Saturday, 29 June 2024



"Three Dutertes to run for Senate."

The headline-grabbing revelation above sparked the 2025 election suddenly in our political landscape.

Here’s a prerequisite question: Does anyone know what happened in the 2022 election? Why is this a crucial question? The controversial figure of 31 million is turning out to be a sham as far as Former DICT Secretary Eliseo Rio’s valuation is concerned.

Aside from the vital issue of electoral legitimacy and integrity, any political pundit’s analysis of upcoming elections based on the 2022 presidential election results, such as the controversial 31 million figure, will be reduced to a fanciful opinion.

In Jarius Bondoc’s Philstar column Election fraud most evident in 44 of 82 provinces – Rio, the former DICT secretary reports the following highlights:

“Here are ERs of all provinces that were transmitted in the first hour after voting closed at 7 p.m. on Election Day, compared to ERs transmitted in the second hour. These first two hours of counting show rigged results.

“Comelec records show that the Transparency Server received the first ER at 1:08:50 p.m. The first canvassed votes were publicized at 8:02:00 p.m., a span of 53 minutes in the first hour.

“By 8:02 p.m. 39,512 precincts had transmitted ERs comprising 20,676,855 votes. Unusually fast, for it means that 39,512 VCMs transmitted ERs in 53 minutes. This translates to 746 ERs transmitted per minute or 12.4 ERs per second. A world record!

“But that transmission rate wasn’t sustained in the second hour. Logically and historically, more VCMs would be ready to transmit their ERs in the second hour than in the first hour during which nine administrative requirements had yet to be fulfilled.

“From 8:02 to 9:00 p.m., a span of 58 minutes, the number of transmitted ERs dropped to 25,784. That’s only 446 ERs transmitted per minute, almost half of the 746 ERs in the first hour. Comelec can’t explain this sudden drop."

Manipulated and Preprogrammed

“This can only happen if the ER transmission were manipulated and preprogrammed. The manipulation is reinforced by the fact that 44 of 82 provinces had already the same ratio of actual voters to registered voters in the first hour when compared with the second hour.

“This coincidence cannot be the result of the statistical Law of Large Numbers. There is no cause-and-effect relationship between the number of votes in the first hour with that of the second hour.”

Bondoc’s triggering question is on target: “If this isn’t proof of 2022 election fraud, then what is?”

The seeming apathetic public reaction is understandable -- the whole shebang is complex and high-tech. Perhaps, the following fact may help get our heads around this elephant in the room: a similar man-in-the-middle cyber attack happened in the Ukraine presidential election in 2014.

Ukraine election narrowly avoided ‘wanton destruction’ from hackers, bannered The Christian Science Monitor (TCSM) then. A brazen three-pronged wave of cyber-attacks aimed at wrecking Ukrainian presidential elections – including an attempt to fake computer vote totals -- has set the world on notice – and bears Russian fingerprints.

Just days before the election, the Ukrainian Central Election Commission (CEC) was targeted by hackers believed to be associated with Russian groups. The attackers managed to compromise the CEC’s network, deleting critical files and installing malware designed to manipulate the election results. This malware was programmed to display an ultra-nationalist candidate, Dmytro Yarosh, as the winner with 37% of the vote, overshadowing the actual front-runner, Petro Poroshenko, who ultimately won the election.

Man-In-The-Middle Attack

The Ukrainian security team detected unusual activity and anomalies in the data transmission process, which indicated a potential Man-In-The-Middle attack. This attack involves intercepting and altering communication between two parties without their knowledge. In this case, the goal was to manipulate the transmitted election results. (Hello Comelec! Sounds familiar? TNT, stand by.)

During the data transmission, the CEC’s monitoring tools flagged several anomalies. (They were in the character of the anomalies cited by Rio as expounded by Jarius Bondoc in his Philstar columns.)

Unusual Data Patterns. The data packets transmitted from the polling stations to the central server exhibited unusual patterns. ("Can Comelec explain? Presidential rivals got identical votes in NCR"; "Rio: 20-M vote barrage shocked, awed us to silence" - Jarius Bondoc’s Philstar columns)

Suspicious IP Addresses. The CEC monitoring system detected connections from IP addresses not part of the authorized network. These addresses might have been part of the attacker’s infrastructure to intercept and alter the data. ("Rio debunks Comelec chief’s claim that private IP address was legal”; “Rigged? 2022 polls illegally used private internet address – Rio” – Jarius Bondoc’s Philstar columns)

Altered Data. The data being received at the central server showed discrepancies when compared with the expected results. (“How did five presidential bets get identical votes in Manila precincts?” – Jarius Bondoc’s Philstar column)

Awed Us To Silence

While the Ukrainian government narrowly defeated the election cyber-attacks, sad to say, the very much the same cyber-attacks in our elections, as Bondoc banners, “awed us to silence.” It reminds me of then Foreign Secretary Raul Manglapus who once quipped: “If rape were inevitable, one should relax and enjoy it.” The crux of the matter: owing to their vigilance, the Ukrainian cybersecurity experts, were able to discover and neutralize the malware.

“Only 40 minutes before election results were to go live on television… a team of government cyber experts removed a “virus” covertly installed on Central Election Commission computers,” TCSM reported quoting Ukrainian security officials. “If it had not been discovered and removed, the malicious software would have portrayed ultra-nationalist Right Sector party leader Dmytro Yarosh as the winner with 37 percent of the vote (instead of the 1 percent he received) and Petro Poroshenko (the actual winner with a majority of the vote) with just 29 percent.


How did the Ukrainians pull it off? They were able to restore the vote-tallying system using backups as well as implemented continuous monitoring involving several layers:

Network Traffic Analysis. Uses tools and software to monitor the data packets traveling across the network. Any irregularities or unexpected patterns in the traffic could indicate an intrusion or tampering.

Intrusion Detection System. Detects unauthorized access or anomalies within the networks. Identifies unusual login attempts and changes in data transmission routes.

Endpoint Monitoring. Monitors endpoints, including voting machines and servers for signs of malware or unauthorized software changes.

Do we have those cyber defense safeguards?


Ana Marie Pamintuan has a striking last five words in her Philstar column “Three-in-one”: “All three [Dutertes] might actually win.”

