Saturday, 4 May 2024




The classroom buzzes with anticipation as students gather, ready to dissect the complexities of corporate ethics through the lens of a real-world scandal. Transcending textbooks, students prepare to engage in real-life dilemmas serving as the ultimate test of their critical thinking and moral compass.

Today’s case: Bell-Kenz Pharma Inc., a company caught in the crosshairs of public scrutiny. The defense? A classic case of whataboutism. The classroom is set for intricate brainwork by students as future leaders – taking a long hard look between profit and principle full of twists and turns.

PROF JAY Good morning, class. Today we’ll examine the Bell-Kenz Pharma Inc. case and its defense strategy. Who can brief us on the core issue?

JAMES Bell-Kenz Pharma Inc. is embroiled in a scandal for allegedly offering incentives to doctors for prescribing their drugs, ranging from cash, and foreign travel, to luxury cars.

PROF JAY Interesting. What ethical considerations come into play here? Mary?

MARY It raises questions about the influence of financial incentives on medical decisions -- potentially compromising patient care for personal gain.

PROF JAY Precisely. Now, how does Bell-Kenz come to the defense of its alleged unethical actions? John?

JOHN It’s whataboutism. They react, “Why only us?” They contend several other pharmaceutical companies have been doing the same.

PROF JAY Can someone explain this tactic? Anne?

ANNE One morning Dad tells Matt to tidy his room before he goes to football practice. Matt complains, “It’s not fair. What about Tom? His room is just as bad as mine and you’ve let him go out to his friend’s party.”

PROF JAY That’s a good example. Yes, Phil, you’re raising your hand?

PHIL In other words, whataboutism is a deflection -- trying to shift focus from their actions by pointing out that others are doing the same or worse.

PROF JAY And what’s the problem with that approach? Yes, Pete?

PETE It doesn’t address the actual issue. It’s like saying two wrongs make a right -- which they don’t.

PROF JAY Indeed. Let’s delve deeper. How does whataboutism affect public trust? Beth?

BETH It can erode trust. If Bell-Kenz doesn’t take responsibility, it suggests they’re not committed to ethical practices.

PROF JAY Now, consider the impact on the doctors. What are the potential consequences for them? Paul?

PAUL They could face legal action, lose their medical licenses, and suffer reputational damage.

PROF JAY Right. How should companies like Bell-Kenz respond to such an allegation? Leah?

LEAH They should address the concerns directly and show they’re taking steps to ensure ethical conduct.

PROF JAY Excellent points. Let’s discuss solutions. How can the pharmaceutical industry prevent such scenarios? Dave?

DAVE Stricter regulations and transparency in the relationships between pharma companies and doctors are the key. 

PROF JAY Great discussion. Divide yourself into four groups. For the rest of the period, each group shall come up with a recapitulated takeaway of the Bell-Kenz case and its whataboutism defense.

Prof Jay gives the nod, as a cut above the rest, to the following recapitulated takeaways of the Bell-Kenz scandal and its whataboutism defense submitted and presented by one group:

The Good

A Catalyst for Change. The whataboutism defense (WD) has inadvertently shone a spotlight on systemic issues -- potentially paving the way for pharmaceutical industry-wide reforms.

A Call for Consistency. It challenges stakeholders to apply a uniform ethical standard across the board -- ensuring no company is unfairly singled out.

The Bad

A Diversion from Accountability. The WD tactic sidesteps the heart of the issue -- allowing the real problem to fester unaddressed.

A Breeding Ground for Cynicism. It fosters an environment where deflecting blame becomes the norm -- eroding the foundation of trust.

The Ugly

A Weapon of Mass Distraction. The WD can be wielded to manipulate public perception – casting a shadow over legitimate concerns.

A Stain on Professional Integrity. It risks painting all practitioners with the same brush -- damaging the reputation of entire sectors.

Impact on Stakeholders

Doctors. They face a crisis of conscience and credibility – with potential legal and professional consequences looming ahead.

Patients. Their faith in the healthcare system is shaken – as they grapple with the possibility of profit-driven prescriptions.

Industry. Pharmaceutical companies must navigate the fallout – balancing the drive for innovation with the commitment of integrity.

Breaking the Cycle of Whataboutism

Embrace Transparency. Companies like Bell-Kenz must confront issues head-on – fostering a culture of openness and ethical clarity.

Educate and Regulate. The industry must commit to educating its members about ethical practices and enforcing regulations that discourage conflicts of interest.

Cultivate Accountability. Stakeholders must hold each other to account – creating a self-regulating ecosystem that prioritizes patient welfare over profit.


As the classroom discussion winds down, the air is thick with newfound understanding and unresolved tension. The Bell-Kenz case has laid bare the good, the bad, and the ugly drift of its whataboutism defense.

Prof Jay’s voice rings out a solemn reminder:

“The Bell-Kenz scandal is a mirror reflecting the ethical dilemmas plaguing the pharmaceutical industry. It underscores the need for accountability and ethical reform. Remember, as future leaders, you’ll face similar challenges. It’s your responsibility to foster integrity and trust in your industries.”

He winds up his class with the following deep-rooted message:

“To those of you who, by a stroke of fate, become doctors someday, let me make you think of your hands as threads that mend, your knowledge as a beacon in the tempest of illness. The proverb, “With power comes great responsibility,” resonated profoundly with your calling. You wield the power to heal, to comfort, and to give hope where it may have waned.

“Such a power, sacred and potent, demands a stewardship of the highest ethical standards. Always remember the weight of the oath you carry, the lives that lay gently in your hands, and the trust bestowed upon you. In every decision, let compassion guide you, and in every action, let integrity be your compass.”

A blend of wisdom and experience, Prof Jay’s voice ebbs away as the school buzzer cuts through the last of his sentences. He watches with a knowing smile as his students leave the classroom, not with perfect answers, but with the right questions, and the understanding that the true test of leadership lies in the choices they will make when profit and principle collide.

Content put together in collaboration with Microsoft Bing AI-powered Co-pilot

Head collage photos courtesy of Freepik & Rawpixel

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

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