Thursday, 12 December 2024



As the air fills with the scent of pine and the twinkle of lights, Christmas ushers in a season of joy and celebration. Across the land, festive shows and pageants light up the holiday spirit, each one a unique spectacle.

In this article, I decided to take a break from the intense political drama of the Marcos-Duterte rift to immerse myself in the magic of one of the largest Christmas pageants in the United States – the Gift of Christmas (GOC) at the Worship Center of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas. Join me as I share my enchanting experience of this breathtaking event that promises to captivate hearts and spread the true essence of the season.

As I entered the grand Worship Center of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, my eyes widened with anticipation. My wife and I had the privilege of witnessing one of the most highly acclaimed Christmas spectacles in Texas, thanks to our generous host Ed, one of the Prestonwood ushers, who secured tickets for us. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as we joined thousands of eager guests filling the 6,000-seat venue. Every seat was taken, underscoring the popularity and magnetic draw of this annual event.

                               Host & Prestonwood usher Ed                              Cher, Ray, & Prestonwood choir member Edith

The moment the lights dimmed and the curtain rose, I was instantly captivated. This two-hour Prestonwood tradition, a highlight of the Christmas season, unfolded before us with a dazzling array of special effects, a nearly 1,000-member cast and choir, a live orchestra, and even flying angels. The visual and auditory grandeur was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

The program, precisely timed to a powerful 100 minutes, held me spellbound from start to finish. It featured all my Christmas favorites, each brought to life with exquisite detail. The Living Nativity -- with its camels and kings, flying angels, and breathtaking virtual scenery -- made the Christian story come alive in a way that was both poignant and awe-inspiring. The bold lighting and scenic design, along with the brilliant musical score crafted exclusively for this event, added depth and emotion to the performance, enhancing the message of The Greatest Story Ever Told.

The production was masterfully divided into three seamless segments. The opening act celebrated the secular joys of Christmas with lively non-religious songs, jubilant dancing, and even Santa Claus himself. Children played prominent roles, and the highlight was Santa’s grand entrance and departure in his sleigh, soaring above the audience and leaving everyone, young and old, in awe.

The second act transitioned into the sacred, showcasing the religious aspects of Christmas with traditional carols and a stunning rendition of The Little Drummer Boy. High above the audience, drummers performed with precision and passion, their beats resonating deeply within the hall and leaving an indelible impression on everyone present.

Finally, the pageant culminated in a breathtaking Live Nativity scene. Accompanied by live animals – including camels, donkeys, sheep, and even zebras – the Wise Men presented their gifts to the Baby Jesus. The cast bowed in reverence before the Christ child, reminding us of the simple yet profound reason for the season. This closing scene was a poignant reminder of the hope and love that Christmas represents.

As the show concluded, my wife and I left the Worship Center with joy and gratitude. The experience had not only entertained us but also deeply moved our spirits, reaffirming the timeless message of hope and love.

Driving home, we admired the twinkling lights and decorations adorning the homes in our neighborhood. Each house told its story of anticipation and celebration, a quieter echo of the grand spectacle we had just witnessed. While the pageant dazzled with its grandeur, the simple charm of a single Christmas tree in a family’s living room carried its beauty. Both, in their unique ways, celebrated the birth of the same Baby Jesus.

Reflecting on the juxtaposition of these two scenes – a spectacular pageant captivating thousands and the intimate, quiet beauty of a decorated home – I was reminded of the simplicity of the first Christmas. Luke 2: 6-7 recounts it best:

[T]he time came for the baby to be born, and [Mary] gave birth to [Jesus], a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger…

The first Christmas wasn’t filled with grandeur but simplicity, humility, and love – a powerful message still relevant today. Yet, as we celebrate this season of joy, we must also acknowledge the fear and uncertainty many face in our modern world. Billy Graham once reflected on the pervasive fear of his time, saying:

“If there’s one word that seems to describe our world and its mood today, it is ‘fear.’ It seems like every day the headlines scream of some new crisis in our world that threatens to plunge us into chaos. Just as real as just as tragic are the personal crises that never make the headlines. The marriage is falling apart. The heartache of a broken relationship. The despair of a lost job. The threat of illness. The slavery of a drug or alcohol problem that seems unbreakable.

“Jesus spoke of a time when men’s hearts would fail them for fear. We seem to be living in just such a time as that today. Silent night, holy night seems like a romantic dream or even a false hope that vanishes in the face of the realities of life.”

These words resonate profoundly, especially in light of headlines about fear and uncertainty gripping many communities, such as the challenges faced by immigrants under the threat of mass deportation as shown by the following headline;

“Fear of mass deportations pose new challenges for educators across the country” (PBS)

If “you constantly threaten people with the possibility of mass deportation, it really inhibits peoples’ ability to function in society and for their kids to get an education,” said Hiroshi Motomura, a professor at UCLA School of Law.

In such a climate of fear and uncertainty, the twin messages of hope and love embodied by the Gift of Christmas are more vital than ever.

As 1 John 4:18 reminds us, Perfect love drives out fear.

May the true essence of the season bring us solace – a love so perfect that it dispels fear and brings lasting peace. This, we call, a perfect Christmas.

Content and editing put together in collaboration with ChatGPT

Preston Gift of Christmas still photos courtesy of Edith McCoy, other photos by pixabay, adobe stock, &  Wholeness/oneness/justice

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