Empty words – if based on Rio’s analysis in which the iffy 31 million figure in the 2022 presidential election was manipulated and preprogrammed.

Loaded words – if based on the following exposé of former Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario:

“On February 22, 2019, we received information from a most reliable international entity that high officials from China are bragging that they had been able to influence the 2016 Philippines elections so that Duterte would be president.”

Like a joker, the 2016 and 2022 elections’ results can be a very beneficial or a bad card to have on one’s hands.

Good luck, Philippines!

Content put together in collaboration with ChatGPT

Head collage photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Freepik, & American Hospital Association

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Tuesday, 25 June 2024



PH students second to last in creative thinking – PISA (GMA Network)

The above headline tells of the newly released report of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) that tested the creative skills of 15-year-old students in 64 countries worldwide.

Students were asked to think of original and diverse solutions for simple expressive tasks and familiar problems, like coming up with an interesting story idea or thinking of different ways to conduct an awareness-raising campaign in school. The test measures the capacity of students to generate, evaluate, and improve ideas in four different areas – creative thinking, visual expression, scientific problem-solving, and social problem-solving.

Test results revealed that the Philippines was second to the lowest next to Albania. Singapore, South Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Estonia, and Finland topped the test.

The bleak news above made me remember a book on my shelf Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi by Howard Gardner.

As I was flipping through the book’s more than 400 pages, what caught my eye was the heading A Developmental Perspective on a page with a pertinent excerpt I share below:

If, in early life, children have the opportunity to discover much about their world and to do in a comfortable, exploring way, they will accumulate invaluable "capital of creativity,” on which they can draw in later life.

Capital of Creativity

Picture a child – better still, your own -- barefoot, eyes wide as moons. They tiptoe through dew-kissed grass, chasing fireflies. Each blade of grass whispers secrets: the earth’s heartbeat, the scent of adventure. This is their laboratory wherein curiosity brews like potions. They collect treasures – pebbles, feathers, and the echo of distant laughter. These are the coins of creativity – the creative capital – minted in the forge of exploration.

Creativity isn’t a solitary genius hunched over a canvas; it’s a playground of possibilities. Children wield crayons like wizards, scribbling suns with purple rays and oceans with orange waves. Their art isn’t bound by rules; it’s a rebellion against beige walls and straight lines – crooked houses, rainbow-hued monsters – the world applauds. These early strokes shape their creative DNA.

Children are natural philosophers. They ask “why” until the sky blushes. What if clouds were marshmallow pillows? What if shadows danced at midnight? These whimsical questions are seeds – they sprout into innovation. Creativity thrives on the fertile soil of curiosity.

Remember climbing trees? Each branch was a ladder to the stars. Children leap, scrape their knees, and ascend. Risk isn’t a threat; it’s a ticket to the cosmic carnival. And when they fall, they learn resilience – the art of dusting off and trying again. Creativity blooms in scraped knees and bruised egos.

Not In Your Dreams

That reminds me of Kahlil Gibran’s poem On Children in college:

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,

Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

Let’s look at the other side of the coin which Gardner highlighted:

If, on the other hand, children are restrained from such discovering activities, pushed in only one direction, or burdened with the view that there is only one correct answer or that correct answers must be meted out only by those in authority, then the chances that they will ever cast out on their own are significantly reduced.

Here’s the twist: creativity isn’t immune to circumstance. Poverty casts shadows, restricting the playground. Some children inherit cardboard boxes; others, ivory towers. The capital of creativity isn’t evenly distributed.

Our local playground depicts this grim reality. In early life, Filipino children are restrained from such discovering activities because a total of 12.4% of Filipino children have been living in extreme poverty, according to the latest policy research working paper released by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the World Bank.

The figure is equivalent to around 5.14 million children who live in extreme poverty in 2022 – defined as living on less than $2.15 (about P126) a day. Thus, amid such a destitute life, they are restrained from, if not deprived of, discovering activities. No wonder, the Philippines fell to the bottom in creative thinking scores, second to the lowest, next to Albania.

Let’s snatch a glimpse at the bowels of the grim situation through the personal lens of Nina Archie, whose story, edited for brevity, we took from a “UNICEF for every child” publication.

Children began to flock in front of our car. They started dancing for money that the passengers would give. Some motorists would share but that does not mean that those coins are enough for living. Now, I started asking myself many things. Do they eat thrice a day? Do they study? Why do they dance and beg for money when they should be attending schools, and learning to read and write? Why are they amid the traffic not minding how polluted the air and how the temperature is?

I noticed that someone was sleeping beside where we parked and was not even bothered by people who walked and saw him lying down on those boxes. How could they sleep in the street with the oven-like temperature of the Philippines? How do they live without houses for safety and a proper source of water? Some are babies who looked only months old or worse, a newborn.

Another book The Creativity Crisis: The Decrease in Creative Thinking Scores is a thought-provoking study carried out many years ago by Kyung-Hee Kim where her analysis rings like an alarm in the American milieu: creative thinking scores then decline. It’s as if the minds scale mountains of knowledge, but forget how to dance with ideas. IQs rise, but creativity wanes. It’s like pianists mastering scales but forgetting the jazz.

 Back home, it's a double whammy. Creative thinking scores hang at the bottom rung, alongside lagging IQs in reading, math, and science. Just as the canvas is fraying, so too, does the symphony falters.

Imagine the classroom – the whispered hum of electric fans, the lingering scent of paper and pencils. Our children deserve more. Poverty shouldn’t be their conductor. We must rewrite the score. Let’s reshape education and take the sting out of poverty.

VP Sara resigned to pave the way to reshape education. Will Gadon, who the Inquirer Editorial tagged as the “walking, talking liability” do the same to pave the way to someone who can truly take the sting out of poverty?

Let’s honor the child within us – the one who once chased fireflies and believed in magic. Albert Einstein once said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Creativity isn’t a luxury; it’s the heartbeat of innovation. Someone has sounded once this alarm – Innovate or perish.

