Saturday, 16 March 2024



If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

The note above, signaling the hunt is up and running, is taken from the official website of the United States Government Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The referred person is Apollo Carreon Quiboloy under the banner Most Wanted. Below his enlarged ID photo, one heading Caution reads as follows:

Apollo Carreon Quiboloy, the founder of a Phlippine-based church, is wanted for his alleged participation in a labor trafficking scheme that brought church members to the United States, via fraudulently obtained visas, and forced the members to solicit donations for a bogus charity, donations that were used to finance church operations and the lavish lifestyles of its leaders. Members who proved successful at soliciting for the church allegedly were forced to enter into sham marriages or obtain fraudulent student visas to continue soliciting in the United States year-round.

Furthermore, it is alleged that females were recruited to work as personal assistants, or pastorals, for Quiboloy and that victims prepared his meals, cleaned his residences, gave him massages, and were required to have sex with Quiboloy in what the pastorals called night duty.

Quiboloy was indicted by a federal grand jury in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, Santa Ana, California, for conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking by force, fraud, and coercion and sex trafficking of children; sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion; conspiracy; and bulk cash smuggling, and on November 10, 2021, a federal warrant was issued for his arrest.

The Quiboloy case is “so unusual and so complex” (the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California acknowledged) that we find it valuable to get insights from an expert on international crimes. We invited Mr. AI to our live TV program to answer questions on Quiboloy’s case.

ME Hello everyone! Welcome to GeopoliTic Talk. Today, we have a very special guest joining us, none other than Mr. AI, an international legal expert, here to shed some light on the hunt for Apollo Quiboloy by the FBI. Welcome to the show, Mr. AI.

MR AI Thank you for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here.

ME Let’s dive right in, shall we? Apollo Quiboloy, the charismatic leader of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church, is reportedly hiding in the Philippines while being pursued by the FBI. What can you tell us about the allegations against him?

MR AI Well, Quiboloy is facing serious charges which you can read the details in the news. They are not to be taken lightly and could have grave legal consequences if proven true.

ME Absolutely, those are terrible accusations. Now, could you explain why one US district court has deemed Quiboloy’s case as “so unusual and so complex”?

MR AI Certainly. When a court refers to a case as “unusual,” it means that the circumstances surrounding it deviate significantly from the norm like in Quiboloy’s case.

First, the case involved a labor trafficking operation spanning over 16 years from 2002 to 2018 – an uncommon prolonged and systematic exploitation.

Second, he is the founder of a religious organization adding a layer of complexity often attracting attention due to his influence and the potential impact on his followers.

Third, it involved cross-border trafficking with victims brought from the Philippines to the US.

Fourth, it exploited coerced sham marriages and fraudulent student visas to perpetuate the scheme.

Fifth, it preyed on a bogus charity to fund operations and his lavish lifestyle.

The combination of these factors makes the case stand out as an unusual legal matter.

ME Yikes, that’s mind-boggling. What makes the case so complex?

MR AI First, the case involves a range of charges, from sex trafficking to bulk cash smuggling. Each charge requires a thorough examination of evidence, legal arguments, and potential defenses.

Second, it spans different states (California, Nevada, Hawaii) and countries (Philippines, United States) necessitating coordination among law enforcement agencies and legal systems.

Third, it deals with intricate gathering of statements from victims who may have faced coercion, fear, and trauma.

Fourth, it copes with understanding the dynamics within his religious organization and its impact on victims.

Fifth, it attracts media attention and public scrutiny affecting the legal proceedings due to his prominence.

The court likely recognizes the intricate interplay of these factors, making Quiboloy’s case exceptionally complex.

ME Golly, I’ve felt groggy just listening to your details. Given the whole shebang is so unusual and so complex, could you hazard a guess on the strategic and tactical moves of the US, particularly the FBI and other federal agencies, in handling Quiboloy’s case?

MR AI I hope I can make my answers easy to understand by playing on chess metaphor.

ME I love to play chess. Sounds like a good idea – go for it!

MR AI The US having been granted by a federal judge in unsealing the arrest warrant and the first superseding indictment moves on Quiboloy, is now prepping for the middle game strategic moves.

Like players focusing on positioning chess pieces, federal agencies collaborate, sharing intelligence, and resources, wherein the FBI works closely with the Department of Homeland Security, CIA, and Interpol to gather information globally.

Like controlling the center of the chess board, the US monitors Quiboloy’s networks, suspects, and communication channels which include electronic surveillance, undercover agents, and informants.

Just as chess players deploy pieces strategically, so too do federal agencies position assets (agents, analysts, and hi-tech specialists) on locations with the most impact.

The US files charges, issues warrants, and seeks cooperation from other countries – moves that set the stage for the end game.

The middle game refers to shaping public opinion through public releases, leaks, and official statements which influence how the case is perceived.

ME Your chess metaphor perks me up. What’s the end game?

MR AI The US tactical moves aim for successful prosecution. Like checkmating the opponent’s king, the US apprehends suspects. Quiboloy’s eventual arrest will be a critical tactical move.

Extradition proceedings become so crucial that the US must navigate legal complexities and diplomatic relations.

Convictions often hinge on witness testimony. The US ensures witnesses’ safety, credibility, and cooperation. Like promoting a pawn to a queen, the US presents compelling evidence in court. This includes victim testimonies, financial records, and wiretaps.

The US predicts defense strategies such as challenging evidence and discrediting witnesses.

The end game culminates in sentencing. The US seeks penalties that reflect the severity of the crimes.

ME Wow! Checkmate! What more can I say? Thank you, Mr. AI, for your brilliant insights. Thank you everyone for watching the show.


Imagine this most dramatic scenario. Quiboloy’s capture becomes a spectacle for the ages. Law enforcement agencies, aided by international cooperation, converge on his purported hideout. Cameras roll as they breach the compound, leading to a tense standoff reminiscent of a Hollywood thriller. The world watches with bated breath as Quiboloy, once, an untouchable figure, is led away in handcuffs, his expression a mix of defiance and resignation.

For his followers, it is a moment of reckoning, as they grapple with the revelation that their beloved leader may not be the savior they once believed him to be. As the wheel of justice slowly turns, one thing becomes crystal clear: in the pursuit of justice, no one is above the law.

Anthropologist Thomas Huxley once said the following words that give us an inkling of Quiboloy’s virtual opponent who beat him in the chess game:

“The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the universe, and the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us.”

Content put together in collaboration with Bing Microsoft AI-powered Co-pilot

Head collage photos courtesy of and Vecteezy

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

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