggled up in a small café, surrounded by a warm and cozy ambience. The elegant interiors were bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, casting a romantic spell over the dating lovers that filled the space. The air was permeated with a Valentine’s Day blend of red wine and chocolate heart scents, seeped through with romantic indulgences like strawberries, offering a sensory experience that added to the intimate atmosphere.

As the couple sipped their coffee, they chatted intimately, lost in their world. A wide-screen TV on a distant wall showed, toned down, the movie “The Notebook.”

A piped-in subdued tone of the song “Endless Love” played in the background, providing a musical backdrop to the lovers’ conversation.

Boy: Do you remember the first time I told you I loved you?

Girl: Of course. It was during that sunset walk by the beach. I was so surprised but so happy.

Boy: I knew I had to tell you. You have been the light of my life since the day I met you.

Michael and Asmodeus were amazed at the depth of emotion and love in the lovers’ words. They went on dropping in on different cafes, listening in on more conversations.

Boy: So, what do you want for Valentine’s Day? Diamonds? Flowers?

Girl: Nah, all I want is for you to give me a good, old-fashioned piggyback ride.

Boy: Done. You got it, my love.

Out of the blue, Asmodeus asked, “What is love, Mike?”

“Deu, let’s stroll along the Lovers’ Lane and eavesdrop on what the lovers are saying to each other,” Michael said. “I bet, at the end of this lane, you’ll get to the bottom of the real essence of love.”

The pair strolled the moonlit path on Lovers Lane, a secluded stretch of beach, nestled amid the rolling dunes and swaying palm trees. The soft sound of waves lapping against the shore filled the air, providing a soothing background to the intimate conversations taking place between the cuddling lovers who dotted the beach.

As they walked, the pair couldn’t help but overhear the lovers’ whispers. Some were indulging in playful banter, sharing deep, intimate thoughts. Others hugged each other close, taking in the beauty of the night, their words hushed, spoken in low tones only could they hear, as the twinkling stars above served as the perfect backdrop to their hushed words.

Girl 1: I know I’ve been difficult lately, but I just feel like I’ve been under so much stress.

Boy 1: That’s okay, my love. I’m here for you, no matter what. We’ll get through this together.

“Love is patient, Deu,” Michael whispered.

Boy 2: I’m so sorry I forgot about our plans last night.

Girl 2: It’s alright, sweetheart. You’ve been working so hard lately. Let’s just enjoy each other’s company now.

“Love is kind, Deu.”

Girl 3: I saw on FB that your ex got engaged.

Boy 3: Yeah. I saw that too. But I’m happy for her. I’m grateful for what we have and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

“Love does not envy, Deu.”

Boy 4: I got that promotion I’ve been working for.

Girl 4: That’s wonderful, my love. But remember, it’s not about what you have. It’s about who you have.

“Love does not boast, Deu.”

Girl 5: I’m so ashamed of the way I acted yesterday.

Boy 5: You have nothing to be ashamed of, my love. I’ll always support you, no matter what.

“Love does not dishonor, Deu.”

Boy 6: I know you had your heart set on going to that concert, but I have to work tonight.

Girl 6: It’s alright, I understand. We’ll go to another one together soon.

“Love is not self-seeking, Deu.”

Girl 7: I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier.

Boy 7: It’s okay, I forgive you. I love you, no matter what.

“Love is not easily angered, Deu.”

Boy 8: I know I’ve made mistakes in the past, but I promise to do better.

Girl 8: I believe in you, my love. Let’s start fresh and move forward together.

“Love does not keep a record of wrongs, Deu.”

Girl 9: I heard someone gossip about our friends.

Boy 9: I don’t want to hear it. Let’s just focus on the good in our own lives and love others.

“Love does not delight in evil, Deu.”

Boy 10: I’m so proud of you for standing up for what’s right.

Girl 10: Thanks, my love. It’s important to always do what’s truthful and just.

“Love rejoices with the truth, Deu.”

Girl 11: I feel like I’m not good enough sometimes.

Boy 11: That’s not true, my love. You are amazing and I will always be here to protect you and support you.

“Love always protects, Deu.”

Boy 12: I know I’ve given you a reason to doubt me in the past, but I promise to always be honest with you.

Girl 12: I trust you, my love. I believe in our love and our future together.

“Love trusts, Deu.”

Girl 13: I feel like things have been tough lately.

Boy 13: We’ll get through this, my love. I have hope for our future and for all the good things to come.

“Love hopes, Deu.”

Boy 14: I know it’s been hard, but I won’t give up on us.

Girl 14: Me neither, my love. We’ll keep working at it and making our love stronger.

“Love perseveres, Deu.”

Girl 15: I don’t know how to handle this situation.

Boy 15: We’ll figure it out together, my love. Our love is unbreakable and it will never fail us.

“Lover never fails, Deu.”

As the lovers walked away one after another, the moon cast a soft glow over their shadows, casting a romantic spell over the landscape. The breeze was gentle, yet refreshing, blowing through their hair, carrying the scent of salt and sea over the aroma of the beach.

As the pair sneaked off the Lovers’ Lane, Asmodeus’ thoughts were a jumbled mess.

“Mike, I never knew what I was missing until now,” he said with a voice filled with mixed emotions. ”As a celestial being for eons, I have never gone through what these humans are feeling tonight,”

“Yes, love is a beautiful thing, isn’t it, Deu?” Michael asked.

Asmodeus nodded. “I want to feel it for myself,” he iterated.

“I know that it’s a long shot, but I’m going to ask Heaven for the chance to become human,” Asmodeus pressed home. “I yearn to live through what it’s like to be loved, and to love in return.”

Michael smiled, knowing full well the somber reality that the loving night they had just gone through was just one special night out of the 365 run-of-the-mill nights that comprise a typical year of what the earthlings called Life. But he also knew that for Asmodeus, this was a defining moment, a moment that would change him forever.

The pair walked away from Lovers’ Lane knowing that their celestial lives would never be the same again. Both lives have been altered by the beauty of love, and would never forget this special night, the night that opened their hearts to the true essence of love.

As Michael and Asmodeus were taking off from the beach with their celestial bodies gradually vanishing out of sight, the song “When I Fall in Love” began playing in one bar adding to the already soul-stirring atmosphere of such an extraordinary night.

“When I fall in love

It will be forever

Or I’ll never fall in love…”

Head still collage photos courtesy of pixabaydotcom and stockdotadobedotcom,

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