Content put together in collaboration with Microsoft Bing AI-powered Co-pilot

Head photo courtesy of Freepik

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Saturday, 22 June 2024



More than two years ago just before the 2022 presidential election, I wrote an ATABAY article Letter To Inday Sara Supporter Who Is Also My Friend, which, curiously, has taken on a life of its own amid Sara’s recent resignation, some excerpts below:

After I vote for Leni [for president] and hope she’ll win, my voter’s task ends. Yours just begin: after you vote for Sara [for vice-president] and hope she’ll win; further, you dream she will become a president in 2028. For such a dream to come true, she must first jump over the following three hurdles:

Hurdle 1. She must win the 2022 VP race.

Hurdle 2. She must perform with flying colors during her VP term.

Hurdle 3. She must be awarded the leadership succession presidential “baton” by her president.

While Leni is running as an independent, on the other hand, Bongbong is running under the umbrella of multiple parties with a throng of vested interests. Aiming now for the 2028 presidency is a horde of younger and ambitious breed of second-generation leaders emerging from a band of dynastic political clans embedded in Bongbong’s camp.

My friend, at this point, if ever you find that Leni’s presidency offers a much better prospect for Sara’s presidential run in 2028, then, such a conclusion is not a product of a tricky analysis of Sara’s predicament, but as an insight I am sharing with you as your friend.

Interestingly, looking back, Rep. Joey Salceda, an economist and a legislator, chimed in with my perspective with his RoSa tandem endorsement: “If you want a good economy, vote for Robredo-Duterte.”

Such a tandem, sad to say, didn’t see the light of day.

Let’s look over Sara’s hurdles.

Hurdle 1. Sara won the 2022 VP race.

Hurdles 2 & 3. At the moment, Sara staggers, closing the windows of political opportunities with her recent resignation.

Quo Vadis, Sara?

One path of opportunity for Sara diverges in a political wood. But it will be a difficult journey. Just as M. Scott Peck started his book The Road Less Travelled, with the line “Life is difficult,” so too did Robert Frost in his poem The Road Not Taken compose that it’s “the road less traveled.” The Bible says that it’s a narrow road and only a few find it.

One took a journey on such a road that has made all the difference -- Leni. Oddly enough, it was Sara’s father, then President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD), who carved out for Leni the difficult and narrow road. The following headline then spoke volumes of the political harshness that Leni put up with under PRRD: Robredo asked to stop attending Cabinet meetings, quits post. (Inquirer)

“From the very beginning, the President and I had major differences in principles and values,” Leni narrated. “Since I assumed office, I have been consistent in my opposition to issues such as the burial of former President Ferdinand Marcos in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, extra-judicial killings, reinstating the death penalty, lowering the age of criminal liability, and sexual attacks against women.”

Hoping her commitment to the poor and marginalized would transcend the differences between PRRD and her, Leni accepted the offered job of Housing Secretary.

Despite the obstacles thrown at Leni’s way, such as a budget cut of P19 billion for all key shelter agencies, disregard of all her key shelter agency appointment recommendations, and neglecting the Executive Order designed to make HUDCC effective, in barely five months, Leni racked up solid accomplishment in HUDCC.

All of a sudden, Leni received a text message relaying PRRD’s instruction “to desist from attending all Cabinet meetings.”

That was the last straw for Leni. Since it would be impossible for her to perform her duties, she tendered her resignation from the Cabinet. Leni bid farewell:

“With this resignation, you can expect that I will continue to support the positive initiatives of this administration and oppose those that are inimical to the people’s interest. However, as your duly elected Vice President, I will not allow the Vice Presidency to be stolen. I will not allow the will of the people to be thwarted. I will continue to serve the Filipino family and fulfill their dream for a better life.”

Against All Odds

Leni persisted and turned out well as a “stand-alone” VP which Rocel Lazaro of the Friedrich Haumann Foundation describes:

“As a staunch critic of President Duterte’s deadly 'War on Drugs,' Robredo has been at the receiving end of misogynistic assaults and disinformation propaganda. While these attacks often belittled her leadership and the work of her office, Robredo’s political track record shows a different picture than the one fabricated.

“Leni Robredo successfully transformed the Office of the Vice President (OVP) into an advocacy-driven department geared towards uplifting the lives of the Filipino population living in poverty. The flagship program of her office, Angat Buhay, mobilized resources from over 370 partner organizations which eventually helped to alleviate poverty of around 600,000 Filipino families nationwide.

“Under Robredo’s leadership, the OVP received the highest audit rating from the Commission on Audit (COA) for three consecutive years and was certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) after a successful audit of its quality management system.

“During the pandemic, even with a limited budget, Robredo launched various initiatives such as raising donations to purchase equipment for health workers and COVID-19 testing kits, offering free shuttles and dormitories for front liners, as well as providing meals to stranded individuals. Robredo received high regard from the masses for her hands-on projects which also led to an increase in the 2022 budget by the Senate for her office.”

A Dose Of Duterte’s Own Medicine

Indeed, Leni’s narrow road will be a difficult path – an uphill climb -- for Sara to follow. Strange to say, for what PRRD did to Leni, Sara’s difficult VP road today smacks of a dose of her father’s own medicine. In light of her present foggy political predicament stemming from her recent resignation, her taking Leni’s difficult road will be the only chance that will make a difference in Sara's 2028 presidential ambition.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

-- Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken

Like VP Leni then, does VP Sara have the right stuff to take such a difficult path?

Head photos and background courtesy of Get Real Philippines and Pinterest respectively
Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Tuesday, 18 June 2024


Nagtampisaw ba kayong dalawa sa init ng inyong katawan?

Pinagsamantalahan mo ba ang maselan na babae?

Napakahilig mo namang magsalat.

Those were samples of the lurid questions raised and suggestive comments made for the sexually arousing pleasure of the House of Representatives panel, including Harry Roque, feasting on the salacious grilling of the witness in Leila De Lima’s trumped-up charges many years ago.

“Romance” in our title doesn’t allude to such titillating words above, nor does it hint at the following banner of this latest revealing story:

Roque funds Mr. Supranatural PH winner’s Europe trip, documents show – The Manila Times

Soon after, the headlines triggered lurid and suggestive (a dose of Roque’s own medicine?) banners in YouTube vloggers:

Afternoon Delight: Harry Roque’s travel companion.

