Saturday, 15 June 2024



First Lady says she drank from Chiz’s glass in ‘mischievous’ bet –

The headline above tells of the viral incident that took place on Independence Day when First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos (FL) was seen swiping a wine glass out of Senate President Chiz Escudero’s hands and drinking from it.

At any high-profile vin d’honneur (“wine of honor” in French) or reception for the diplomatic corps, the setting demands a high level of decorum and respect, and every action is under scrutiny. Thus, the subsequent reaction to the wine glass swiping was swift and severe. Just as some users have flagged FL’s manner as unbecoming, so too have others sneered at Escudero for looking like a waiter.

Why was this such a big deal? First, there’s the issue of personal space and property. Taking someone’s drink is a blatant disregard for his autonomy. In a professional setting, it shows a lack of respect and consideration. Then, there’s the matter of hygiene. Sharing drinks, especially in the age of heightened health awareness, is a significant breach of social norms. Finally, such an action undermines the professionalism expected in diplomatic interactions, reducing the gravitas of the event to something more akin to a college party.

A public figure, like a First Lady, is held to a higher standard of conduct. She represents not just herself, but the Philippines. Her actions are a reflection of her entire nation and can influence public behavior and perception.

Private and public behavior sing different tunes. What might be acceptable among close friends in a private setting can be entirely inappropriate in a public, formal event. It’s one thing to share a drink with a friend at a casual get-together; it’s another to do so at a formal event where decorum is paramount.

The Role and Expectations of First Ladies

First Ladies are more than just spouses of leaders; they’re symbols of grace, diplomacy, and the nation’s image. They’re expected to navigate the tricky waters of public life with poise and perfection. With the eyes of the world on them, every gesture, outfit, and comment is dissected and discussed. The media amplifies their actions, often transforming minor missteps into major news.

Caught on Camera: Etiquette-Breaking Episodes

Let’s delve into some notable incidents involving First Ladies on the world stage who found themselves in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. These incidents ought to take the sting out of FL for not being all alone in such high-profile faux pas.

Melania Trump’s Hand Swat and Jacket

During a state visit to Israel in 2017, cameras caught First Lady Melania Trump swatting away President Donald Trump’s hand as he tried to hold hers. The internet exploded, speculating about their relationship dynamics. It was a small gesture, but in the world of public figures, it was a big deal.

In 2018, while boarding a plane to visit detained migrant children, Melania Trump wore a jacket with the words “I Really Don’t Care, Do U?” printed on the back. The jacket sparked outrage and confusion, with many interpreting it as insensitive to the plight of the children she was visiting. The incident highlighted the importance of messaging through attire in public appearances.

Michelle Obama’s Touching the Queen

In 2009, during a reception at Buckingham Palace, Michelle Obama placed her hand on Queen Elizabeth II’s back. This simple, friendly gesture broke royal protocol and sparked a media frenzy. Some praised the genuine display of camaraderie, while others criticized the breach of etiquette. It highlighted the cultural differences in protocol and the importance of understanding royal decorum.

Carla Bruni’s Nude Photos Scandal

In 2008, nude photos from Carla Bruni’s modeling career resurfaced and were published by a Spanish newspaper. As France’s First Lady, this led to a media frenzy and public debate about the appropriateness of such images. It challenged perceptions of privacy and decorum for public figures.

Samantha Cameron’s Bare Feet in Public

In 2011, Samantha Cameron, wife of then-Prime Minister David Cameron, was photographed barefoot during a visit to a mosque in Indonesia. Critics argued it violated local customs of dress modesty, sparking discussions about cultural sensitivity and the importance of respecting local customs during official visits.

Brigette Macron’s Casual Dress Code

French First Lady Brigitte Macron faced criticism for wearing jeans during a state visit to Greece in 2017. The casual attire at an ancient site led to debates about appropriate dress codes for official visits. It was a classic clash between personal style and diplomatic expectations.


These episodes do more than just make headlines; they shape public opinion and influence diplomatic relations. When First Ladies break etiquette, it can strain local and international relationships, create unnecessary political tension, and dominate the news cycle, often overshadowing more substantive issues.


What can we learn from these high-profile gaffes? Here are a few takeaways:

Cultural Sensitivity. Understanding and respecting cultural norms and protocols can prevent many faux pas.

Public Responsibility. First Ladies, like all public figures, have a responsibility to maintain a high standard of conduct.

Training and Awareness. Etiquette training for those in prominent positions is crucial.

Balancing Authenticity and Protocol. While it’s important for First Ladies to remain authentic, they must also adhere to expected norms, especially in public settings.

These episodes illuminate the essential nature of decorum, the profound influence of media amplification, and the crucial role First Ladies play in setting a sterling example.

To conclude on a lighter note, picture with me a delightful state dinner at a grand presidential palace.

First Lady (FL): (chatting to the guest) Oh, you must try this pie. It’s simply divine!

Guest Leader (GL): (smiling) Merci, I would love to.

[The First Lady enthusiastically picks up the guest leader’s fork and cuts a large piece of pie, feeding it to him.]

GL: (surprised, mouth full) Oh, oh! Merci, Madame.

[ The guest leader’s wife watches in shock, her eyes wide.]

Wife: (whispering to her husband) I believe the cutlery is usually used by oneself, no?

FL: (oblivious, smiling) Oh, my dear, don’t be such a stickler for rules! We’re all friends here.

[The President approaches, noticing the scene.]

President: (smiling awkwardly) Honey, perhaps we should let our guest handle his own dessert.

FL: (realizing, chuckles) Oh darling, I’m just so used to helping our kids at home. My apologies.

GL: (grinning) No harm done, Madame. The pie is delicious, just the same. Okey dokey.

Content put together in collaboration with ChatGPT

Head photo courtesy of News Press

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

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