Saturday, 18 June 2022



Author’s note: A long and complex article, this must be read, I suggest, when you have nothing else to do.

“We can conclude the election was not credible and therefore the result is not acceptable… If IT experts find SD cards were tampered with, then the election can be considered a failure.” (Frank Ysaac, former president of the Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines, “Sanctity of the Ballot” Electoral Fraud Series conference, June 14, 2022)

Many years ago, urged by the school, I wrote a letter to Dionne, my 12-year-old daughter then, sitting in on a retreat, which I am excerpting below:

“Every morning, you wake up, you see through your window the sun rises behind the mountain. It is very, very far -- 93 million miles away -- so far that if we fly to go there in a jet plane, it would take us almost 20 years. By that time, you would have gotten married and had kids already.

“It is also very, very hot – 5,600 degrees centigrade – so hot not only will it boil water, but also vaporize your hot chocolate cup like your superhero with laser eyes. This heat travels from the sun through outer space at the speed of light – 186,000 miles per second – as fast as lightning, like your superhero. After 8 minutes of whizzing in outer space, the heat cools down and gets to the earth as warm sunlight which you feel on your skin during the day. This heat cooks the brew of carbon dioxide sniffed by the plant from the air and water sipped from the ground -- at the kitchens in its leaves. You call this cooking in your science, photosynthesis. It turns up oxygen and carbohydrates that keep life going on Earth.

“Just imagine, this whole set-up goes on every second every day all year round even while you’re asleep. Just imagine, what would have happened if the sun got a little closer to earth – we would have been barbecued. Yuck! If farther, we would have been frozen, like ice cubes. Ew!

“Dionne, the distance between the earth and the sun is so perfect that some guy is so cool and intelligent to have made such exact computation -- just like the carpenter who made your desk and chair. The same guy you’ve always asked in your prayer before you go to sleep to watch over you the whole night. We call him, God.”


Still instilled into my mind, the essence of such a letter was inspired by a Jesuit priest in college who had given away in a retreat those cool insights which I found irresistible. Later, I figured out it’s a perfect example of what is known today as Intelligent Design (ID) – defined as the study of patterns in nature that are best explained as the product of intelligence.

Here’s a familiar picture -- an arrow hits the bull’s eye – and begs the question: How do I hit the bull’s eye like that? One Quora netizen, Michael Bertsch, hits the target with his straight-as-an-arrow answer (edited for clarity and space) below:

“Our brains have a place in there dedicated to the development of target-directed motor skills. When we start to learn, we shoot an arrow. Our brains begin to store the data from that shot: finger position, whether the drawing elbow is in line with the point of aim, holding hand position, and body orientation. Our brain remembers where the arrow went. It begins to correct for errors the very next shot.”

To get as good as the Olympics gold medallist, it may take as many as thousands of shots. “You have to do everything the same every time,” Bertsch stressed. “The arrow will go in the same place each time.”

In a nutshell, that striking picture of an arrow that hits the bull’s eye is a result of an “intelligent design” -- the blueprint of which is processed in our brain.

Here’s a classic example of the argument for the evidence of intelligent design: the origin of information in Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and the origin of life. DNA is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. It is the carrier of genetic information. Stephen C. Meyer, Cambridge-educated philosopher of science explained in his book “Signature in the Cell” which I am excerpting below:

“We know that what runs the show in biology is what we call digital information or digital code…The DNA molecule is literally encoding information into alphabetic or digital form. And that’s a hugely significant discovery because what we know from experience is that information always comes from intelligence, whether we’re talking about hieroglyphic inscription or a paragraph in a book, or a headline in a newspaper. If we trace information back to its source, we always come to a mind…”

Bill Gates says, “DNA is like a computer program.” Just as the computer hardware that can copy and process information in software originated in the mind of an engineer, so too DNA can be inferred to have a creative source in the mind of an “intelligent designer.”

While the Theory of Evolution (TE) sees all of life and all structures on our planet as the result of blind purposeless material processes, on the contrary, ID looks into scientific evidence for patterns in nature as a design – the product of intelligence. Such intelligence can be God. ID logic says: if there’s God, then there’s design. In contrast, TE logic says: if there’s no design, then there’s no God.

William Dembski, mathematician, philosopher, theologian, and ID proponent, illustrated a futuristic scene where some aliens drop by the Earth to carry out an archaeological study about the long-lost humankind and find Mt. Rushmore relic. The faces of Roosevelt, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Washington on their digital archives, match the faces on Mt. Rushmore. Aliens can figure out it is not the result of the natural forces of wind and erosion but the intelligent design.


At this point in my article, the picture of the earnest efforts of a few good men at the “Sanctity of the Ballots” Electoral Fraud Series conference entered my mind.

As a backgrounder, my personal chat with an IT expert-friend the day after the election about the “weird” aspect of the results would be a useful discussion starter.

Me: Have you seen that viral print of a seeming pre-programmed digital process? What’s your opinion about it?

IT Friend (ITF): It means, the SOURCE CODE had been revised to follow a fixed pattern of a gap.

Me: Is this possible?

Then, I showed my friend the viral 8-minute video of a simulated mini-election in a workplace which demonstrated the hacking of the electronic voting machine that might have happened allegedly in our May 9 election.

Me: The video clip has demonstrated it can happen. Right?

ITF: I think it could be done as he demonstrated in the video.

Here’s a major takeaway from the conference taken from Jenny Ortuoste’s column in Manila Standard:

“Gen. Eliseo Rio, former Department of Information and Communications Technology undersecretary for operations, showed statistical and mathematical analyses pointing to the ‘statistically improbable’ numbers as well as distorted ratios that he said tend to show that ‘the results were programmed to jibe with the poll surveys’.”

Former Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX) president Frank Ysaac has offered proof that the May 9 national election was fixed for President-elect Marcos Jr. Gianni Russo in the Dailypedia article reported that “like the millions of Filipinos, Ysaac found it peculiar how 80 percent of the voters were already counted in just two hours. Secondly, he wondered about the SD card that was used to run the software responsible for counting the votes.” He raised the following questions:

“Dahil sa mabilis na transmission, meron bang nag-check kung may laman na mga balota bago mag-umpisa ng election? Meron ba nag-check ng SD bago ininstall sa 107k VCM? Sino po nag-install ng SD cards sa VCMs? At sino ba talaga ang provider na binayaran ng COMELEC para sumulat ng codes?”

As the Intelligent Design proponents have inferred: the “improbable” was the result of intelligence, ironically, in this election fraud case – it is the result of a human maleficence.

“I would say… we haven’t won the day,” Dembski lamented. “I remember one professor of mine of statistics, he said, ‘You know it is one thing to have a good idea, but then you’ve got to sell the idea.’”

            In the same boat, the few good men of the Electoral Fraud Series conference, sad to say, have still to win the day too. Phil Daily, big data analyst and engineer of the U.S. Filipinos for Good Governance, summed up:

“Was the 2022 Philippine presidential election an example of a perfectly executed campaign, or the greatest scam ever? Unfortunately, we will never really know.”

Just as we may ask, "Is there a God?" "intelligent" patterns in nature seem to say so, so too we may ask, "Is there an election fraud?" "improbable" patterns in results seem to say so.

Food for thought clincher: Is this a case of much ado about nothing or a blinding flash of the obvious?

Head Still Photo Courtesy of Cottonbro from pexelsdotcom

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