Wow Ahhh! Diabetic si Harry Roque kaya nagsama ng macho, pogi, at model at hindi nurse?

Sana all! Dating empleyado ni Harry Roque na ililibre sa ibang bansa pogi, macho, at model?

To some degree, the “romance” alluded to in our title is embedded in the following headline:

Porac Pogo Lists Harry Roque as legal representative - Rappler


The crux of the matter: Pogo. As a scam center, Pogo is a germ that sows the seeds of a “romance scam” through an intricate scheme called “pig butchering” where one victim ends up becoming today’s CNN headline: He died financially devastated.

It is the story of a father who took his life after losing his savings to international cyber criminals. And he’s not the only one. Heads up. You may be on the way to the same end which might have started simply with the following brief internet exchange.

Scammer (S): Hi there! I stumbled across your profile and couldn’t help but notice we have a lot in common.

Victim (V): Hello! That’s interesting. What caught your eye?

S: Your love for travel and art! I’m an avid traveler myself and an art collector. It’s rare to find someone who shares these passions.

V: That’s cool! Where have you traveled recently?

S: I just got back from Italy. The art there is breathtaking. I wish I could share this experience with someone special like you.

V: Italy sounds amazing! I’ve always wanted to go there.

S: Maybe one day we could go together. I feel a strong connection with you already.

V: That would be lovely. It’s nice to meet someone who understands me.

[After some time, once trust is built.]

S: You know, I’ve been working on this exciting investment opportunity in crypto. It has great growth potential.

V: Really? I don’t know much about crypto.

S: No worries. I can guide you through it. It’s a sure way to secure our future, especially if we’re considering that trip to Italy.

V: That does sound promising…

S: Trust me, I only want the best for us. If you invest now, we could see huge returns in just a few months!

V: How much are we talking about?

S: Just a small amount to start with, say $5,000? You won’t regret it.

Killed By A Scam

In the CNN feature article, He died financially devastated, Teele Rebane and Ivan Watson write, “Sitting at the table, [son] Matt struggles to recount the events of the past months. ‘As soon as I found out that it was a suicide [by his father], I was 100% sure that it was the scam,’ he says.” CNN narrated:

“On a horse farm in northern Virginia, surrounded by sprawling fields and stables, the family gathers at their younger sister Adrianne’s house – something they’ve done a lot in the three months since their father took his own life after falling victim to a so-called pig butchering scam.”

The term pig butchering refers to an unsuspecting victim – the pig – being tricked by scammers into forking over money into cryptocurrency. District attorney Jeff Rosen says that once criminals “fatten up” their victims’ digital wallets, they steal the money.”

Back Home

At times, the deception is straightforward, lacking the complexity of schemes like pig butchering. A colleague of mine unexpectedly received a substantial sum of money. Coincidentally, he was soon contacted by a woman whose profile picture portrayed her as an attractive soldier. Despite suspicions that she might have had privileged information about his newfound wealth, he was intrigued and accepted her friend request. Their conversations blossomed into a virtual friendship.

In one peculiar exchange, she claimed to have sent him a package valued at $1.8 million. Despite the glaring warning signs, he continued their correspondence, captivated by her beauty and charm.

It took his sister’s assertive intervention to prevent him from potentially losing his life savings.

Reflecting on this incident, it’s astonishing how these fraudsters have mastered the art of gaining victims’ trust, sometimes even over their kin. It’s a profound psychological manipulation they’re executing globally. He was not merely interacting with a lone con artist; he was ensnared by a multibillion-dollar syndicate equipped with strategies designed to exploit human emotions. It was as if he had been subjected to a form of psychological conditioning.

The Social Costs of POGOs

While POGOs are touted for their economic contributions, the social costs are often overlooked. Cybercrimes, such as romance scams, have become synonymous with these gaming hubs. Victims from around the world share harrowing tales of deceptions and loss, painting a grim picture of the psychological and financial devastation wrought by these scams.

Economic Benefits vs. Social Detriments

The employment opportunities and revenue generated by POGOs are frequently highlighted by proponents. However, when weighed against the social detriments – broken families, drained savings, and shattered lives – the economic benefits pale in comparison. Experts warn that without intervention, the societal impact of POGOs could be irreversible.

The Multibillion-Dollar Scam Industry

The scam industry linked to POGOs is vast and complex. Law enforcement agencies grapple with its intricacies, often hindered by legal loopholes and jurisdictional challenges. To combat this industry effectively, a multifaceted strategy encompassing policy reform and international cooperation is essential.

Senator Risa Hontiveros concluded:

“Halo-halong kalamay na ang scams, national security threats, at human trafficking. And let us be clear: Pogos are scam centers.  Pogos are a hotspot of fugitives. Pogos are a petri dish for crime.”

Leila De Lima said after her release from prison after nearly seven years of incarceration: “I need to be fully vindicated.”

Having separated the light from shadows and unveiled the dark side of POGOs, where her chief oppressor Rodrigo Duterte is the apparent POGO master enabler, Leila de Lima may now feel vindicated a bit while praying and hoping for ICC’s knock on our nation’s gate.

Content put together in collaboration with Microsoft Bing AI-powered Co-pilot

Head photo courtesy of 123RF

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Saturday, 15 June 2024



First Lady says she drank from Chiz’s glass in ‘mischievous’ bet –

The headline above tells of the viral incident that took place on Independence Day when First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos (FL) was seen swiping a wine glass out of Senate President Chiz Escudero’s hands and drinking from it.

At any high-profile vin d’honneur (“wine of honor” in French) or reception for the diplomatic corps, the setting demands a high level of decorum and respect, and every action is under scrutiny. Thus, the subsequent reaction to the wine glass swiping was swift and severe. Just as some users have flagged FL’s manner as unbecoming, so too have others sneered at Escudero for looking like a waiter.

Why was this such a big deal? First, there’s the issue of personal space and property. Taking someone’s drink is a blatant disregard for his autonomy. In a professional setting, it shows a lack of respect and consideration. Then, there’s the matter of hygiene. Sharing drinks, especially in the age of heightened health awareness, is a significant breach of social norms. Finally, such an action undermines the professionalism expected in diplomatic interactions, reducing the gravitas of the event to something more akin to a college party.

