Tuesday, 2 April 2024



In the annals of Philippine history, the names of Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora are etched in the collective memory as martyrs of the Filipino nation. These three priests, known as Gomburza were executed by Spanish colonial authorities in 1872 for their alleged involvement in the Cavite Mutiny. Their martyrdom symbolizes the enduring spirit of resistance and sacrifice in the face of oppression – an ethos that resonates deeply in the Filipino psyche.

Fast forward to the present day, and the Philippines finds itself once again confronting threats to its sovereignty and territorial integrity, this time in the contested waters of the West Philippine Sea (WPS). As China asserts its expansive claims and flexes its military might in the region, the principles of Right is Might and Martyrdom take on renewed significance in shaping the Philippine perspective on this complex geopolitical conflict.

As Senator Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa conceded, “So, that’s it. I don’t know how to deal with that situation honestly.”

So complex, indeed, such a geopolitical conflict that we invited a geopolitical expert, Mr. AI, to shed light on the issues about the Philippine-China conflict and, for all one knows, show the Senator the geopolitical ropes in carrying out his patriotic mission in defending our sovereignty.

ME Welcome everyone to GeopoliTic Talk! We’re glad to have with us today a special guest, a geopolitical expert, who will share with us his expertise on the raging crisis in the region. Help me welcome, Mr. AI.

MR AI Thank you for having me. I’m here to provide insights and address any queries you may have about this complex and critical issue.

ME Let’s dive into the basics. Mr. AI, could you give our viewers a brief overview of the regional conflict and why it’s so important to the Philippines?

MR AI WPS is part of the South China Sea (SCS), a strategically significant waterway for trade routes, and a vital maritime thoroughfare rich in natural resources which China claims almost its entirety, SCS has long been a flashpoint of territorial disputes among neighboring countries, including the Philippines and China. China asserts its expansive claims, based on historical grounds and the controversial Nine-Dash Line. Such a claim has put China at odds with countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei escalating tensions in the region, and posing a threat to Philippine sovereignty and maritime interests.

ME That’s certainly a contentious issue. Now, can you explain the principle of Right is Might in the context of the Philippines’ defense in the West Philippine Sea?

MR AI Certainly. Right is Might embodies the idea that adherence to international law and moral principles strengthens a nation’s position, even in the face of a more powerful adversary. In the WPS conflict, the Philippines has consistently asserted its right based on international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), to counter China’s aggressive actions. Despite being outgunned and outmatched militarily by China, the Philippines has pursued legal and diplomatic avenues to defend its sovereignty and maritime interests. By upholding legal norms and seeking peaceful resolution of disputes, the Philippines seeks to bolster the moral legitimacy of its stance and garner international support.

ME Fascinating. On a related note, could you elaborate on the concept of Martyrdom and its relevance to the stance in the conflict?

MR AI Martyrdom refers to the willingness of individuals to sacrifice their lives for a noble cause. Just as Gomburza sacrificed their lives for the cause of freedom and justice, so too have Filipino soldiers, fishermen, and civilians displayed remarkable resilience and courage in the face of aggression. From fishermen harassed by Chinese vessels to soldiers stationed in remote outposts, their sacrifices embody the spirit of martyrdom in defense of their homeland.

ME It’s incredible to hear about the bravery of the Filipinos in the face of adversity. Now, how do you see the bond between Right is Might and Martyrdom shaping the Philippine perspective on the conflict?

MR AI The bond between Right is Might and Martyrdom is profound from the Philippine perspective. By upholding international law and sacrificing for the homeland, Filipinos reinforce the moral legitimacy of their cause and inspire national unity. The principles of Right is Might and Martyrdom intersect to strengthen the Philippines’ resolve to defend its sovereignty and maritime rights against external threats.

ME That’s a powerful connection indeed. Moving forward, can you discuss the diplomatic and strategic responses of the Philippines to the conflict?

MR AI Certainly. The Philippines has pursued diplomatic engagements with China and other stakeholders to seek a peaceful and lawful resolution of conflict. Additionally, strategic partnerships and alliances, particularly with the United States and other regional powers, have bolstered the Philippines’ defense capabilities and deterred aggression. These efforts demonstrate the Philippines’ commitment to safeguarding its interests and promoting regional stability in the region.

ME Greatly appreciated for shedding light on those diplomatic efforts. Finally, Mr. AI, what’s your concluding message to our viewers regarding the Philippine-China conflict in the region?

MR AI In conclusion, as the regional conflict continues to unfold, the principles of Right is Might and Martyrdom remain guiding beacons for the Philippines. From the martyrdom of Gomburza to the sacrifices of Filipino patriots in the present day, the spirit of resilience and defiance against oppression endures. In the face of external threats, the Philippines stands firm in its commitment to upholding international law, defending its sovereignty, and safeguarding the rights of the Filipino people.

In the words of Jose Rizal, the Philippines’ national hero, “There are no tyrants where there are no slaves.” As long as the Filipino spirit remains unbroken and the flame of freedom burns bright, the Philippines will continue to assert its rightful place in the community of nations and defend its sovereignty with unwavering resolve.

The international community must support efforts towards a peaceful and rules-based resolution of the regional conflict for the benefit of all parties involved.

ME Thank you, Mr. AI, for your valuable insights and expertise on this pressing issue. We appreciate your time and expertise. And to our viewers, thank you for tuning in to GeopoliTic Talk. Until next time, stay informed and engaged.

Content put together in collaboration with ChatGPT

Head collage photos courtesy of Asia News Network, Nikkei Asia, Philippine Star, Philippine Information Agency, & Benar News

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

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