A public figure, like a First Lady, is held to a higher standard of conduct. She represents not just herself, but the Philippines. Her actions are a reflection of her entire nation and can influence public behavior and perception.

Private and public behavior sing different tunes. What might be acceptable among close friends in a private setting can be entirely inappropriate in a public, formal event. It’s one thing to share a drink with a friend at a casual get-together; it’s another to do so at a formal event where decorum is paramount.

The Role and Expectations of First Ladies

First Ladies are more than just spouses of leaders; they’re symbols of grace, diplomacy, and the nation’s image. They’re expected to navigate the tricky waters of public life with poise and perfection. With the eyes of the world on them, every gesture, outfit, and comment is dissected and discussed. The media amplifies their actions, often transforming minor missteps into major news.

Caught on Camera: Etiquette-Breaking Episodes

Let’s delve into some notable incidents involving First Ladies on the world stage who found themselves in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. These incidents ought to take the sting out of FL for not being all alone in such high-profile faux pas.

Melania Trump’s Hand Swat and Jacket

During a state visit to Israel in 2017, cameras caught First Lady Melania Trump swatting away President Donald Trump’s hand as he tried to hold hers. The internet exploded, speculating about their relationship dynamics. It was a small gesture, but in the world of public figures, it was a big deal.

In 2018, while boarding a plane to visit detained migrant children, Melania Trump wore a jacket with the words “I Really Don’t Care, Do U?” printed on the back. The jacket sparked outrage and confusion, with many interpreting it as insensitive to the plight of the children she was visiting. The incident highlighted the importance of messaging through attire in public appearances.

Michelle Obama’s Touching the Queen

In 2009, during a reception at Buckingham Palace, Michelle Obama placed her hand on Queen Elizabeth II’s back. This simple, friendly gesture broke royal protocol and sparked a media frenzy. Some praised the genuine display of camaraderie, while others criticized the breach of etiquette. It highlighted the cultural differences in protocol and the importance of understanding royal decorum.

Carla Bruni’s Nude Photos Scandal

In 2008, nude photos from Carla Bruni’s modeling career resurfaced and were published by a Spanish newspaper. As France’s First Lady, this led to a media frenzy and public debate about the appropriateness of such images. It challenged perceptions of privacy and decorum for public figures.

Samantha Cameron’s Bare Feet in Public

In 2011, Samantha Cameron, wife of then-Prime Minister David Cameron, was photographed barefoot during a visit to a mosque in Indonesia. Critics argued it violated local customs of dress modesty, sparking discussions about cultural sensitivity and the importance of respecting local customs during official visits.

Brigette Macron’s Casual Dress Code

French First Lady Brigitte Macron faced criticism for wearing jeans during a state visit to Greece in 2017. The casual attire at an ancient site led to debates about appropriate dress codes for official visits. It was a classic clash between personal style and diplomatic expectations.


These episodes do more than just make headlines; they shape public opinion and influence diplomatic relations. When First Ladies break etiquette, it can strain local and international relationships, create unnecessary political tension, and dominate the news cycle, often overshadowing more substantive issues.


What can we learn from these high-profile gaffes? Here are a few takeaways:

Cultural Sensitivity. Understanding and respecting cultural norms and protocols can prevent many faux pas.

Public Responsibility. First Ladies, like all public figures, have a responsibility to maintain a high standard of conduct.

Training and Awareness. Etiquette training for those in prominent positions is crucial.

Balancing Authenticity and Protocol. While it’s important for First Ladies to remain authentic, they must also adhere to expected norms, especially in public settings.

These episodes illuminate the essential nature of decorum, the profound influence of media amplification, and the crucial role First Ladies play in setting a sterling example.

To conclude on a lighter note, picture with me a delightful state dinner at a grand presidential palace.

First Lady (FL): (chatting to the guest) Oh, you must try this pie. It’s simply divine!

Guest Leader (GL): (smiling) Merci, I would love to.

[The First Lady enthusiastically picks up the guest leader’s fork and cuts a large piece of pie, feeding it to him.]

GL: (surprised, mouth full) Oh, oh! Merci, Madame.

[ The guest leader’s wife watches in shock, her eyes wide.]

Wife: (whispering to her husband) I believe the cutlery is usually used by oneself, no?

FL: (oblivious, smiling) Oh, my dear, don’t be such a stickler for rules! We’re all friends here.

[The President approaches, noticing the scene.]

President: (smiling awkwardly) Honey, perhaps we should let our guest handle his own dessert.

FL: (realizing, chuckles) Oh darling, I’m just so used to helping our kids at home. My apologies.

GL: (grinning) No harm done, Madame. The pie is delicious, just the same. Okey dokey.

Content put together in collaboration with ChatGPT

Head photo courtesy of News Press

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Tuesday, 11 June 2024



Picture this: a grand new building, gleaming and modern, designed to house the nation’s lawmakers and provide a beacon of sustainable architecture. But as the costs spiral upwards, public outcry grows louder. This scenario isn’t from the pages of the dystopian novel but rather a real-world issue faced by the new Philippine Senate Building.

As our nation grapples with economic hardships, the building’s high costs have sparked controversy sparking off the following headline:

Escudero wants P23-billion new Senate building reviewed: Parang OA – Inquirer

The headline above tells of Senate President Escudero’s “shocking” discovery of the P23-billion allocation for the construction of the Senate’s new home which was only bid out for P8.9 billion.

The new Senate Building is a beacon of modernity and sustainability. This project is not just about providing office space but also about showcasing eco-friendly architecture – promising energy-efficient systems, water conservation measures, and the use of sustainable materials. Not bad. However, these noble ambitions come with a hefty price tag.

As the building approaches its opening, the public debate over its costs has intensified. During a time when our country is facing economic challenges, such an expensive project appears to be tone-deaf to the needs of ordinary Pinoys.


What has piqued my curiosity is Escudero’s word “OA” which stands for a lot of things. It could stand for “Over Acting” which means dramatic, as in “the structure will have four connected, elegant, ultramodern buildings which symbolize the four pillars of democracy, namely justice, equality, freedom, and representation.” Really? Wow! Talaga, ha?

Or, OA could stand for “Over Allocated,” or better still, “Open Account” which seems to imply “the sky’s the limit.” The final Approved Budget for the Contract amounts to P8.6 billion which covers only the core and shell of the building. “The interior fit-outs are to follow separately,” Sen. Panfilo Lacson reported.

That reminds me of the construction of my family house many years ago. When the contractor completed the core and shell of our house, we found large cash balances in our project total fund after we subtracted the actual costs.  We were so excited then that we thought of buying a second-hand car. But, in the final analysis, we’re off the mark in our cost projection. Besides not having bought our dream car, upon completion of our house, we incurred lots of debts due to unplanned but desired “interior fit-outs.”

“The interior fit-outs are to follow separately.” Such a statement in Sen. Lacson’s report appears so inconsequential that the term “interior fit-outs” could have gone under the evaluation radar -- with many probing eyes failing to catch its high value unless the probers are insiders who know about the nuts and bolts of the construction business.

To paint a picture of what interior fit-outs are all about, there are three types:  shell and core fit-outs, category A fit-outs, and category B fit-outs. Shell and core fit-outs include base flooring, plastering, doors, stairs, elevators, insulation, toilets, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, to name a few.

Category A fit-outs include suspended ceilings, internal surface finishes, basic lighting, fire detection, electrical outlets and cabling, among others. Category B fit-outs include office furnishings, kitchen and break rooms, lighting fixtures, artwork and décor, specialized flooring and finishes, carpets, and furniture, among others.

In other words, the seeming incidental “interior fit-outs” were a bulk of items of immeasurable value which was, wittingly or unwittingly, underestimated for whatever reason.

Historical Parallel

I have a handpicked OA: “Over Ang dating,” or “Over the Arrival,” to sound snazzy. Let me share a striking controversy, eerily cut from the same cloth – the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. The New York Times column bannered it then as “The Costliest Federal Building Ever.” Senator William Proxmire said that the new Hart Building “would make a Persian prince green with envy.”

Originally budgeted at $48 million, during its construction from 1975 to 1982, the final cost soared to $137.7 million – equivalent to $379 million today – strangely enough, equates to about P23-billion – the final allocation for our new Philippine Senate Building.

Public reaction then to the controversy of the Hart Senate Office Building was swift and severe. Senator Proxmire famously awarded the project his “Golden Fleece Award” for wasteful spending, criticizing the addition of extravagant features. Senator Chafee warned colleagues that the structure would “loom as an embarrassing monument to our efforts to stem inflation.”

Criticized for its stark appearance and considered by some as banal and excessively costly, it led Senator Daniel Moynihan to introduce a “Sense of the Senate” resolution – humorously suggesting that the building should be covered back up with the plastic sheathing that was used during construction.

Openly opposed to the construction of the Hart Building, Senator Dick Lugar called it a “fiscal and architectural affront to the American public” and issued a formal protest when he was moved into the building.

Referred to as a Taj Mahal and a “Mussolini-style marble barn,” with some critics likening it to a “glorified Hyatt Hotel,” such descriptions of the Hart Building reflect the perception that it was overly luxurious.

Public Perception and Backlash

The backlash against both Senate buildings centers around a common theme: the timing and necessity of such costly undertakings during periods of economic difficulty. In the Philippines, the billions spent on the new Senate building could be better allocated to pressing issues like healthcare, education, and social services. Echoed by many, such a sentiment reflects the new Senate building as a misallocation of resources when so many Pinoy families are struggling to make ends meet.

Similarly, the Hart Senate Office Building faced public outrage at its cost, particularly the luxury additions that seemed out of touch with the economic realities of the time. The elimination of some planned amenities, such as a rooftop restaurant and gymnasium, did little to quell the criticism.

It is worth noting that the new Philippine Senate Building has a gymnasium, plus other amenities such as a dignitaries lounge, senator lounge, library, food court, auditorium, museum, and gallery.

Lessons Learned

The experiences of both the Philippines and Hart Senate buildings offer valuable lessons.

Financial Planning and Management. Accurate cost estimates and contingency planning are crucial. Both projects suffered from financial overruns due to underestimations and a lack of stringent cost controls.

Public Communication and Transparency. Keeping the public informed about the need, progress, and benefits of large-scale projects can help mitigate criticism, especially during economic hardships.

Balancing Modernization and Prudence. While modern, efficient buildings are essential, it’s important to balance these needs with cost-effectiveness. Avoiding unnecessary luxury features and prioritizing essential functionalities can help keep projects within budget and reduce public backlash.

Content put together in collaboration with ChatGPT

Head Photo Courtesy of AECOM

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Saturday, 8 June 2024



To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

These words solemnly exchanged at the altar, bind two souls in a covenant of love and commitment. But what if “worse” becomes an unbearable reality? What if the once-rosy path of matrimony twists into a thorny maze of pain and disillusionment? Today, our nation grapples with this very question – the heated debate over legalizing divorce.

Like Damocles’ sword suspended above every marriage – legalized divorce is a threat, when wielded, that could sever the sacred bond. Such a sword casts shadows over both blissful and troubled unions.

The Threat of Divorce in Good Marriages

In the heat of an argument, words become weapons. We’ve all been there – the adrenaline surges, voices rise, and out of the blue, the ultimate weapon is unleashed.

As for me, after more than four decades of marriage, amid the boiling war of words, here’s the ultimate weapon I’ve unleashed so far: “Maybe we need a breather – I’ll go home to the province to take a LONG break.” (emphasis in word “long”) Right there and then, a deafening silence came next. With a legalized divorce in hand then, I could only imagine the worst scenario that might have happened - had I used a much more lethal weapon: “Maybe we get a divorce!”

Making such a divorce threat out loud, according to marriage counselor Dr. Marni Feuerman, is something that can’t be easily undone, causing an impact far more negative than just having the passing thought of separation. In her online article Why Threatening Divorce During An Argument Will Harm Your Marriage, she spells out three consequential effects of divorce threat:

Creating insecurity in marriage. Threatening to leave makes marriage less secure. It changes the dynamic of arguments, opening the door to a future apart. The other one may start thinking about divorce as well.

Making communication more difficult. Once one has made the ultimate divorce threat, it will make it much harder to address the underlying issue. The other may become less likely to talk about problems or more likely to hide them. The threat of divorce creates a fear of abandonment that can be tough to shake.

Making the conflict worse. Instead of resolving the problem, divorce threats tend to simply draw out the conflict. Compounding frustration and hurt with distrust and insecurity will only amplify the problem.

Weapon of Marriage Destruction

The divorce threat is traumatic according to Paul DePompo, PsyD, explaining that it brings marriage from one that promises “till death” to now saying, “Well maybe not so much.” He stresses that divorce threats can bring out a “protective” rather than a “problem-solving” mode.

Relationship coach Chris Armstrong explains, “When you use the D-word [Divorce] in an argument you are removing safety, security, and trust from a relationship, which are basic human needs.” He warns that when one utters a divorce threat, it can get the other angry enough to even “call the bluff.” 

“A universal trigger for anger is the sense of being endangered. Endangerment can be signaled not just by an outright physical threat but also, as is more often the case, by a symbolic threat to self-esteem or dignity,” asserts psychologist Dolf Zillmann as cited in Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence book. What could be more threatening to the self-esteem or dignity of a partner in a marriage than the threat of such a dreaded D-word: divorce?

Across our societal landscape, the D-word lands like a meteor, leaving emotional craters. Trust fractures. Couples grapple with fear – fear of losing the secure harbor they’ve built together. It’s not just a word; it’s an existential tremor. The very foundation quivers. To a great extent, divorce becomes the ultimate WMD – a weapon of marriage destruction.

Balancing Alternatives: Annulment and Legal Separation

Legalizing divorce isn’t the only option. Dealing particularly with an abusive and cruel spouse, the Family Code provides for the legal separation of married couples. There is annulment of voidable marriages, as well as salutary provisions in the Act defining Violence against Women and their Children.

Annulment is like a delicate scalpel -- dissecting without obliterating. Legal separation allows couples to live apart, yet the marriage endures. It’s a trial separation – a chance to breathe without severing the lifeline.

Sometimes, the cure (divorce) is worse than the disease (unresolved conflicts). Annulment and legal separation strike a balance – acknowledging irreparable bonds while avoiding the shockwaves of divorce.

Socio-Cultural and Religious Considerations

Our country wears its cultural and religious robes proudly. Divorce would disrupt this fabric. Pinoys honor tradition. Marriage isn’t just a contract; it’s a communal celebration. Divorce would ripple through whispered prayers. The Church’s stance is unwavering. Divorce clashes with the sanctity of the sacrament. Imagine a seismic shift – the ground quaking, foundations cracking. Legalizing divorce would unleash chaos. The D-word echoes in dimly lit chapels – challenging centuries-old beliefs.

A City of Two Tales

On a day unlike any other, when the heavens and the abyss took a pause, an angel and a demon, wearied from their eternal tasks, embarked on a curious game. They descended upon the earth to witness the tempests within the hearts of married couples, embroiled in their squabbles. It was amidst this earthly theatre that the celestial voyeurs encountered Juan and Maria in a cozy living room. Juan was sitting on the sofa, looking frustrated, while Maria stood by the window, arms crossed.

Juan: (sighs) Maria, we go through this every single day. It’s always the same issue over and over again!

Maria: (raising her voice) Because you never listen, Juan! You think you’re the only one who’s tired?

The angel and demon watch from a corner, invisible to the human eye, a playful smirk on the demon’s face.

Demon: (whispering). Oh, this is going to be good.

Angel: (concerned) Come on, humans. Find your love, not your anger.

Juan: (interrupting) You know what, Maria? Maybe we just get a divorce!

 The demon pumps a fist in the air silently, scoring a point.

Demon: (gleefully) That’s one for me!

Angel: (disappointed) Oh no.

With the score settled between the forces of light and shadow, the angel and the demon drifted onwards, their attention captured by another domestic tableau. In the warmth of a humble kitchen, they observed Pedro and Petra, whose voices rose and fell in the passionate dance of matrimony.

Petra: (frustrated) Pedro, I can’t believe you forgot our anniversary again!

Pedro: (defensive) I’ve been swamped at work, Petra. It’s not like I did it on purpose.

The angel and demon lean in, watching intently.

Angel (hopeful) Don’t forget your vows, guys. Remember your love.

Demon: (eagerly) Come on, people, say the magic words.

Petra: Pedro… (taking a deep breath), maybe… we should seek and listen to the wisdom of our parents.

The angel beams, a point scored for the side of light.

Angel: (joyfully) Yes! That’s the spirit!

Demon: (grumbling) Well played, Angel. Well played.

Petra reaches out to take Pedro’s hand, both smiling faintly as they find common ground.

In the quiet aftermath, the angel and the demon exchanged a glance, a silent accord between adversaries. They recognized the enduring saga of marriage, its trials, and triumphs, a testament to the complexity of love and marriage. And then, they gradually vanished, resuming their watch from the realms beyond.

Content put together in collaboration with Microsoft Bing AI-powered Co-pilot

Head collage photos courtesy of Freepik & Unsplash

Video clips courtesy of YouTube

Saturday, 1 June 2024


 Marcos: Killing of Filipino in WPS ‘Very close to an act of war’ – GMA News Online

Good day, everyone! Welcome to the Geopolitic Talk TV show. I’m your host, and now we’re diving into a hot topic of the day: crossing red lines. You know, those invisible boundaries that say, “Don’t cross this, buddy!” To break the ice, let’s get a kick out of this opening humorous sketch put together by our young creative studio artists.

Detective Sherlock (S): (leaning against a cluttered desk) Listen up, kid. Life’s full of choices – some black, some white. But then there’s the gray zone – the red line you’re not supposed to cross.

Intern Juan (J): (wide-eyed) The red line? Like when I accidentally ate the last donut in the break room?

S: (lights a cigarette) Nah, kid. Bigger stakes. Imagine a secret dossier – the kind that could topple governments. That’s the red line.

J: (whispers) But what if I accidentally spill coffee on the dossier?

S: (leans in) Then you’re toast, Juan. The boss will say, “You’ve crossed the red line, kid.” And suddenly, you’re in a crime movie, dodging shady characters and deciphering cryptic clues.

J: (nervously) But Detective, what’s the secret behind the red line?

S: (leans even closer) It’s like this, Juan. Life’s a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece – your choices, your actions – either fits or messes up the whole picture. Cross the red line, and you’re in a different movie – one with more shadows, and more intrigue.

ME: There you are, our mysterious detective setting red lines in the dimly lit corners of Cartoonville. Now let’s move ahead to our hot topic – crossing red lines in geopolitics. We invited a special guest, a geopolitical expert, who will tackle the complexities and nuances of this critical issue. Please help me welcome Mr. AI.

MR AI: Thank you for having me in your show. I look forward to answering your questions on the issue.

ME: Let’s start with the basics. Mr. AI, could you explain what exactly are red lines in the context of geopolitics, and why do leaders draw them?

MR AI: Certainly! Red lines are like invisible boundaries – thresholds that leaders set to signal what actions they won’t tolerate. Think of them as the “do not cross” tape at a crime scene. Leaders draw red lines for several reasons:

By defining clear boundaries, leaders discourage adversaries from taking certain actions. It’s like saying, “Step over this line, and you’re asking for trouble.”

Red lines communicate seriousness. They’re like turning on a flashing warning light. Leaders say, “We mean business.”

Red lines are crisis tools. When adversaries cross these boundaries, leaders have a framework for decisive responses. It’s like having emergency exits in a burning building.

ME: Great explanation! Now, let’s explore the strengths of setting red lines. What advantages do they offer?

MR AI: Sure, here are the strengths:

Deterrence and Clarity. Clarity matters. When President Marcos Jr. stated that killing a Filipino in the West Philippine Sea would be “very close to an act of war,” he sent a crystal-clear message. Imagine a signpost on a treacherous mountain trail: “Danger ahead – proceed with caution.” By defining this red line, the Philippines aims to deter China from aggression.

Strategic Signaling. Red lines signal resolve. It’s like a poker player going all-in. Everyone at the table takes notice. NATO’s Article 5 is a powerful example – the ultimate geopolitical red line that says, “An attack on one is an attack on all.”

Crisis Management. Red lines are emergency exits. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy set a red line regarding Soviet missiles in Cuba. The world held its breath.

ME: Fascinating! But every coin has two sides. What about the weaknesses of setting red lines?

MR AI: Indeed! Here are the challenges:

Subjectivity and Interpretation. Red lines are subjective. What’s a red line for one leader might be more inconvenient for another. Determining thresholds involves judgment calls. Misinterpretation could lead to unintended escalation.

Rigidity and Backing into Conflict. Rigid red lines limit flexibility. Leaders risk backing themselves into conflict. Balancing firmness with adaptability is crucial. No one wants a red line turning into a noose.

Inconsistent Enforcement: Leaders must be consistent. Inconsistent enforcement weakens deterrence. Imagine a “No Trespassing” sign everyone ignores. Leaders must avoid selective application based on politics.

ME: Prolific insights! Now, let’s talk about opportunities. How can businesses benefit from understanding geopolitical red lines?

MR AI: One is by way of Strategic Advantage. Businesses thrive on geopolitical risk assessment. Anticipating regulatory changes due to shifting alliances or trade dynamics creates opportunities. Companies diversify suppliers, relocate operations, and stay ahead of the curve.

The other is through Adaptive Responses. Red lines prompt proactive adjustments. When trade tensions rise, companies pivot. Like a sailor adjusting sails when the wind shifts, businesses diversify supply chains. Adaptability isn’t weakness; it’s survival.

ME: Incisive ideas! Finally, let’s address the threats. What risks come with setting red lines?

MR AI: Of course! Here are the challenges:

Escalation Risk. Crossing red lines risks escalation. Adversaries may respond forcefully. Leaders must manage responses to prevent unintended consequences.

Public Expectations and Pressure. Balancing public expectations with strategic imperatives can be challenging. Leaders can’t afford to disappoint their audience.

Changing Contexts. Geopolitical contexts evolve. Red lines set in one era may not apply in another.

ME: Great! Now, let’s wrap up our show with a touch of humor that our young and creative artists crafted. Imagine Homer is grappling with the concept of red lines. Picture this: it’s a sunny day, and Homer’s sitting on his iconic couch, remote in hand. The TV blares, and here’s what unfolds:

Homer: (munching on a donut) Marge, have you ever thought about red lines? You know, those invisible boundaries that say, “Don’t cross this, buddy!”

Marge: (rolling her eyes) Homer, you mean like when you promised not to eat any more donuts after the last dozen?

Homer: (leaning back) Exactly! But bigger. Like, geopolitical red lines. You know, the ones countries draw to keep their neighbors in check.

Marge: (skeptical) Geopolitical red lines? Homer, you can't even find the line between the bathroom and the closet.

Homer: (ignoring Marge) So, I’m thinking, what if we had red lines in everyday life? Like, at Moe’s Tavern. No more than three beers per customer! Bam! Red Line!

Marge: (facepalming) Homer, red lines aren’t about donuts or beer. They’re serious boundaries.

Homer: (scratching his head) Oh right! Like when I told our neighbor not to borrow my lawnmower. Ever! That’s a red line!

Marge: (exasperated) Homer, you’re missing the point! Geopolitical red lines prevent wars, protect sovereignty, and –

Homer: (interrupting) Marge, I’ve got it! Our own family red line! No more burnt casseroles for dinner!

Marge: (smiling) Well, Homer, that’s a start. But maybe we should focus on world peace instead.

Homer: (leaning back on the couch) Yeah, yeah. World peace, family peace – it’s all the same. Just don’t mess with my TV remote. That’s the ultimate red line!

ME: And there you have it, folks! Thank you for joining us today, Mr. AI! And remember, whether it’s donuts, beers, or world affairs, watch out for those red lines. Good day, everyone!

Content put together in collaboration with Microsoft Bing AI-powered Co-pilot
Head collage photos courtesy of Adobe Stock & Asian Center
Video clips courtesy of YouTube


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